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Week: Period: Date of teaching: LESSON PLAN (Based on Official Letter No. 2345/BGDDT-GDTH dated June 07, 2021 of the MOET) UNIT 16: SEASONS AND THE WEATHER Lesson 1 - Period 1 I. OBJECTIVES By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to: 1. Knowledge and skills - understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing on asking and answering questions about the weather in different seasons; - correctly say the words summer, autumn, winter, spring, hot, cool, cold and warm and use How’s the weather in Ha Noi in ___? - It’s____. to ask and answer questions about the weather in Ha Noi in different seasons; - use How’s the weather in Ha Noi in ___? – It’s ___. in a freer context. 2. Competences - Critical thinking and creativity: learn how to ask and answer questions about the weather in Ha Noi in different seasons correctly and fluently. - Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and teams to complete the learning tasks. - Self-control & independent learning: perform pronunciation and speaking tasks. 3. Attributes - Show their love and interest in the weather and seasons. - Express their knowledge about the weather of each season. - Show their knowledge of choosing suitable clothes in different seasons. II. MATERIALS - Pupil’s book: Page 40 - Audio tracks 52, 53 - Teacher’s guide: Pages 222, 223, 224, 225 - Website hoclieu.vn - Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 16) - Computer, projector, … III. PROCEDURES 1. WARM-UP & REVIEW (5 minutes) a. Objectives - To revise Unit 15 by asking the class to present the project from Lesson 3. b. Content - Game: Project Presentation (ppt) c. Expected outcomes - Pupils can present their surveys of “Health problems and giving advice” fluently. d. Organisation TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES PUPILS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT Game: Project Presentation (ppt) - Tell pupils they are going to present about their surveys of “Health problems and giving advice” in class. - Have pupils work in teams to - Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation. - Pupils work in teams to A picture of a pupil presenting his survey results
practise their presentation. Go around the classroom and offer help where necessary. - Invite a few pupils to show their surveys of “Health problems and giving advice” and give presentations in front of the class. - Praise good performances. practise their presentation. - Pupils give presentations in front of the class. e. Assessment - Performance products: Pupils’ performance and pronunciation - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers 2. ACTIVITY 1: EXPLORATION (5 minutes) a. Objectives - To understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing on asking and answering questions about the weather in different seasons. b. Content - Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. c. Expected outcomes - Pupils can understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing on asking and answering questions about the weather in different seasons. d. Organisation TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES PUPILS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. (Track 52) Step 1: Ask pupils to look at Pictures a and b and identify the characters and say what they can see in the pictures. Pupils can use Vietnamese, then repeat their responses in English. Step 2: Play the recording all the way through and encourage pupils to point at the characters while listening. Step 3: Play the recording again, sentence by sentence, for pupils to listen and repeat individually and in chorus. Correct their pronunciation where necessary. Step 4: Draw their attention to the question How’s the weather in Ha Noi? and the answer It’s very hot. It’s summer here. Tell pupils that the question and answer are used to ask and answer about the weather and seasons. Step 5: Invite a few pairs of pupils to take turns listening to the questions and answers and repeat in front of the class. - Pupils look at Pictures a and b. Pupils identify the characters and say what they can see in the pictures. - Pupils listen to the recording and point at the characters while listening. - Pupils listen to the recording again, sentence by sentence and repeat individually and in chorus. - Pupils look at the question and the answer and listen to the teacher’s explanation. - A few pairs of pupils take turns listening to the questions and answers and repeat in front of the class. - Context a: Linh and Bill talking on the phone about the weather in Sydney Linh: Hi, Bill. Is it cold there? Bill: Yes, it is. It’s winter in Sydney, you know. - Context b: Bill and Linh talking about the weather in Ha Noi Bill: How’s the weather in Ha Noi? Linh: It’s very hot. It’s summer here. e. Assessment - Performance products: Pupils’ answers and pronunciation
- Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers 3. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE CONSTRUCTION (10 minutes) a. Objectives - To correctly say the words and use How’s the weather in Ha Noi in ___? - It’s ____. to ask and answer questions about the weather in Ha Noi in different seasons. b. Content Activity 2. Listen, point and say. c. Expected outcomes - Pupils can correctly say the words and use How’s the weather in Ha Noi in ___? - It’s ____. to ask and answer questions about the weather in Ha Noi in different seasons. d. Organisation TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES PUPILS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT Activity 2. Listen, point and say. (Track 53) Step 1: Have pupils look at Pictures a, b, c and d and say what they can see in the pictures. Check their understanding of the seasons and the adjectives related to temperature that are under the pictures. Tell them about One- Pillar Pagoda, Ha Noi (One Pillar Pagoda is situated next to Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, about 3 km far from Hoan Kiem Lake). Elicit the meaning of the nouns for seasons and the adjectives for temperature under the pictures. Step 2: Play the recording for pupils to listen to and repeat the words under the pictures in chorus and individually until they feel confident. Use the related flash cards for the class to practise speaking. Step 3: Draw pupils’ attention to the speech bubbles, point at Picture a and elicit the missing words in the question and answer. Play the recording for pupils to listen to and repeat the sentences in both bubbles a few times. Repeat the same procedure with Pictures b, c, and d. Note: Tell pupils that How’s the weather in Ha Noi in summer. is similar to What’s the weather like in Ha Noi in summer? Step 4: Have pupils work in pairs, take turns asking and answering questions about the weather in Ha Noi in different seasons. Go around the classroom to offer help - Pupils look at Pictures a, b, c and d and say what they can see in the pictures. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation. - Pupils listen to the recording and repeat the words under the pictures in chorus and individually. - Pupils look at the speech bubbles. Pupils listen to the recording and repeat the sentences in both bubbles a few times. - Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation. - Pupils work in pairs, take turns asking and answering questions about the weather in Ha Noi in different seasons. - Words and picture cues: a. Ha Noi’s One-Pillar Pagoda in summer, and the word summer / hot b. Ha Noi’s One-Pillar Pagoda in autumn, and the word autumn / cool c. Ha Noi’s One-Pillar Pagoda in winter, and the word winter / cold d. Ha Noi’s One-Pillar Pagoda in spring, and the word spring / warm - Speech bubbles: How’s the weather in Ha Noi in ___? -It’s ____. Audio script: a. summer, hot b. autumn, cool c. winter, cold d. spring, warm a. A: How’s the weather in Ha Noi in summer? B: It’s hot. b. A: How’s the weather in Ha Noi in autumn? B: It’s cool. c. A: How’s the weather in Ha Noi in winter? B: It’s cold. d. A: How’s the weather in Ha Noi in spring? B: It’s warm.
where necessary. Extension: Invite a few pairs to stand up at their places, take turns asking and answering questions about the weather in their city / town / area in different seasons. - A few pairs stand up at their places, take turns asking and answering questions about the weather in their city / town / area in different seasons. e. Assessment - Performance products: Pupils’ talks and interaction - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers 4. ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (8 minutes) a. Objectives - To use How’s the weather in Ha Noi in ___? - _It’s ______.in a freer context. b. Content - Activity 3. Let’s talk. c. Expected outcomes - Pupils can use How’s the weather in Ha Noi in ___? – It’s _____. in a freer context. d. Organisation TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES PUPILS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT Activity 3. Let’s talk. Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to each picture. Ask questions to revise the relevant seasons and the weather concepts. Step 2: Elicit pupils’ answers to the questions and write them on the board. Get pupils to say the completed questions and answers. Step 3: Put pupils into pairs to take turns asking and answering questions about the weather in different seasons pointing at the pictures. Go around the classroom to offer support where necessary. Step 4: Invite a few pairs to the front of the classroom. They can use the pictures in relation to this section to take turns asking and answering questions about the weather in different seasons. - Pupils look at each picture and answer the questions to revise the relevant seasons and the weather. - Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions. Pupils say the completed questions and answers. - Pupils work in pairs to take turns asking and answering questions about the weather in different seasons pointing at the pictures. - A few pairs come to the front of the classroom, take turns asking and answering questions about the weather in different seasons. - Picture cues: the Huc Bridge across Hoan Kiem Lake, Ha Noi, in different seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn. - Speech bubbles: How’s the weather in Ha Noi in ____? - _____. Suggested answers: - A: How’s the weather in Ha Noi in winter? B: It’s cold. - A: How’s the weather in Ha Noi in spring? B: It’s warm. - A: How’s the weather in Ha Noi in summer? B: It’s hot. - A: How’s the weather in Ha Noi in autumn? B: It’s cool. e. Assessment - Performance products: Pupil’s interaction and performance - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers 5. FUN CORNER AND WRAP-UP (7 minutes) * Start preparing for the Project: Tell pupils about the project on page 45. Ask them to prepare for it at home by making posters about the weather of their favourite seasons and what they usually wear in these seasons. They can use the language they have learnt in Lesson 1 & Lesson 2 to prepare for their presentation at the Project time. * Option 1: Game: Guess the picture (ppt) - Tell the class they are going to take turns looking at a part of the picture and guess the name of the season.

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