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TRỌNG TÂM KIẾN THỨC TIẾNG ANH LỚP 10 Theo chương trình tiếng Anh mới của Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo Hiệu đính Quỳnh Nga - Lính Chí NHÀ XUẤT BẢN ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI UNIT 1 FAMILY LIFE PART I. LANGUAGE FOCUS 1. Vocabulary chore (n): việc vặt homemaker (n): nội trợ breadwinner (n): người kiếm tiền nuôi gia đình split (v): chia heavy lifting (n-phr): việc mang vác nặng groceries (n): hàng tạp phẩm laundry (n): việc giặt washing - up (n-phr): việc rửa bát đĩa share (v): chia sẻ enormous (adj): rất lớn sociable (adj): hòa đồng nurture (v): nuôi dưỡng balance (v): cân bằng  2. Grammar 2.1. The present simple 2.1.1 Form +) S + V(s/ es) He goes to work. -) S + do/does not + V He does not go to work. ?) Do/Does + S + V? Does he go to work? * Notes: Đổi với thể khẳng định, ta thêm -s hoặc -es vào sau động từ khỉ chủ ngữ ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít (She, He, It, My father, Her cousin, ...). Ví dụ: He goes to school, She brushes her teeth, My father works in a factory ... * Quy tắc thêm -s/es: +) Ta thêm -es vào sau các động từ tận cùng là o, s, ss, ch, sh, x: do —> does, focus —> focuses, discuss —> discusses, watch —> watches, finish —> finishes ... +) Với các động từ tận cùng là y và trước y là phụ âm, ta đổi y thành —ies: try —> tries, carry —> carries ... +) Với đa số các động còn lại ta thêm —s vào sau động từ: learn —> learns, prepare —> prepares, cook —> cooks ... 2.1.2. Use: Thì hiện tại đơn được dùng để nói về: - Thói quen hoặc hành động lặp đi lặp lại. e.g. I prepare dinner quite early most days. (Hầu hết mọi ngày tôi đều chuàn bị bữa tối khá sớm) He goes to work every week. (Anh ây đi làm mỗi tuần) - Những tình huống ổn định, lâu dài. e.g. I have a villa in Hanoi. (Tôi có một căn biệt thự ở Hà Nội) My sister works in a big company. (Chị gái tôi làm việc cho một công ty lớn)
- Chân lý hoặc thực tế. e.g. Monkeys do not live in water. (Khỉ không sống dưới nước) If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils. (Nếu bạn đun nước đến 100 độ c, nó sẽ sôi) - Ngoài ra thì hiện tại đơn còn được dùng đe kể chuyện, các bộ phim, kịch, hoặc các cuốn sách. e.g. In "Tom and Jerry", Tom and Jerry live in the same house. (Trong phim hoọt hình "Tom và Jerry", Tom và Jerry sống trong cùng một ngôi nhà) * Note: Các từ chỉ thời gian dùng với thì hiện tại đơn: always, usually, often, sometimes, normally, every day, every week, rarely ... 2. The present continuous 2.1 Form: +) S + am/is/are + V- ing They are watching TV. -) S + am/is/are not + V-ing They are not watching TV. ?) Am/Is/Are +S + V-ing? Are they watching TV? 2.2. Use: Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn được dùng để nóỉ về: - Hành động đang xảy ra ngay tại thời điêm nói. E.g. You are holding my hand. (Bọn đang cầm tay tôi) Be quiet! I am listening to English. (Trật tự đi. Mình đang nghe Tiếng Anh) - Tình huống tạm thời. E.g. My teacher is living in Singapore now. He will come back Vietnam soon. (Thầy giáo của tôi hiện đang sống ở Singapo. Thầy sẽ quay về Việt Nam sớm) I am not working at the moment. (Hiện tại tôi không làm việc) - Xu thế hoặc tình huống đang thay đối. e.g. The price of milk is rising sharply. (Giá sữa đang tăng mạnh) - Ngoài ra thì hiện tại tiếp diễn còn dùng để chỉ trích, phàn nàn về các thói quen xấu gây khó chịu cho người khác. e.g. He is always playing truant. (Cậu ấy luôn luôn trốn học) * Note: Các từ chỉ thời gian đi với thì hiện tại tiếp diễn: now, right now, at present, at the moment, currently, this week/month/year... 3. Pronunciation Consonant clusters (các cụm phụ âm): /tr/,/br/, and /kr/ 3.1. Cụm phụ âm /tr/: là sự kết hợp của âm đơn /t/ và âm đơn /r/ Listen and repeat: (Track 2) truck, trend, train, treat, stream, construct, tree, trouser 3.2. Cụm phụ âm /br/: là sự kết hợp của âm đơn /b/ và âm đơn /r/ Listen and repeat: (Track 3) Britain, bright, brown, brand, embrace, bridge, brick, browser 3.3. Cụm phụ âm /kr/: là sự kết hợp của âm đơn /k/và âm đơn /r/ Listen and repeat: (Track 4) cry, cream, crab, croak, scream, crazy, incredible, creative PART II. PRACTICE 1. Listen, repeat and choose the answer you hear. (Track 5) 1. A. tried B. cried C. bride 2. A. browser B. crowner C. trouser 3. A. cream B. bream C. stream 4. A. brick B. crick C. trick
5. A. tread B. bread C. creak 2. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. His mom always does the laundry at 8 every evening. 2. At the moment, he is watching his favorite film on Channel 5. 3. Every day, Jane washes the dishes but today James is doing the washing - up. 4. We divide the duties in our family. I cook, my husband helps with heavy lifting, and my daughter takes out the rubbish. 5. When everyone works together on household chores, it creates a positive atmosphere for the family. 6. This shop usually offers the same discount every month. 7. “What is he doing" - “He is trying to fix the computer.” 8. The number of people who are homeless is decreasing dramatically this quarter. 9. My brother - in - law possesses 3 restaurants in Ho Chi Minh City. 10. Her parents normally travel by plane, but this holiday they are travelling by train. 3. Complete the following sentences. 1. He has an amazing collection of robots at present. 2. Peter and John are having/drinking a cup of coffee right now. 3. Look! That monkey is dancing/eating bananas 4. “Where is your father?” - “He is decorating/painting the living room.” 5. The population of the world is increasing/decreasing rapidly. 4. Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences. 1. What are you doing to your sister when she behaves badly? (do you do) 2. I always have my lunch late, but I have my lunch early today as I have an appointment. (am having) 3. I am doing the laundry at the same time every week. (do) 4. Linda is going shopping when she has time. (goes) 5. Peter works hard to get the presentation ready for next week. (is working) PART III: TEST YOURSELF 1. Gap - filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences. 2. breadwinner 3. groceries 5. washing - up 10. sociable 4. laundry 9. enormous 8. for 1. homemaker 7. shares 6. chores 1. A _____________ is a person who manages a home and often raises children instead of earning money from a job. 2. A _____________ is the member of a family who earns the money that the family needs.  3. In a food store, shop or supermarket, you can buy a lot of _____________ such as food and clothes. 4. There are a lot of dirty clothes and sheets in Tom’s room, so it’s time for him to do his _______ 5. Traditionally, girls have to do ____________ which consists of cleaning plates, pans, glasses, forks, etc. after a meal. 6. When I’ve done my _______________ which involve cleaning the floor and washing the curtain, I will go out with my friends. 7. In my family, everyone ______________ the household duties. My mother cooks, my father cleans, my sister does all the laundry and I do the washing - up. 8. In many cultures, a father is the breadwinner, who is responsible _____________ the family finances. 9. A variety of people do not realize the ______________ benefits of joining hands to do housework in a family. 10. At school, Jack is very ________________ with his teachers and friends. He likes to meet and spend time with them. 2. Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right.
1. vulnerable + e a. being of equal weight or force 2. nurture + d b. consisting of three or even four generations 3. extended family + b c. needing effort and energy to move 4. heavy lifting + c d. taking care of, feeding and protecting 5. balance + a e. easy to be hurt 3. Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. To be fair, we need to divide the tasks equally (equal) 2. My mom and dad are checking the preparation for their gold wedding anniversary. (prepare) 3. Heavy lifting is an action which requires physical strength, (physic) 4. It is good for them as individuals and good for all the relationships within the family. (relate) 5. Psychologists say that a lot of young people are not aware of these advantages. (Psychology) 6. Her contribution to the company is enormous, (contribute) 7. In order to maintain peace, we should not be critical of each other, (criticize) 8. I want to see the very cute and lovely children at nursery schools, (nurse) 9. Mary and her husband always join hands in educating their daughters, (educate) 10. A person will be considered ungrateful if he or she does not take good care of his or her parents or grandparents. (grate) 4. Choose the best answer. 1. Women whose husbands do not contribute to household chores are more vulnerable to illness. The underlined word has the closest meaning to: A. happy B. easy to be hurt C. hard D. friendly 2. Tom: “Which of the chores do you dislike doing the most?” - Jerry: “ _________________” A. I like cooking and sweeping the floor. B. I do the laundry, cook and wash the dishes. C. Well, my favorite activity is doing the washing - up. D. Washing the dishes, because I often break things when I do the washing - up. 3. As a housewife, she stays at home and _________ her children. She takes care of them, feeds them and protects them to develop. A. nurtures B. nurture C. nature D. natures 4. It is unfair to state that a woman’s job is to look ______ everyone in the family and takes care ______ the house. A. in - on B. after - in C. of - of D. after - of 5. “The lecturer splits the students into four groups” has the closest meaning to: A. The lecturer divides the students into four groups. B. The lecturer divided the students into four groups. C. The lecturer goes into four groups of students. D. The lecturer went into four groups of students. 6. “They equally share the parenting” has the closest meaning to: A. They are all unemployed. B. They take care of each other. C. They come back home at the same time. D. They share the housework and childcare evenly. 7. ___________ is the state where things are of equal weight or force. A. Balance B. Changing C. Moving D. Importance 8. David’s part - time job requires a lot of ___________Therefore, he usually carries the boxes weighing up to 50 kilos and he needs effort and energy to move them. A. light lifting B. easy carrying C. heavy lifting D. simple chores 9. According to a survey, a lot of young people prefer to live in ________ families which consist of parents and children. A. nuclear B. extended C. three generation D. four generation 10. The _________ family, which consists of three or even four generations is only popular in some regions today. A. nuclear B. extended C . intended D. small 11. I can’t answer the phone now. I _______ dinner. A. cook B. cooking C. am cooking D. cooks

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