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HISTORY Chapter 3: Nazism and the Rise of Hitler
(1) NAZISM AND THE RISE OF HITLER 03 It was unpopula because it r had accepted the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles after the German defeat in the First World War Nazism and the Rise of Hitler The First World War and Germany The rise of Hitler to power in Germany is often attributed to the harsh treaties which were faced by Germany during the First World War. • Germany fought the First World War along with Austria–Hungary against the Allies— England, France, and Russia. Germany was defeated in the war, and the German emperor abdicated the throne. • After the war, Weimer Republic—a democratic government—was formed in Germany. All Germans including women got the right to vote in the elections. Why was Weimer Republic unpopular amongst the Germans?
(2) NAZISM AND THE RISE OF HITLER 03 • The number of unemployed youths and poor people increased in German society. Thus, socialism became a great force in Germany. Communists also made an uprising against the Weimar Republic but failed. The political atmosphere in Berlin was charged with demands for Soviet-style governance. • There was deep economic crisis in Germany. When Germany refused to pay the allies in gold, France occupied its leading industrial area. To meet the economic crisis, the Government printed too much of German currency (Mark). The value of German currency declined considerably, and the prices of essential goods and commodities rose. • Eventually, the Americans intervened and bailed Germany out of the crisis by introducing the Dawes Plan. It redrew the terms of reparation to ease the financial burden on the country. Germany and the Great Depression of 1929 • German investments and industrial recovery were totally dependent on short-term loans, largely from the USA. • However, the world plunged into the Great Depression in 1929 when American stock market ‘Wall Street Exchange’ crashed. • The Great Depression of 1929 further added to the miseries of Germany. • After America withdrew the loans which it gave to Germany. By 1932, the industrial
(3) NAZISM AND THE RISE OF HITLER 03 production on Germany declined to 40%. Millions of people became unemployed. This also led to increase in poverty. • The economic crisis instilled fears among middle class Germans. They also feared the rise of socialism in Germany. • Small businessmen, the self-employed and retailers suffered as their businesses were ruined. • Big business was in crisis and the large mass of peasantry was affected by a sharp fall in agricultural prices. • Politically, the Weimer Constitution was vulnerable to dictatorship. Article 48 gave wide powers to the President. He could impose emergency and suspend the civil rights of the citizens. • Further, there was also political instability in the country. Within its short life, the Weimar Republic saw twenty different cabinets lasting on an average 239 days. The above circumstances favoured the rise of Hitler in Germany. Rise of Hitler • Hitler was shattered by the German defeat in the First World War. • He fought for Germany in the 1st World War and earned medals for bravery • He joined the German Workers Party. Later, he became the leader of the party and renamed it the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party. This party came to be known as the Nazi Party. • Hitler was an excellent orator. His speeches moved the people. He promised employment, economic recovery of Germany, to undo the injustices of the Treaty of Versailles and to restore the dignity of the German people. • He devised a new style of politics. Massive rallies and public meetings were held by the Nazis to display the strength of the party. Nazi propaganda also skillfully projected Hitler as a messiah who could deliver people from their distress. He captured the imagination of the Germans.

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