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1 | E N T O 3 5 3 P R A C T I C A L M A N U A L INDEX Practical No. Title Page No. Date Remarks 1. Pests of Solanaceous vegetables 2. Pests of Malvaceous vegetables 3. Pests of Cruciferous vegetables 4. Pests of Cucurbitaceous vegetables 5. Pests of Leafy vegetables and Chilli 6. Pests of Potato and Sweet Potato 7. Pests of Mango 8. Pests of Citrus 9. Pests of Grapevine 10. Pests of Cashewnut and Banana 11. Pests of Pomegranate and Guava 12. Pests of Sapota and Ber 13. Pests of Fig and Aonla 14. Pests of Apple, Coconut and Arecanut 15. Pests of Tobacco, Coffee and Tea 16. Pests of turmeric, Ginger, Beetle vine, Onion, Garlic and Coriander 17. Pests of Curry leaf and Pepper, Rose, Gerbera, Carnation and ornamental plants
2 | E N T O 3 5 3 P R A C T I C A L M A N U A L PRACTICAL NO. 8 PESTS OF SOLANACEOUS VEGETABLES TOMATO Sr. No. Common Name Scientific Name Family Order 1. Fruit borer Helicoverpa amigera Noctuidae Lepidoptera 2. Whitefly Bemisia tabaci Aleurodidae Hemiptera 3. Aphid Aphis gossypii, Myzus persicae Aphididae Hemiptera 4. Thrips Thrips tabaci, Caliothrips indicus Thripidae Thysanoptera 5. Leaf miner Liriomyza trifoli Agromyzidae Diptera 6. Red spider mite Eiophied mite Tetranychus spp Aceria spp Acarina 1. Fruit borer (Helicoverpa amigera) Economic importance : It is a major pest of tomato, widely distributed in the tropics, sub tropics and warmer temperate region of the world. It is a serious pest of gram and tur. Marks of identification : Moth is medium sized stout, light yellowish brown. Forewings are pale brown with a dark brown circular spot in the center. Hind wings are pale smoky- white with a blackish outer border. Caterpillar is 3 to 5 cm long, greenish with dark broken grey lines along the sides of the body. Life history : Described under chickpea pod borer. Nature of damage : On hatching, young larvae feed on tender foliage. Full grown larvae attack the fruits. They bore circular holes and thrust only part of their body inside the fruits and eat the inner contents. If the fruit is bigger in size, it is only partly damaged by the caterpillar but later it is invariably invaded by fungi and bacteria and spoiled completely. The larvae move from one fruit to another and a single caterpillar may damage and destroy 2 to 8 fruits. Management practices : ▪ In early stage of attack, handpicking of caterpillars and their destruction help in reducing the intensity of infestation ▪ Ploughing the field after harvest of the crop would expose the pupae which would be destroyed by birds. ▪ Spraying of HaNPV @ 250 LE or Bacillus thuringiensis @ 1 Kg/ha. ▪ Spraying the crop with Quinalphos 25 EC @ 1000 ml or Phosalone 35 EC @ 1285 ml or Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC @ 150 ml or Flubendamide 20 WG @ 100 g or Flubendamide 39.35 SC @ 100 ml or Indoxacarb 14.5 SC @ 500 ml or Lamda
3 | E N T O 3 5 3 P R A C T I C A L M A N U A L cyhalothrin 5 EC @ 300 ml or Methomyl 40 SP @ 750 g or Novaluron 10 EC @ 750 ml or Novaluron 5.25 % + Indoxacarb 45 % SC @ 825 ml/ha. 2. Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) Economic importance : Commonly known as cotton whitefly, found in most of the countries in tropics and subtropics. The infestation is sporadically severe. Marks of identification : Nymph are oval scale like and greenish white in colour. Adult are minute insects, 1 mm long, covered completely with a white waxy bloom, wings are opaque and milky white in colour. Life history : Reproduction is mostly oviparous, though parthenogenesis also occurs. Only males emerge from unfertilized eggs whereas both sexes develop from fertilized eggs. About 150-200 eggs are laid on under surface of tender leaves. Incubation period is 3-5 days in summer and may extend 5-33 days in winter. Nymphal period 9-14 days in summer and 17-81 days in winter. Pupation takes place on leaves, pupal period 2-8 days. Adult longevity 2-5 days is summer and 24 days in winter. Life cycle is completed in 2-15 weeks. Overall 12 generations are completed in a year. The pest is more active during the dry season and its activity decreases with the onset of rains. Life cycle of whitefly Site of oviposition : On the underside of leaves Fecundity : 150-200 eggs Incubation period : 3-5 days (summer) and 5-33 days (winter) Nymphal period : 9-14 days (summer) and 17-81 days (winter) Pupal period : 2-8 days Site of pupation : On leaves Total life cycle : 2-15 weeks No. of generations/year : 12 generations Host plants : Main hosts are cotton, tobacco and some winter vegetables, including tomato. Nature of damage : Nymphs and adults suck the cell sap from ventral surface. As a result of their feeding the affected parts become yellowish, leaves wrinkle and curl downward and are ultimately shed. Besides the feeding damage, these insects also exude honey dew on which develops sooty mould. In case of severe infestation, this black coating is so heavy that it interferes with the photosynthetic activity of plant resulting in stunted growth. This whitefly also acts as a vector, transmitting 'leaf curl' virus disease, causing severe loss. Such plants are necessarily to be uprooted and destroyed. Management practices : ▪ Spray the crop with Imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 150 ml or Thiamethoxam 25 WG @ 200 g or Spiromesifen 22.9 SC @ 625 ml or dimethoate 30 EC @ 1000 ml or Oxydemeton methyl 25 EC @ 1000 ml/ha as soon as incidence is noticed. Note : Pesticides should reach to the lower sides of leaves. 3. Aphids (Aphis gossypii, Myzus persicae)
4 | E N T O 3 5 3 P R A C T I C A L M A N U A L As described under brinjal. 4. Thrips (Thrips tabaci, Caliothrips indicus) As described under cotton. 5. Leaf miner (Liriomyza trifoli) American serpentine leaf miner has entered in India with severe incidence in Maharashtra, Karnataka, A.P., Gujarat etc. Marks of identification : Adult fly is 1.5-2.0 mm long, greyish black with yellow spot on top of thorax and has plum red eyes. Larva is legless, orange yellow, about 2 mm long. Nature of damage : Maggots feed in between two layers of leaf on mesophyll making narrow serpentine mine that appears whitish when seen from upper surface, ultimately causing blotches and holes. Life history : Eggs are laid singly in small incisions in the leaf with ovipositor. Pupation takes place in soil. Management practices : ▪ Monitoring the presence of flies by yellow sticky traps and spray crop with insecticide. 5. Mites (Tetranychus spp) Nature of damage : The affected parts become reddish brown and bronzy, wither and dry away. A severe infestation affects the flower and fruit formation. Management practices : ▪ Clip off the affected leaves and burn or bury them in soil. ▪ In case of severe infestation dusting with 300 mesh sulphur or spraying with wettable sulphur or Spiromesifen 22.9 SC @ 625 ml/ha.