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Nội dung text ĐỀ THI CHUYÊN ANH NAM ĐỊNH 2024 2025.docx

1 SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO NAM ĐỊNH ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC ĐỀ THI TUYỂN SINH LỚP 10 TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYÊN NĂM HỌC 2024-2025 Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH (Chuyên) Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút. (Đề thi gồm: 11 trang) Chú ý: Thí sinh làm bài vào đề thi này. PART A. LISTENING (2.0 POINTS) Hướng dẫn phần thi nghe hiểu: - Nội dung phần nghe gồm 03 phần, thí sinh được nghe 2 lần, đĩa CD tự chạy 2 lần. - Mở đầu và kết thúc phần nghe có tín hiệu nhạc. - Hướng dẫn làm bài chi tiết cho thí sinh (bằng Tiếng Anh) đã có trong bài nghe. I. PART 1: You’ll hear a conversation about eco-holidays. You will hear TWICE. (1.0p) Questions 1-6. Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer. Customer’s name: Igor Petrov Length of holiday: (1) _______________________ weeks Will pay up to (2) £_______________________ Told him about (3) _______________________ for advance payments Needs to quote for travel (4) _______________________ during holiday Requires (5) _______________________ on plane Must check if he needs a (6) _______________________ Questions 7-10. Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Eco-holidays Type of holiday Accommodation Advantage Dumbarton Tablelands watching (7) _______________ house in a tree close to nature Bago Nature Reserve live with a (8) _______________ village house learn about way of life San Luis Island working in a school (9) _______________ holiday location without (10) ______________ II. PART 2: You will hear part of a lecture about the development of suburbs in the USA. Listen and
2 circle the correct answer A, B or C. You will hear TWICE. (0.5p) 1. Rich people have been known to live in suburbs _______. A. at least since the 6th century BC B. since the 1st century BC C. only in modern times 2. In the 19th century, the development of suburbs was encouraged by _______. A. the high quality of suburban housing B. improvements in public transport C. a wish to own weekend homes 3. European suburbs, unlike those in North America, _______. A. consist largely of low-density housing B. are well planned C. have individual characters 4. Suburban sprawl is said to destroy _______. A. town centers B. business activity C. human relationships 5. A major reason for the development of suburban sprawl in the USA was _______. A. improvements in car manufacture B. the availability of money to buy homes C. people’s unwillingness to live in high density housing III. PART 3: You will hear part of a talk about the challenges of living in space. Listen and fill in each blank with ONE WORD ONLY. You will hear TWICE. (0.5p) Living on the International Space Station (ISS) • Astronauts spend months in microgravity, so - their blood moves to the head and (1) ______________. - they lose (2) ______________ such as calcium. - they have to exercise 2.5 hours to avoid (3) ______________ loss. - they may suffer from poor (4) ______________ back on Earth. • NASA continues to improve ways to recycle water, including (5) ______________. PART B. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY (2.0 POINTS) I. Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the best answer to each of the following questions. (1.0p) 1. With more women going out to work, the financial burden of the male breadwinners will be reduced. ______, they will no longer be the sole decision-makers.
3 A. Because B. Otherwise C. Although D. However 2. Like ______ other residents of Loma Linda, Marge has always supported healthy living. A. much B. many C. few D. each 3. Terry is very ______ in his free time – he does a lot of sculpture and painting and things like that. A. creative B. reliable C. embarrassed D. frustrated 4. The town council decided to ______ the building, as it was unsafe. A. put up B. break into C. pull down D. wear out 5. Susan’s kids ______ their great displeasure whenever I came round to see her, which made me feel not relaxed. A. forever showed B. were forever showing C. had forever been showing D. had forever shown 6. It’s time you ______ your own research to explore possible career paths. A. put B. took C. made D. did 7. We should participate in the movement ______ the natural environment. A. organized conserving B. organizing to conserve C. organized to conserve D. which organized to conserve 8. Lisa: “Would you like Matcha ice-cream or Caramel with jam?” Rose: “_______.” A. Yes, I’d love to B. I like drinking them all C. You’re welcome D. It doesn’t matter 9. ______, they slept soundly. A. Hot though was the night air B. Hot though the night air was C. Hot was the night air though D. Hot so was the night air 10. My cousin really seems to land on his ______ having won the lottery. He’s never bought any lottery tickets before. A. finger B. feet C. face D. hand II. Give the correct form of the capital words. Write your answers in the blanks. (0.5p) It was not so long ago that we dealt with colleagues through face-to-face interaction and with counterparts and customers by phone or letter. But the world of communication has (1. GO) __________________ a dramatic transformation, not all for the good. Email, while (2. DOUBT) __________________ a swift means of communication providing your server is fully functioning and that the address you have contains no (3. ACCURATE) _____________________ has had a significant effect on certain people, both at home and in business. For these people, the use of email has become irresistibly (4. ADDICT) __________________ to the extent that it is threatening their mental and physical health. Addicts
4 spend their day compulsively checking for email and have a (5. TEND) _________________ to panic if their server goes down. It is estimated that one in six people spend four hours a day sending and receiving messages the equivalent to more than two working days a week. The negative effect on productivity is something employers are well aware of. III. Each of the following sentences has ONE word that needs correction. Underline that word and correct it by replacing it with ONE proper word. Write the correction in the provided blank on the right. There is an example at the beginning (0). (0.5p) Sentences Corrections 0. He collided with a car because he was driving too fastly. fast 1. A number of small children is educated at home. 2. All shops were closed, so we couldn’t buy some food. 3. It’s worth remember that prices go up on 1 February. 4. It was not until Mary was eight when she began to read. 5. The steak was really underdone so I sent it back with instructions to cook it for other five minutes. PART C. READING (2.5 POINTS) I. Read the text and circle A, B, C or D that best fits each space. (0.5p) A volcanic eruption is possibly the most spectacular example of the incredible power of nature – and few eruptions in history have been (1) _____ as spectacular as that of Krakatoa. Until the summer of 1883 this volcano, (2) _____ on an island between Java and Sumatra, had been quiet for over two hundred years. In May that year came the first (3) _____ of renewed activity. Then at 10 am on 27 August, the (4) _____ island began to explode. The explosions were heard 3,500 km (5) _____ in Australia. Clouds of ash were blown 80 km into the sky, blocking out the sun and plunging the surrounding areas into complete darkness for two and a half days. This ash circled the Earth several times, (6) _____ spectacular red sunsets all over the world (7) _____ the following year. The eruption triggered tidal waves which were recorded as far away as South America and Hawaii. The biggest and most (8) _____ of these waves was 37m high; it wiped out 36,000 people who lived in the coastal towns of Java and Sumatra. For the next forty-five years the region remained quiet. Then in 1927 a (9) _____ of eruptions under the sea led to the appearance of a tiny island (10) _____ Krakatoa once was. This “Child of Krakatoa” now stands

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