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I/O Psychology (Drill1) 1. The most basic function or task of a I/O or Human Resource practitioner is the: (a) Job Analysis (b) Job Evaluation (c) Job Profile (d) Job Enrichment 2. A two to five page summary of the tasks and job requirements is called: (a) Job Classification (b) Job Design (c) Job Description (d) Job Evaluation 3. You are a recruiter in an HR department. Your task for this particular job is to find a job applicant with perfect visual acuity. Which of the following job competencies are you looking for? (a) Knowledge (b) Other Characteristics (c) Abilities (d) Skills 4. One of the groundbreaking research in Industrial Psychology is the study on Hawthorne Effect conducted by: (a) Hugo Munsterbeg (b) Frank and Lilian Gilbreth (c) Elton Mayo (d) Robert Yerkes 5. A current trend in social networking sites is that the applicants post in groups to be able to look for jobs. What medium of recruitment is being used? (a) Point of Purchase Method (b) Situation Wanted Ads (c) Job Fairs (d) Direct Mail 6. Your human resource company is dedicated to searching for top executives for the top companies in the Philippines. What medium of recruitment is being used in the situation? (a) Employee Agency (b) Internet Recruitment (c) Public Employee Agency (d) Executive Search Firm 7. You were tasked to create an interview guide which requires you to make an answer key code for some questions and some leeway to ask broad questions. What type of interview are you constructing? (a) Structured (b) Unstructured (c) Semi-Structured (d) Highly Structured 8. Recent trends in recruitment suggest that the most effective type of resume is the: (a) Chronological Resume (b) Psychological Resume (c) Functional Resume (d) Structural Resume
9. The University of the Philippines-Philippine General Hospital is conducting an ability test to be able to screen its emergency nurse applicants properly. What type of ability test would you recommend? (a) Cognitive Ability (b) Perceptual Ability (c) Psychomotor Ability (d) Physical Ability 10. The Neurosurgery department of the University of the Philippines- Philippine General Hospital is conducting an ability test to able to screen its applicants applying to become a neurosurgeon resident. What type of ability test would you recommend? (a) Cognitive Ability (b) Perceptual Ability (c) Psychomotor Ability (d) Physical Ability 11. Part of assessing employees is to conduct personality tests. If you are looking to be able to pick a candidate that is very extrovert and agreeable, what test would you use? (a) MBTI (b) NEO-PI (c) MCMI (d) 16PF 12. The line manager in marketing department specifically asked that you pick a candidate with no problems with any personality disorder. What personality test would you use for test administration? (a) Rorschach Inkblot Test (b) MMPI-II (c) MCMI (d) Thematic Apperception Test 13. You run a convenience store with about 5 employees. You want to judge your employees from the most efficient to least efficient. What tool for evaluating performance would you use? (a) Rank Order (b) Paired Comparison (c) Forced Distribution (d) 360 Degree Feedback 14. You happen to become an interviewer for a Law School Admissions process. You seem to be liking your current interviewee but you can’t help but compare her answers to the former interviewee given that you like your former interviewee’s answer more. What error are you committing? (a) Halo Error (b) Primacy Error (c) Contrast Error (d) Recency Error 15. In conducting the training needs analysis, what is the most important thing you consider before starting to conceptualize? (a) Organizational Analysis (b) Needs Analysis (c) Training Analysis (d) Person Analysis
16. You are tasked to conduct a seminar to be able to address concerns on employee culture. You have the luxury of time given that your were given around 8 months to prepare. What tool would you use? (a) Survey (b) Skills and Knowledge Test (c) Interview (d) Critical Incident 17. For doctors, this is their way of getting ready for how they would handle their patient’s diagnosis, management and treatment. They base their treatments based on past experiences of patients with similar conditions. What training method are they using? (a) Case Study (b) Simulation (c) Role Play (d) Behavioral Modeling 18. For electrical engineers, this would be the most appropriate training method given that they need to work on actual machines they need to use in electrical power plants. What method would they use? (a) Role Play (b) Mentoring (c) Job Rotation (d) Simulation 19. You are Clinical Psychology Intern which was allowed by your Psychologist to learn in the different facets of Psychological practice such as psychometrics, psychotherapy, report writing, in-patient treatment. What training was is manifested above? (a) Apprentice Training (b) Job Rotation (c) Learning by Modeling (d) Mentoring 20. Chief Executive Officers normally pick a subordinate which they will train and have a personal and professional relationship with in order to grow in the organization or be their successor. What type of learning was used? (a) Coaching (b) Mentoring (c) Apprentice Training (d) Learning by Modeling 21. The most basic feedback you would ask in a training seminar would be (a) Content Validity (b) Employee Learning (c) Employee Reaction (d) Application of Training 22. If you compare the learning of the training participants right before and after the seminar. What feedback would you have been assessing? (a) Content Validity (b) Employee Learning (c) Employee Reaction (d) Application of Training 23. Your expectation of yourself affects your performance especially during examinations such as admission tests and board exams. What would best describe this situation? (a) Galatea Effect
(b) Pygmallion Effect (c) Golem Effect (d) Self-esteem 24. According to the theory of McClelland, an effective leader would have: (a) high need for achievement, low need for affiliation (b) high need for power, low need for affiliation (c) high need for affiliation, low need for achievement (d) high need for power, low need for achievement 25. The problem during times of crisis and conflict is the issue of job and economic security. Which level of the hierarchy of needs would best explain this? (a) Physiological Needs (b) Safety Needs (c) Social Needs (d) Ego Needs 26. This theory of motivation discusses the need for an equal input and output in work. (a) Equity Theory (b) Expectancy Theory (c) ERG Theory (d) Two Factor Theory 27. You are a dean in the college and you are tasked to pick the department chair in the Department of Psychology and Neurosciences. You base your decision on the performance of professor based on their teaching skills. So your promote the best professor based on teaching skills. After a while, you find the department complaining since the professor is good in teaching but not in administration. What principle is discussed in this situation? (a) Self-Regulation Theory (b) Premack Principle (c) Self-Consistency Theory (d) Peter Principle 28. Those who work in automobile dealing would relate with this group incentive plan given that this incentive is related with performance of sales. What incentive plan is discussed above? (a) Profit sharing (b) Gainsharing (c) Stock options (d) Pay for performance 29. There are leaders who are well liked by their subordinates but they don’t perform well in their tasks. What type of unsuccessful leader is described above? (a) Paranoid leader (b) Task oriented leader (c) High-likability floarer (d) Narscissits 30. Your company has seem to be forgetting the bylaws and mission vision of the company. What type of leadership in this organization climate would you employ? (a) Position Style (b) Information Style (c) Tactical Style (d) Affiliation Style 31. In times of a merger between companies, what would by the best type of leadership?