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BRITISH LITERATURE - VĂN HỌC ANH (ĐỀ CƯƠNG HƯỚNG DẪN ÔN TẬP) INSTRUCTIONS: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Question 1: Who is the author of “Beowulf”? A. Cynewulf B. Anonymous writer C. Norwell Codex D. Caedmon Question 2: Which one is the most common topic of writings in the Old English Literature? A. Wars B. Religion C. Nature D. Women emancipation Question 3: Because the Old English Language came from the language of Germanic Tribes - Angles, Saxons and Jutes-, therefore most of the words of Old English language are ............ A. Germanic B. Similar to German nowadays C. Celtic D.similar to Celtic language Question 4: Which word can be used to describe the scenic background of Beowulf? A. Bright B. Cold C. Peaceful D. Warm Question 5: Which one wasthemonster thatBeowulffoughtto rescueking ofthe Danes? A. Hrothgar B. A dragon C. Grendel D. Basilisk Question 6: Which one was the monster that Beowulf had to fight when he was the King of Norway? A. Hrothgar B. A dragon C. The Water Witch D. Grendel Question 7: Which one isin “TheExeterBook” by Cynewulf? A. Elene B. The fate of the Apostles C. Beowulf D. Juliana Question 8: Whichone isNOTa theme ofBeowulf? A. Tensions between the heroic code and other value systems. B. The importance of establishing identity.
C. The difference between a good warrior and a good king. D. Relationship between a king and his citizens. Question 9: What are the genres of literary works in The Junius Manuscripts? A. Poems B. Poems and biblical narratives C. Biblical narratives D. Prose and biblical narratives Question 9: Beowulf is a classical example of...............poetry. A. Germanic B. CelticLatin C. Anglo-Saxon Question 9: Which language had a strong influence on the Old English language? A. Latin B. Greek C. Sankrit D. Hebrew Question 9: Originally,which group of people did Britain belong to? A. The English B. TheRomans C. The Germanic tribes D. TheCelts Question 9: What happened afterthe fight betweenBeowulf and the dragon? A. Beowulf was wounded B. The dragon was deported C. Beowulf died D. The dragon was wounded Question 9: Which wasthe secondmonsterthatBeowulf had to fight during the rescue ofthe king of Danes? A. A basilisk B. Grendelʼs mother C. Hrothgar D. A dragon Question 9: What type of literary work is “The song of Beowulf”? A. Poem B. Novella C. Prose D. Short story Question 9: By the 14th century,English reemerged asthe dominant language but very differentfrom......... A. Germanic language B. Anglo-Saxon Old English C. Norman French language D. Old English Question 9: ByChaucerʼslifetime,which social class was developed in the growing cities? A. The clergy B. The commoners C. The nobility D. The middle class Question 9: Whatwasthe destination ofthe pilgrimsin “TheCanterburyTales” when they departed?
A. Tabard Inn B. No destination C. London D. Canterbury Question 9: When the innkeeper mentioned “Death”,what did he probably referto? A. The funeral B. The plague C. The bag of gold D. The village Question 9: Which one isTRUEaboutThe DarkAges(from5th to 14th century)? A. Poverty and Disease and War were not common. B. The period witnessed the rise of The Roman Empire. C. Obscurantism was abolished. D. There was a lack ofscientific and cultural advancement. Question 9: Which one is NOT true about “TheCanterbury Tales”? A. There was no narrator. B. Chaucerʼs most important work. C. The stories are preceded by a prologue. D. Short prologuesto each story connect them in one work. Question 9: Whatwasthe award forthe beststorytellerin “TheCanterburyTales? A. A horse B. A bag of gold C. A free supper at Tabard Inn D. Wine Question 9: In the story “Three youngmen,Death and a bag of gold”,What did the youngestmen plan to do after getting back to the tree with wine and food? A. Find Death and kill him. B. Kill the two other men and Death. C. Share the wine and food with the two other men. D. Kill the two other men with poison. Question 9: The Hundred Yearsʼ War with France (mid-14th – mid-15th cent.) marked the definite decline of...........and the rise of......as chief language. A. Old English/ French B. English/ French C. French/ English D. Latin Language/ English Question 9: Which Chaucerʼs pilgrimsin “The Canterbury tales” represent the emerging middle class? A. The knight B. The pardoner C. The narrator D. The Wife of Bath Question 9: In theMiddleEnglish period,the king-retainerstructure of Anglo-Saxon society evolved into .......... A. absolute monarchy B. Feudalism C. Monarchy
D. constitutional monarchy Question 9: What doesthe term "Renaissance" mean? A. The power of the individual as opposed to community. B. The revival of religious piety. C. Progressive movements of the Church. D. The rebirth of the classics. Question 9: How many periods was English Renaissance divided into? A. 4 B. 2 C. 3 D. 5 Question 9: After Shakespeareʼs death, Renaissance in England ............ A. was more popular B. was on a growth C. was on a decline D. disappeared Question 9: Which one was NOTa characterin “Paradise Lost” by John Milton? A. God B. Macbeth C. Adam and Eva D. Satan Question 9: Which person was a writer of the Old English Period? A. Grendel B. Caedmon C. Beowulf D. Juliana Question 9: Where was Beowulf buried? A. By the sea B. By the mountain C. By the pond D. By the lake Question 9: Which groups of people attacked the Celts? A. The Romans and the Angles. B. The Romans and The Pics and Scots. C. The Angles, Saxon and Visigoths. D. The Angles, Saxons and Jutes. Question 9: What are the genres of literary worksin The Beowulf Manuscript? A. Poetry and riddles. B. Poetry and elegiac verses. C. Prose and poetry. D. Prose and riddles. Question 9: Which one was the monster that Beowulf had to fight when he was the King of Norway? A. Grendel B. Hrothgar C. A dragon D. The Water Witch

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