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UNIT 4. ETHNIC GROUPS OF VIET NAM LANGUAGE FOCUS PRONUNCIATION I. Circle the word having the underlined part pronounced differently in each line. Then listen and repeat. Track 17 1. A. group B. gong C. gathering D. gym 2. A. average B. village C. tiger D. large 3. A. culture B. communal C. clothing D. central 4. A. receive B. decorate C. discuss D. musical 5. A. brochure B. orchard C. kitchen D. touch II. Circle the word which a has different stress pattern in each line. Track 18 1. A. resort B. summer C. paddy D. cattle 2. A. reduce B. improve C. harvest D. collect 3. A. pagoda B. teenager C. holiday D. buffalo 4. A. mountain B. result C. cottage D. temple 5. A. picturesque B. hospitable C. traditional D. historical VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR III. Write a phrase below under its correct picture. Raise cattle Feed poultry Set fire Cultivate land Look after siblings 1. ___________________ 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________ 4. ___________________ 5. ___________________ IV. Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box in their correct forms. plough feed build harvest face 1. The villagers are working together ________ the rong house. 2. Our small stilt house ________ a large terraced rice field.
3. In my village, the farmers still use buffaloes to ________ the fields. 4. Most minority groups hold a festival after they have ________ the crops. 5. The children help do housework like cooking or ________ the poultry. V. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences. 1. -What’s ' ________’? - It's land on which you can grow crops. A. garden land B. a hill C. cultivating D. earth 2. That man sitting at the far end of the table is the chief of the ________. A. villager B. tribe C. rong house D. traditions 3. Most people in the countryside live by raising cattle and ________. A. cows B. horses C. poultry D. buffaloes 4. ________ are similar in that they stand on big posts. A. Flats B. Cottages C. Huts D. Stilts 5. Minority people often use natural ________ to make their daily tools. A. clothing B. materials C. land D. leaves VI. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences. 1. Some minority groups still live a ________ life. They move to get food and garden land. A. crazy B. interesting C. nomadic D. permanent 2. Most teenage boys in my tribe know how to ________ a horse since it is the main means of transport here. A. feed B. raise C. play with D. ride 3. I miss my ________ life in my mountainous village, where everybody treats one another as friends. A. peaceful B. busy C. hard D. boring 4. We ________ children react more slowly to technical development because we lack contact with it. A. mountainous B. city C. intelligent D. disabled 5. Most ________ minority peoples in Viet Nam have their own languages. A. popular B. creative C. ethnic D. urban 6. The museum display items of ________ importance from different ethnic groups. A. huge B. cultural C. minor D. natural 7. The villagers live in houses which stand on ________ of about one and a half meters tall. A. roofs B. walls C. posts D. staircases 8. For the ethnic groups of the Highlands, ________ are musical instruments of special power. A. gongs B. guitars C. dan tinh D. violins 9. ________ ever fancy learning a traditional dance of the Khmer people? A. Are you B. Do you C. Would you D. Will you
10. ________ minority women’s costume do you like most: the Hoa’s, the Hmong’s, or the Khmer’s? A. What B. Who C. How D. Which 11. ________ is it from your house to the village’s rong house? A. How B. How long C. How far D. What long 12. - ________ do the boys in your tribe learn to hunt? - When they are about ten. A. Where B. How C. When D. Why 13. - Look! What do you think about these costumes of Thai women? - _______ A. No, thanks. B. They look beautiful. C. Are they? D. I don’t know them. 14. - Do you fancy living in a stilt house in the mountain? - ________ A. I do love trying. B. Yes, I will. C. Is it a stilt house? D. Have you ever lived in a stilt house? 15. - Playing traditional games is interesting. What do you think? - _________ A. Do you play them? B. This game is my hobby. C. I’ve tried some of them. D. I love playing them too. SKILLS READING VII. Read the passage and answer the questions in short. Most ethnic minority peoples of Viet Nam now live permanently in a place. They find a land, build their houses and settle down. Different minority groups earn their living differently. They may raise cattle, grow crops, catch fish, weave clothing, hunt, or make handcraft products from the natural materials they find in their areas. Each group keeps its own customs and traditions and they live in peace. However, there are still some small groups of minority people who live a nomadic life. They move from one place to another to look for garden land. When they find a good one, they stop to build a village. The men cut the trees down and set the fallen trees on fire until the trees burn to ash. The ash helps enrich the soil in which they grow rice and other crops. The hill men take care of their crops and harvest them over the next two to four years. When the soil loses its nutrients, the group leaves and moves on to look for a new garden land. 1. How do most people from ethnic minority groups now live? __________________________________________________________________________ _______ 2. Do all minority people earn their living in similar ways? __________________________________________________________________________ _______ 3. What can you say about the number of minority people who live a nomadic life?
__________________________________________________________________________ _______ 4. What kind of land do these nomadic groups look for? __________________________________________________________________________ _______ 5. When do they leave a land? __________________________________________________________________________ _______ VIII. Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. For highland peoples, interpersonal relations are based on fairly strict rules. Since most villagers have known one another since birth and will continue living with one another for years to come, people treat one another as extended family and try to avoid conflict in their everyday relations. Greetings are important, for they assist villagers in acknowledging one another. Although hill people are quite reserved with strangers, they are much friendly with their fellow villagers. Visiting among hill peoples is a major activity and form of entertainment. Visiting between families within a village appears casual. Neighbours go to one another's homes often without announcement. However, visits by larger groups of people for ceremonies or festivals are arranged ahead of time as to place, time, and the obligations of both hosts and guests. In some minority groups, young people get married at the age of 13 or 14. They do not usually date. Courtship may be brief and involve little contact between the future bride and groom. The parents or matchmakers do most of the visiting and arranging. 1. Highland people apply ________ in their relations. A. interpersonal skills B. strict rules C. conflicts D. extended rules 2. Hill people are quite ________ with strangers. A. friendly B. strict C. helpful D. reserved 3. Hill people see paying visits to one another as a kind of ________. A. conflict B. relation C. entertainment D. routine 4. When visits involve a number of people, ________ must be made. A. arrangement B. food C. announcement D. reason 5. The word obligations is closest in meaning with ________ A. rights B. duties C. explanations D. speeches IX. Read and complete each numbered blank in the passage with the correct answer A, B, C, or D. The Bru-Van Kieu live in the Van Kieu Mount and the mountainous areas of Quang Tri, Thua Thien Hue, and Quang Binh (1) ________ . Their population is 94,598 (according to the 2019 survey).

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