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Nội dung text Dr. Rashi Sharma Critical Analysis & Determination of Nabhi Sharir in Ayurveda Dep of Sharir Rachana.pdf

SHREE BABA BALAKNATH Dedicated to My Loving Husband Dr. Vineet Prabhakar & My Kids Agreya & Aadhrith
CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the work presented in this dissertation entitled “Critical Analysis and Determination of Nabhi Sharir in Ayurveda” has been undertaken by Dr. Rashi Sharma D/o Sh. Rakesh Bhushan Sharma under my direct supervision and guidance. The candidate has put up sincere efforts to accomplish this task with immense zeal and devotion within stipulated period. This work is an original contribution and is a definite advancement over the existing knowledge on the subject. All the findings reported in this dissertation have been checked and verified by me in a close supervision from time to time. The candidate has fulfilled all the requirements of ordinance laid by university for the award of post graduate degree. Thus, I am completely satisfied with the candidate’s work and recommend this dissertation to the Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur for the award of postgraduate degree of Ayurveda Vachaspati – M.D. (Rachana Sharir). Supervisor Prof. Sunil Kumar M.D. (Ayu.), Ph.D. Professor & H.O.D. P.G. Dept. of Rachana Sharir National Institute of Ayurveda Deemed to be University Jaipur, (Raj.) Pin- 302002 1⁄4vk;q’k ea«kky;] Hkkjr ljdkj1⁄2 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AYURVEDA Deemed to be University (De Novo) (Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India) Jorawar Singh Gate, Amer Road, Jaipur 302002 Tkksjkoj fl ag xsV] vkesj jk sM] t;iqj& 302002 Qk su/Tel.:0141-2635816, 2635709, 2635740 osclkbV/Website: www.nia.nic.in bZesy/E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

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