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1 | Page 1. Hỏi và trả lời về vị trí một phòng học. Where’s the library? Thư viện thì ở đâu? - It’s on the first floor. Nó thì ở tầng một. 2. Hỏi và trả lời lời về cách tới một phòng ? Could you tell me the way to the computer room, please? Bạn có thể chỉ cho tôi đường tới phòng tin học được không? - Go upstairs. It’s on the second floor. Hãy lên cầu thang. Nó thì nằm ở tầng hai. Lưu ý: đáp lại lời cám ơn. Thanks/thank you= You are welcome. Bài tập vận dụng cơ bản UNIT 6 OUR SCHOOL ROOMS ground floor first floor second floor third floor go up stairs go downstairs Go along the corridor and turn left Go past the library and turn left C. Practice
2 | Page Task 1 Can you match These Words to Their Definitions? Definitions Words a. the level of a building that is at the same level as the outside ground b. the level of a building that is above the ground floor but not on the top c. the level of a building that is above the first floor d. the level of a building that is above the second floor 1. …. 2. …. 3. …. 4. …. 1. first floor 2. second floor 3. ground floor 4. third floor Task 2 Look and draw lines. Task 3 Circle the odd one out. 1. A. first    B. second C. five D. third 2. A. art room B. office school C. dining room D. library 3. A. on B. please      C. around  D. from 4. A. go B. show C. play      D. where 5. A. our  B. me C. their D. his Task 4 Choose the best answer. 1. Where_____the library?- It’s on the ground floor. A. are            B. is         C. was D. were 2. _____ is the computer room? – It’s on the third floor. A. How         B. What        C. Where D. When 3. The art room is ______ the second floor. A. on         B. in     C. of D. with 4. ______ science lab is on the fifth floor. A. you B. we      C. us D. our 5. I often read books in the library______ break time. A. at  B. on   C. for D. to Second floor Third floor Ground floor First floor

4 | Page playing in the playground. My friend loves the music room because she enjoys singing. We all enjoy our time at school. Mark each statement as True (T) or False (F). 1. The art room is on the second floor. ____ 2. Students paint and draw in the art room. ____ 3. The playground is inside the school building. ____ 4. The music room is on the first floor. ____ 5. The friend enjoys playing the violin in the music room. ____ Open Questions Exercise 1. What activities do students do in the art room? 2. Where is the library? 3. What do students do at the break time in the playground? 4. What are two activities that students do in the music room? 5. Why does the friend love the music room? Task 8 Read and circle the correct answer. Alex: Where is the music room? Bella: The music room is on the second floor. Alex: Where is the library? Bella: The library is on the first floor. Alex: And the computer room? Bella: The computer room is on the ground floor. Alex: So, music room is on the second floor? Bella: Yes, that's right. Alex: And the library is on the first floor? Bella: Yes, exactly! 1. Where is the music room? a) On the ground floor b) On the first floor c) On the second floor 2. What floor is the library on? a) Ground floor b) First floor c) Second floor 3. Where is the computer room? a) On the ground floor b) On the first floor c) On the second floor 4 What does Bella say about the library? a) It is on the ground floor b) It is on the second floor c) It is on the first floor

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