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TEST YOURSELF 3 TEST 1 I. Find the word which has a different stress position from the others. 1. A. culture B. farmer C. native D. arrive 2. A. species B. until C. complete D. throughout 3. A. honesty B. variety C. usually D. musical 4. A. yesterday B. occasion C. generous D. evening 5. A. disadvantage B. environment C. speciality D. nationality II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. The tornado __________ lots of roofs in our village. (damage) 2. I want to __________ about this problem with your manager. (complaint) 3. There is a __________ store at the end of the street. (convenient) 4. She gave us practical tips about treating __________ wastes. (poison) 5. A lot of buildings __________ during the earthquake last month. (collapse) 6. Air __________ is a serious problem that the government need to care. (pollute) 7. She doesn’t like __________ at the market because it is crowded and dirty. (shop) 8. Our system can __________ predict when a natural disaster will occur. (accurate) 9. Population growth is causing __________ of wildlife habitats throughout the world. (destruct) 10. I think protecting the __________ is the duty of everyone in the community. (environmental) III. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past continuous. 1. __________ (you, swim) when someone __________ (steal) your wallet? 2. The dragon __________ (fly) over the castle when he __________ (hear) a girl crying. 3. Cinderella __________ (hear) the chimes of. midnight while she __________ (dance) with the prince. 4. Snow White __________ (sing) softly beside the well when suddenlyshe __________ (see) a dwarf. 5. While the hunter __________ (pass) near by the hut, he __________ (notice) the wolf. 6. As the Queen __________ (bathe), a frog __________ (jump) outof the water and __________ (talk) to her. 7. The princess __________ (try) to tell the prince the truth but he __________ (not, listen). 8. While Mendel __________ (revise) his lesson, his sister __________ (read) fables. 9. __________ (Jane, practise) the piano when you __________ (walk) into her room? 10. When I __________ (knock) on the door, there __________ (be)no answer. IV. Choose the best answer A, B, C orD. 1. Hoa __________ for her mother. A. rarely cooks B. cooks rarely C. rarely cook D. cook rarely
2. My cat __________ after a mouse at that time. A. ran B. runs C. was running D. will run 3. Nga was watching TV while her sister __________ the piano. A. is playing B. was playing C. will play D. plays 4. __________ borrow books from the school library? A. Do you often B. Do often you C. Will often you D. Will you often 5. The flight to London __________ off in five minutes. A. will take B. takes C. took D. was taking 6. __________ kites in the park at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon? A. Were you flying B. Are you flying C. Did you fly D. Will you fly 7. The summer sales __________ next Saturday. A. started B. will start C. start D. starts 8. There __________ only a few houses left standing after the tornadohit. A. was B. is C. were D. be 9. I __________ how to use computer until my father taught me. A. don’t know B. didn’tknow C. know D. won’t know 10. Listen to the announcement. The train __________ till 12:00. A. leaves B. left C. won’t leave D. doesn’t leave V. Put the following expressions in the right column. 1. What do you mean? 2. What I mean is... 3. Sorry, let me clarify... 4. I’d like to explain... 5. I don’t think I get you. 6. To put it in another way... 7. Let me see if I understand. 8. In other words,... 9. Could you clarify that, please? 10. Could you be more specific, please? Asking for clarification Giving clarification __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ VI. Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C, or D. One of the most important reasons of global warming is air (1) __________ .More and more factories are being built in different countries. By burning oil, coal, gasoline, even natural gas, they add more carbon dioxide to the (2) __________ .Cars also influence the
atmosphere badly (3) __________ burning many litersof oil and releasing (4) __________ gases into the air. As a result, the ozonelayer of our Earth is being (5) __________ . All these activities unfavourably change (6) __________ Earth’s heatbalance. This is (7)__________ we get in return: the (8) __________ becomesvery dry, a lot of rivers and lakes dry up, the forests start burning, the glaciers melt, people and animals start to faint. And these are not all the outcomes of global (9) __________ . Nature becomes really angry with us. We need to bemore attentive and caring to it if we want to (10) __________ our planet. 1. A. pollute B. polluted C. pollution D. polluting 2. A. oil B. coal C. gasoline D. atmosphere 3. A. by B. with C. to D. towards 4. A. useful B. harmful C. delicious D. good 5. A. destroyed B. created C. caused D. increased 6. A. an B. a C. Ø D. the 7. A. who B. when C. what D. which 8. A. ground B. water C. air D. economy 9. A. damage B. destroyment C. raining D. warming 10. A. build B. save C. live D. destroy VII. Read the above passage again and tick True or False. True False 1. The number of factories built in countries are decreasing.   2. Carbon dioxide is created by burning oil, coal, gasoline, even natural gas.   3. Cars don’t influence the atmosphere.   4. The ozone layer of our Earth is being destroyed.   5. Few rivers and lakes dry up.   6. We don’t need to care to nature if we want to saveour planet.   VIII. Reorder the words and phrases to make complete sentences. 1. example / A / a / is / an / marine ecosystem / of / coral reef /. __________________________________________________________________________ ___ 2. species / The / is / endangered / sea turtle / an /. __________________________________________________________________________ ___ 3. kind / of / What / disasters / are / talking / about, / they / or manmade / natural / ? __________________________________________________________________________ ___ 4. watch / Can / bought / return / the / that /I /I / yesterday / your / shop /from? __________________________________________________________________________ ___ 5. sell / People / at / the / a lot of / open-air market / local specialities /.
__________________________________________________________________________ ___ 6. participate / More and more / activities / people / Earth Day / in /. __________________________________________________________________________ ___ TEST 2 I. Find the word which has a different stress position from the others. 1. A. again B. wildlife C. finish D. rarely 2. A. arrival B. typical C. numerous D. habitat 3. A. luckily B. afternoon C. cultural D. rescuer 4. A. electric B. natural C. ambition D. addiction 5. A. available B. economy C. decoration D. attractiveness II. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. 1. A vocalno in the South Pacific __________ violently last Saturday. A. caused B. flooded C. erupted D. blew 2. The tsunami __________ hundreds of homes on some small islands. A. built B. burned C. destroyed D. trembled 3. They were very hard to __________ the villagers from the flooded area. A. shelter B. rescue C. provide D. hide 4. You can help protect the environment by picking up litter and __________trees. A. planting B. cutting C. reusing D. buying 5. Water pollution caused a wide range of __________ problems inhumans. A. traffic B. education C. history D. health 6. This forest provides a habitat for hundreds of __________ of plants andanimals. A. styles B. species C. families D. collections 7. Some people say that protecting the environment is the government’s _________. A. responsive B. responsible C. responsibly D. responsibility 8. __________ is a mass of rock and earth moving suddenly and quicklydown a steep slope. A. Drought B. Flood C. Landslide D. Tornado 9. Shopping centres attract lots of __________ during the sales season. A. customers B. habitats C. products D. disasters 10. We should recycle single-use products instead __________ throwingthem away. A. on B. to C. of D. in III. Circle the correct option in brackets. 1. I (send / will send) it to you as soon as I come home. 2. You should help her if she (needs / will need). 3. They (go / will go) to England to visit their aunt next year.

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