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Nội dung text UNIT 6 (TỪ VỰNG & NGỮ PHÁP) - KEY.doc

Unit 6: Vietnamese lifestyles: Then and now WORD PRONUNCIATION MEANING democratic (adj) /ˌdeməˈkrætɪk/ thuộc dân chủ dependent (adj) /dɪˈpendənt/ lệ thuộc vào dye (v) /daɪ/ nhuộm extended (adj) /ɪkˈstendɪd/ nhiều thế hệ (trong một gia đình) family-oriented (adj) /ˈfæməli ˈɔrientɪd/ hướng về, coi trọng gia đình gap (n) /ɡæp/ khoảng cách generation (n) /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn/ thế hệ household (n) /ˈhaʊshəʊld/ hộ gia đình lifestyle (n) /ˈlaɪfstaɪl/ lối sống memorise (v) /ˈmeməraɪz/ ghi nhớ monk (n) /mʌŋk/ nhà sư nuclear (adj) /ˈnjuːkliə/ hai thế hệ (trong một gia đình) opportunity (n) /ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti/ cơ hội popularity (n) /ˌpɒpjuˈlærəti/ sự phổ biến privacy (n) /ˈprɪvəsi/ sự riêng tư promise (n, v) /ˈprɒmɪs/ lời hứa, hứa pursue (v) /pəˈsjuː/ theo đuổi replace (v) /rɪˈpleɪs/ thay thế take notes /teɪk nəʊts/ ghi chép trend (n) /trend/ xu hướng western (adj) /ˈwestən/ thuộc phương Tây Các động từ phải có V-ING theo sau V + V ing Các động từ phải có TO-V theo sau V + TO V Các động từ + O + To V infinitive V+ SB + TO V Sau V + sb + V -bare inf hoặc to V avoid (tránh ) afford (đủ khả advise (khuyên ) 1 .help (giúp )
GLOBAL SUCCESS 9 UNIT 4:REMEMBERING THE PAST 2 admit (thừa nhận ) advise (khuyên nhủ ) appreciate (đánh giá ) complete ( hoàn thành ) consider ( xem xét ) continue(tiep tuc)=go on= keep on( tiếp tục delay ( trì hoãn ) deny ( từ chối ) ≠ give up(tõ bá) discuss ( thảo luận ) dislike ( không thích )=hate enjoy ( thích )=like=feel like=love finish ( hoàn thành )) mention (đề cập ) mind ( phiền , ngại ) miss (nhớ , bỏ lỡ ) postpone ( trì hoãn ) ≠stop( dừng lại) practice (luyện tập ) quit (nghỉ , thôi ) recall ( nhắc nhở , nhớ ) recollect ( nhớ ra ) recommend (nhắc nhở ) regret ( tiec rang)Ving = be sorry about Ving= be sorry sb for Ving resent (bực tức ) resist (kháng cự ) risk ( rủi ro ) spend (su dung thoi gian,) suggest (đề nghị ) tolerate (tha thứ ) understand ( hiểu ) can’t help (ko thể tránh / nhịn được ) can’t stand ( ko thể chịu đựng đc ) can’t bear ( ko thể chịu đựng đc ) It is no use / It is no good ( vô ích) would you mind(có làm phiền...k) to be used to ( quen với ) to be / get accustomed to (dần quen với ) to be busy ( bận rộn ) to be worth ( xứng đáng ) to look forward to (trông mong ) to have difficulty(in)/ fun / trouble to have a difficult (in) time TO GO + V-ING (cùng vui chơi, cùng thể thao…) be afraid OF =be frightened OF = be terrfied OF = be scared OF (sî) be interested IN = be fond OF = (v) keen ON (thích,quan tâm) be tired OF (mệt) be bored with=be fed up WITH (ch¸n) be good /bad FOR (tốt /xấu cho) be good/bad AT (giỏi/ dốt về) be surprised / shocke năng) agree (đồng ý ) appear ( xuất hiện ) arrange ( sắp xếp ) ask ( hỏi , yêu cầu ) beg ( nài nỉ , vanxin) care ( chăm sóc ) claim (đòi hỏi,yêu cầu) consent ( bằng lòng decide ( quyết định ) demand ( yêu cầu ) deserve ( xứng đáng) expect ( mong đợi ) fail ( thất bại ) hesitate (do dự ) hope (hi vọng ) learn ( học ) manage (sắp xếp ) mean (ý định ) need ( cần ) offer (đề nghị ) plan ( lên kế hoạch ) prepare ( chuẩn bị ) pretend ( giả vờ ) promise ( hứa ) refuse ( từ chối ) seem ( dường như ) struggle (đấu tranh ) swear ( xin thề ) threaten (đe doạ ) volunteer ( tình nguyện wait (đợi ) want ( muốn ) wish ( mong ) Ex : We agree to start early allow ( cho phép ) ask ( yêu cầu ) beg ( van xin ) cause ( gây ra ) challenge ( thách thức ) convince ( thuyết phục ) dare ( dám ) encourage ( khuyến khích ) expect ( mong đợi ) forbid ( cấm ) force ( buộc ) hire ( thuê ) instruct ( hướng dẫn invite ( mời ) need ( cần ) order ( ra lệnh ) permit ( cho phép ) persuade ( thuyết phục ) remind ( nhắc nhở ) require (đò hỏi ) teach ( dạy ) tell( bảo ) urge ( thúc giục ) want ( muốn ) warn ( báo trước ) Ex: She allowed me to use her car +To V/ Ving 2. let (cho phép) +Vnguyên 3.make(bắt) +V nguyên 4.seem(dường như) +To V 5.make (làm cho) + V_bare inf (≠feel like+ V-ing) 10.had better(nên) +V nguyên *************** 9.observe(quan sát) 8.hear(nghe) 11.smell(ngöi) 12.taste(ngửi có vị) 13.notice(chú ý) 14.watch( xem) 15.become(trở len) 16.sound(nghe ) + V nguyên / Ving ****************** 17.nothing but(k gì … nhưng chỉ) 18.cannot but (k còn cách nào hơn là... )
GLOBAL SUCCESS 9 UNIT 4:REMEMBERING THE PAST 3 /amzaed/astonished / AT(BY) * sau giới từ(in,on,at...) + Ving .*without/+ving = no+ving(không) PRACTICE Choose the best answer: 1.Many young people are fond of -------------- football and other kinds of sports. A. play B. to play C. playing D. played 2.They couldn’t help_______ when they heard the little boy singing a love song. A. laughing B. to laugh C. laugh D. laughed 3.Your house needs_________before Christmas. A. redecorated B. redecorating C. being redecorated D. to redecorate 4.Mr Buong remembers____ the children to play in his garden. A. to allow B. allow C. allowing D. allowed 5*.It was a nasty memory. Do you remember both of us wearing sunglasses to avoid ___by the supervisors? A. to recognize B. to be recognized C. recognizing D. being recognized 6.I can’t bear thinking back of that time. We like --------------each other equally. A. treat B. be treated C. have treated D. treating 7.Did you accuse Nam of _____a plate? Well, I saw him ______it off the table with his elbow. A. break/ knock B. breaking/ knocking C. to break/ to knock D. breaking/ knock 8.We found it very difficult to have _______discussion between us.. A. lovely B. personal C. various D. democratic 9.I can’t read when I am traveling. It makes me -------------- sick. A. feel B. to feel C. felt D. feeling 10.I need -------------- what’s in the letter. Why don’t you let me -------------- it? A. to know/ to read B. know/ read C. to know/ read D. knowing/ read 11.I suggest -------------- some more mathematical puzzles. A. do B. to do C. doing D. done 12.We regret -------------- you that we cannot approve your suggestion. A. inform B. to inform C. informing D. informed 13.The driver stopped -------------- a coffee because he felt sleepy. A. have B. to have C. having D. had 14.Have you ever considered -------------- a pharmacist? A. become B. becoming C. to become D. became 15.You had better -------------- at home until you feel better. A. staying B. stayed C. to stay D. stay 16.I remember -------------- my mother said the grass in the garden needed --------------. A. to hear/cutting B. hear/cut C. heard/to cut D. hearing/ cutting 17.Peter sometimes help his sister ------------- A. do homework B. to do homework C. with homework D. all are correct 18.I would rather -------------- at home than --------------out with you. A. staying/going B. to stay/ to go C. stay/go D. stayed/went 19.My father wants to______his interest to be a pilot. A. pursue B. memorise C. depend on D. replace 20.I would rather you --------------. A. drive B. to drive C. drove D. driven 21.She didn’t say a word and left the room. A. She left the room without saying a word B. She leaving the room without saying a word C. She left the room saying a word D. She left the room to say a word. 22.My father wanted me -------------- a pilot.
GLOBAL SUCCESS 9 UNIT 4:REMEMBERING THE PAST 4 A. become B. to become C. becoming D. became 23.Please wait a minute. My boss is busy -------------- somethin A. write B. writing C. to write D. to writing 24.My teacher doesn’t allow us -------------- while he is explaining the lesson A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talked 25.We have plenty of time. We needn’t -------------- A. hurry B. to hurry C. hurrying D. hurried 26.I promised -------------- on time. I mustn’t -------------- late. A. be/be B. to be/to be C. to be/ be D. be/to be 27.Mary and I are looking forward -------------- you. A.of seeing B. for seeing C. to seeing D. to see 28.I’m sure that he knows -------------- this new machine. A. to use B. using C. how using D. how to use 29.Psychiatrists and doctors have failed -------------- people not to drink. A. to tell B. telling C. tell D. told 30.The students are used to -------------- in the school library. A. working B. work C. to work D. worked 31.Our room needs -------------- up. A. tidied B. to tide C. tidy D. tidying 32.Mercury’s low gravity makes you -------------- very light in a spaceship. A. feel B. feeling C. to feel D. felt 33.“ Was the test long?”. “ Yes, John was the only one -------------- it” A. to finish B. finishing C. finished D. finish 34.A lot of things need -------------- to the house before anyone can move in. A. be done B. doing C. to do D. done 35.It is about time for you -------------- harder for the next exam. A. worked B. working C. work D. to work 36.If he really doesn’t feel like -------------- now, I suggested that he should go out for some fresh air. A. work B. to work C. worked D. working 37.My father usually helps me_______ English. A. to learn                       B. learn   C. learning   D. both A and B 38.He was heard_______ shout. A. to                               B.of C.at D.by 39.This student expected_______ the first winner of the Grand Prix. A. be B. being     C. to be                             D. will be 40.I told her_______ about her wedding; everything will straighten out. A. don't worry B. not to worry             C. no worry                     D. not worry 41.May I suggest you let_______ A. Mary doing so B. Mary does to               C. Mary do so             D. Mary to do so 42.She_______ him when he called her. A. pretended not hear B. pretended she heard C. did not pretend hear D. pretended not to hear 42.The doctor advised_______ late. A. me not staying up       B. me not stay up       C. I did not stay up D. me not to stay up         43.The school superintendent told me_______ A. hurrying up                 B. to hurry up C. hurry up                       D. hurried up 44.Mr. Buong told the schoolgirls_______ in class. A. don't ear B. eat not C. not to eat D. not eat 45.I have heard Dang Thai Son_______ the piano. A. played B. plays C. play D. to play 46*.The young teachers wanted a Foreign Language Teaching workshop _______ in Ho Chi Minh City.

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