Nội dung text Try Out SNBT Reguler 1 Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris 2024_2025 - Pembahasan.pdf
TS-O3K3Y5CA Reguler UTBK/SNBT 1 Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris 2024/2025 1. The question is basedon the following thread. Anthony Hi everyone, recently, I've been having a hard time balancing my work hours and exercise routine. The workload is very heavy and I barely have time to exercise. Can anyone offer advice on how to better manage my time between work andexercise? Sarah Hey Anthony, have you tried using a planner to manage your time? It can help you visualize your schedule and findsome time slots for exercise.Even if it's just 30 minutes per day, it's still better than no exercise at all. James You can exercise from your desk at the office. You can even exercise in your office toilet. I have been incorporating short workout during work hours, and it works well.Not only does it keep me fit, but it also helps relieve stress andkeeps me focused.Plus, it breaks the monotony of sitting for hours at a stretch. Leah Why don’t you join a sports forum? I'm sure there are many sports communities out there that offer various flexible time options so you can still exercise in your busy schedule. Ben Exercising is good and necessary. However, don't let yourself get too tired while exercising. Sleeping 8 hours a day can make you more optimal in various activities, including exercise. Rachel Look for a personal trainer who can understand your busy life so he can schedule the right time for you to exercise. Apart from that, another advantage is that you can exercise well because you are accompanied by a professional. Mark A 10-minute home workout can actually make a significant difference. Here's a routine built from working with many of my clients at the gym: 1 min: Jumping Jacks, 1 min: Push-ups, 1 min: Squats, 1 min: Plank, 1 min: Rest. Repeat once more.No equipment needed. Aim for 4-5 days a week.Remember, a little effort consistently goes a long way towards achieving your fitness goals. Emma Just exercise as much as you can, but do your best every time you do it.Even though it's only once a week, if done well, I'm sure it will have a positive impact. What is the topic of the discussion? a.How to fit our exercise schedule between our routines b.Balancing work hours effectively c.Benefits of exercise for work d.The relationship between exercise andwork e.Exercise anddaily routines Pembahasan
Soal menanyakan topik dari diskusi. Anthony (poster/orang yang memposting) meminta saran membagi waktu agar bisa berolahraga di tengah kesibukan sehari-hari. Dengan demikian, topik yang tepat adalah “How to fit our exercise schedule between our routines” (Bagaimana menyesuaikan jadwal olahraga kita di antara rutinitas kita). Pilihan E sekilas tepat tetapi sebetulnya tidak. Pilihan ini hanya menyampaikan dua hal (olahraga dan kesibukan) tanpa menyebutkan kaitan antara keduanya. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah A. 2. The question is basedon the following thread. Anthony Hi everyone, recently, I've been having a hard time balancing my work hours and exercise routine. The workload is very heavy and I barely have time to exercise. Can anyone offer advice on how to better manage my time between work andexercise? Sarah Hey Anthony, have you tried using a planner to manage your time? It can help you visualize your schedule and findsome time slots for exercise.Even if it's just 30 minutes per day, it's still better than no exercise at all. James You can exercise from your desk at the office. You can even exercise in your office toilet. I have been incorporating short workout during work hours, and it works well.Not only does it keep me fit, but it also helps relieve stress andkeeps me focused.Plus, it breaks the monotony of sitting for hours at a stretch. Leah Why don’t you join a sports forum? I'm sure there are many sports communities out there that offer various flexible time options so you can still exercise in your busy schedule. Ben Exercising is good and necessary. However, don't let yourself get too tired while exercising. Sleeping 8 hours a day can make you more optimal in various activities, including exercise. Rachel Look for a personal trainer who can understand your busy life so he can schedule the right time for you to exercise. Apart from that, another advantage is that you can exercise well because you are accompanied by a professional. Mark A 10-minute home workout can actually make a significant difference. Here's a routine built from working with many of my clients at the gym: 1 min: Jumping Jacks, 1 min: Push-ups, 1 min: Squats, 1 min: Plank, 1 min: Rest. Repeat once more.No equipment needed. Aim for 4-5 days a week.Remember, a little effort consistently goes a long way towards achieving your fitness goals. Emma Just exercise as much as you can, but do your best every time you do it.Even though it's only once a week, if done well, I'm sure it will have a positive impact. Who implies that sports can be done anywhere andanytime? a.Sarah b. James c. Leah d.Mark e.Emma Pembahasan
Soal menanyakan pernyataan yang menyiratkan bahwa olahraga bisa dilakukan dimanapun dan kapanpun. Pada forum, Anthony meminta saran membagi waktu agar bisa berolahraga di tengah kesibukan sehari-hari. Di antara Sarah, James, Leah, Mark, dan Emma, James lah yang menyiratkan hal tersebut. Ia menyampaikan bahwa Anthony bisa saja berolahraga saat sedang bekerja di kantor, bahkan di toilet kantor. Ia mencontohkan dirinya yang menyelipkan olahraga saat sedang bekerja. Secara tidak langsung, ia ingin menyampaikan bahwa olahraga bisa dilakukan dimanapun dan kapanpun, bahkan ketika bekerja. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B. 3. The question is basedon the following thread. Anthony Hi everyone, recently, I've been having a hard time balancing my work hours and exercise routine. The workload is very heavy and I barely have time to exercise. Can anyone offer advice on how to better manage my time between work andexercise? Sarah Hey Anthony, have you tried using a planner to manage your time? It can help you visualize your schedule and findsome time slots for exercise.Even if it's just 30 minutes per day, it's still better than no exercise at all. James You can exercise from your desk at the office. You can even exercise in your office toilet. I have been incorporating short workout during work hours, and it works well.Not only does it keep me fit, but it also helps relieve stress andkeeps me focused.Plus, it breaks the monotony of sitting for hours at a stretch. Leah Why don’t you join a sports forum? I'm sure there are many sports communities out there that offer various flexible time options so you can still exercise in your busy schedule. Ben Exercising is good and necessary. However, don't let yourself get too tired while exercising. Sleeping 8 hours a day can make you more optimal in various activities, including exercise. Rachel Look for a personal trainer who can understand your busy life so he can schedule the right time for you to exercise. Apart from that, another advantage is that you can exercise well because you are accompanied by a professional. Mark A 10-minute home workout can actually make a significant difference. Here's a routine built from working with many of my clients at the gym: 1 min: Jumping Jacks, 1 min: Push-ups, 1 min: Squats, 1 min: Plank, 1 min: Rest. Repeat once more.No equipment needed. Aim for 4-5 days a week.Remember, a little effort consistently goes a long way towards achieving your fitness goals. Emma Just exercise as much as you can, but do your best every time you do it.Even though it's only once a week, if done well, I'm sure it will have a positive impact. Who gives an irrelevant statement to the poster’s question? a. Leah b.Ben c.Rahel d.Emma e.Mark Pembahasan Soal menanyakan peserta forum yang pernyataannya tidak relevan dengan pertanyaan si pemosting (Anthony). Anthony meminta saran membagi waktu agar bisa berolahraga di tengah kesibukan sehari-hari.Hanya ada satu
peserta yang tanggapannya tidak relevan, yaitu Ben. Ia malah mengingatkan Anthony untuk tidak berolahraga sampai kelelahan. Ia sama sekali tidak menjawab bagaimana caranya mengatur waktu olahraga di tengah kesibukan. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B. 4. The question is basedon the following thread. Anthony Hi everyone, recently, I've been having a hard time balancing my work hours and exercise routine. The workload is very heavy and I barely have time to exercise. Can anyone offer advice on how to better manage my time between work andexercise? Sarah Hey Anthony, have you tried using a planner to manage your time? It can help you visualize your schedule and findsome time slots for exercise.Even if it's just 30 minutes per day, it's still better than no exercise at all. James You can exercise from your desk at the office. You can even exercise in your office toilet. I have been incorporating short workout during work hours, and it works well.Not only does it keep me fit, but it also helps relieve stress andkeeps me focused.Plus, it breaks the monotony of sitting for hours at a stretch. Leah Why don’t you join a sports forum? I'm sure there are many sports communities out there that offer various flexible time options so you can still exercise in your busy schedule. Ben Exercising is good and necessary. However, don't let yourself get too tired while exercising. Sleeping 8 hours a day can make you more optimal in various activities, including exercise. Rachel Look for a personal trainer who can understand your busy life so he can schedule the right time for you to exercise. Apart from that, another advantage is that you can exercise well because you are accompanied by a professional. Mark A 10-minute home workout can actually make a significant difference. Here's a routine built from working with many of my clients at the gym: 1 min: Jumping Jacks, 1 min: Push-ups, 1 min: Squats, 1 min: Plank, 1 min: Rest. Repeat once more.No equipment needed. Aim for 4-5 days a week.Remember, a little effort consistently goes a long way towards achieving your fitness goals. Emma Just exercise as much as you can, but do your best every time you do it.Even though it's only once a week, if done well, I'm sure it will have a positive impact. Among the participants, who gives the most reliable response? a.Emma b.Rahel c. Leah d.Sarah e.Mark Pembahasan Soal menanyakan peserta forum yang memberikan tanggapan paling dapat dipercaya. Maksudnya adalah tanggapan tersebut berasal dari seseorang yang memiliki bukti, pengalaman, atau ia sendiri adalah seorang ahli dalam bidang yang sedang didiskusikan.