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Tham khảo bộ sách học IELTS được biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại đây: https://ielts-thanhloan.com/danh-muc/sach-ielts-thanh-loan-viet Phân tích từ khoá trong IELTS Reading 1. What is key word analysis? What are key words? - Key words are words that carry information - Key words are never small words like conjunctions and prepositions Why do we need to analyse key words in IELTS Reading test? - Key words can help you read more efficiently because the texts are too long and normally complex. - By focusing on key words, you can read more quickly by only looking at the part of the text that you need to. 2. How many types of key words are there? Type 1: Key words that cannot be paraphrased in the passage - Time, number (Eg: 1997, the 19th century, ) - Proper names (Eg: William Henry Perkin, France ) - Terminology (Eg: malaria, ) Use: To help readers find where the answer is in the text. They normally do not tell you what the answer is. Type 2: Key words that can be paraphrased in the passage - Noun - Verb - Adjective/ Adverb Use: They tell you whether the meaning of questions match the texts or not Note: Be careful with this approach. - If you find the answer by trying and matching words in the question with words in the text >> WRONG - You need to match the meanings between questions and texts 3. Practice 1. Michael Faraday was the first person to recognize Perkin’s ability as a student of chemistry Type 1 Michael Faraday (proper name) Chemistry (proper name) Type 2 First person = was not recognized until .... = initially... Recognize = realize = be perceived
Tham khảo bộ sách học IELTS được biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại đây: https://ielts-thanhloan.com/danh-muc/sach-ielts-thanh-loan-viet 2. Michael Faraday suggested Perkin should enrol in the Royal College of chemistry. Type 1 Royal College of chemistry (proper name) Type 2 Suggest = recommend st to sb = advice .... Enrol in ... = register for ... = be admited to ... 3. Perkin employed August Wilhelm Hofmann as his assistant. Type 1 August Wilhelm Hofmann (proper name) Type 2 Employ sb as an assistant = sb become assistant of sb = hire sb 4. Perkin was still young when he made the discovery that made him rich and famous. Type 1 No Type 2 Be still young = be immature = be a child Rich and famous = have fame and fortune = affluent, wealthy/ gain reputation for st 5. The trees from which quinine is derived grow only in South America. Type 1 Quinine (terminology) South America (proper name) Type 2 Derive from = originate from = develop from ... Only = unique to somewhere 6. Perkin hoped to manufacture a drug from a coal tar waste product. Type 1 Coal tar (terminology) Type 2 Hope to = attempt to do st = try to do st Manufacture = make = generate 7. Perkin was inspired by the discoveries of the famous scientist Louis Pasteur. Type 1 Louis Pasteur (proper name) Type 2 Be inspired = be encouraged = be stimulated Conclusion: - There are two types of key words in IELTS Reading questions - You need to analyse key words before answering questions
Tham khảo bộ sách học IELTS được biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại đây: https://ielts-thanhloan.com/danh-muc/sach-ielts-thanh-loan-viet Chiến thuật trả lời mọi câu hỏi trong IELTS Reading 1. Steps to do a reading passage Read title and subtitle first - What is title? An identifying name given to a reading passage. Usually on the top of the reading passage Help readers make a prediction or have an insight into what the passage might be about. - What is subtitle? The secondary explanatory title Will be located right after the main title Help readers narrow the focus Read questions - Understand the question - Analyse key words Find information - Almost all information to answer those questions appear in the text in order, except matching information with paragraph - A reading passage has two or three groups of question Example: Questions 1-7: True – False – Not given Questions 8-13: Short answer question Answer each question - Read for detail - Understand the meaning of questions and relevant information in the text, not just comparing key words.
Tham khảo bộ sách học IELTS được biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại đây: https://ielts-thanhloan.com/danh-muc/sach-ielts-thanh-loan-viet 2. Steps to find the correct answer to a question - Based on key words that cannot be paraphrased in the passage - Locate information that is relevant to the question Example: Cam 09 Test 1 Passage 1 William Henry Perkin The man who invented synthetic dyes William Henry Perkin was born on March 12, 1838, in London, England. As a boy, Perkin’s curiosity prompted early interests in the arts, sciences, photography, and engineering. But it was a chance stumbling upon a run-down, yet functional, laboratory in his late grandfather's home that solidified the young man’s enthusiasm for chemistry. As a student at the City of London School, Perkin became immersed in the study of chemistry. His talent and devotion to the subject were perceived by his teacher, Q1 Thomas Hall, who encouraged him to attend a series of lectures given by the eminent scientist Michael Faraday at the Royal Institution. Those speeches tired the young Q2 chemist`s enthusiasm further, and he later went on to attend the Royal College of Chemistry, which he succeeded in entering in 1853, at the age of 15. At the time of Perkin’s enrollment, the Royal College of Chemistry was headed by the Q3 noted German chemist August Wilhelm Hofmann. Perkin’s scientific gifts soon caught Hofmann’s attention and within two years, he became Hofmann’s youngest assistant. Not long after that, Perkin made the scientific breakthrough that would bring him both fame and fortune. At the time, quinine was the only viable medical treatment for malaria. The drug is Q5 derived from the bark of the cinchona tree, native to South America, and by 1856 demand for the drug was surpassing the available supply. Thus, when Hofmann made some passing comments about the desirability of a synthetic substitute for quinine, it was unsurprising that his star pupil was moved to take up the challenge. During his vacation in 1856, Perkin spent his time in the laboratory on the top floor of Q6 his family's house. He was attempting to manufacture quinine from aniline, an inexpensive and readily available coal tar waste product. Despite his best efforts, however, he did not end up with quinine. Instead, he produced a mysterious dark

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