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Microbes in Human Welfare  Digital www.allendigital.in [ 15 ] 1. Which one of the following is not true about antibiotics? (1) First anitobiotic was discovered by Alexander Fleming (2) The term 'antibiotic' was coined by S. Waksman in 1942. (3) Some persons can be allergic to a particular antibiotic (4) Each antibiotic is effective only against one particular kind of germ. 2. Which one of the microorganism is used for production of citric acid in industries ? (1) Lactobacillus bulgaricus (2) Penicillium citrinum (3) Aspergillus niger (4) Rhizopus nigricans 3. Formation of vinegar from alcohol is caused by :- (1) Bacillus subtilis (2) Clostridium (3) Acetobacter aceti (4) Azotobacter 4. Biogas consists of:- (1) Carbon monooxide, methane and hydrogen (2) Carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen (3) Carbon monooxide, ethane and hydrogen (4) Carbon dioxide, ethane and hydrogen 5. Biogas is produced by anaerobic breakdown of biomass of agricultural waste by methanogenic bacteria. It is a:- (1) One step process (2) Two step process (3) Three step process (4) Multistep process 6. Beer is obtained from :- (1) Molasses (2) Grapes (3) Barley (4) Rye 7. Maximum percentage of alcohol present in the product of yeast fermentation :- (1) Brandy (2) Gin (3) Rum (4) Wine 8. Which of the following Microorganisms use for swisss cheese ? (1) Propionibacterium (2) Geotrichum (3) Penicillium (4) Streptococcus 9. Rate limiting material in biogas production is: (1) Methane (2) Cellulose (3) Starch (4) Acetic acid 10. Which group is not related with petroplantation (1) Euphorbiaceae (2) Asclepiadiaceae (3) Apocyanaceae (4) Leguminaceae 11. What are the advantage of gobar gas over convential utilization :- (1) More efficient source of energy (2) Used as good fertilizer (3) Reduces the chances of spreading of pathogens (4) All the above 12. Milk is changed into curd by :– (1) Bacillus Megatherium (2) Acetobactor aceti (3) Xanthomonas citri (4) Lactobacillus acidophilus 13. Saccharomyces cerevissae is used in the formation of :- (1) Ethanol (2) Methanol (3) Acetic acid (4) Antibiotics 14. Modern farmer's can increase the yield of Paddy upto 50% by the use of :- (1) Cyanobacteria (2) Rhizobium (3) Mycorrhiza (4) Farm yard manure 15. Which one produce gas by decomposing the gobar (Dung) in gobar gas:- (1) Fungus (2) Virus (3) Methanogenic bacteria (4) Algae Exercise - I
NEET : Biology [ 16 ] www.allendigital.in  Digital 16. Which of the following is used to manufacture ethanol from starch? (1) Penicillin (2) Saccharomyces (3) Azotobactor (4) Lactobacillus 17. Which of the following is the pair of biofertilizers? (1) Azolla and BGA (2) Nostoc and legume (3) Rhizobium and grasses (4) Salmonella & E. coli 18. Which bacteria is utilized in Gober gas plant? (1) Methanogens (2) Nitrifying bacteria (3) Ammonifying bacteria (4) Denitrifying bacteria 19. During the formation of bread it becomes porous due to release of CO2 by the action of:- (1) Yeast (2) Bacteria (3) Virus (4) Protozoans 20. During anaerobic digestion of organic waste, such as in producing biogas, which one of the following is left undergraded? (1) Lipids (2) Lignin (3) Hemi-cellulose (4) Cellulose 21. The term "antibiotic" was coined by :- (1) Edward Jenner (2) Louis Pasteur (3) Selman waksman (4) Alexander Fleming 22. A free living nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium which can also form symbiotic association with the water fern Azolla is? (1) Anabaena (2) Tolypothrix (3) Chlorella (4) Rhizobium 23. The technology of biogas production was developed in India mainly due to the efforts of: (1) IARI (2) KVIC (3) both (1) and (2) (4) WHO 24. Biogas produced by anaerobic fermentation of waste biomass consists of :- (1) methane (2) traces of H2, H2S and N2 (3) CO2 (4) all of these 25. Which one of the following is used in the making of bread ? (1) Rhizopus stolonifer (2) Saccharomyces cerevisiae (3) Zygasaccharomyces (4) Saccharomyces ludwigi 26. A common biocontrol agent for the control of plant diseases caused by fungi is :- (1) Agrobacterium (2) Glomus (3) Trichoderma (4) Baculovirus 27. Which one of the following microbes forms symbiotic association with plants and helps them in their nutrition? (1) Glomus (2) Trichoderma (3) Azotobacter (4) Aspergillus 28. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) grow in milk and convert it to curd and also improve its nutritional quality by increasing: - (1) Vitamin A (2) Vitamin B12 (3) Vitamin B6 (4) Vitamin C and A 29. The puffed-up appearance of dough is due to:– (1) Growth of LAB (2) Production of O2 and ethanol (3) Production of CO2 (4) Growth of yeast Monascus 30. Select the correct match :- (1) Aspergillus niger - Acetic acid (2) Streptokinase - Immunosuppressive (3) Cyclosporin - A - Clot buster (4) Statins - Cholesterol lowering agent 31. Biogas is the mixture of gases produced by the microbial activity. The type of the gas produced depends upon:– (1) type of microbes (2) type of organic substrate / waste (3) size of digester (4) (1) and (2) both
Microbes in Human Welfare  Digital www.allendigital.in [ 17 ] 32. Which biocontrol agent in very common in root ecosystem & is effective against several plant pathogens? (1) Baculoviruses (2) Trichoderma (3) Nucleopolyhedro virus (4) Ladybird beetle & Dragonflies 33. Which of the following bacterium is associated with production of bioinsecticide is? (1) Bacillus subtilis (2) Bacillus thuringensis (3) Agrobacterium (4) Azotobactor 34. Bio pesticide include :- (1) Only bioinsecticide (2) Only bioherbicide (3) Bioinsecticide & bioherbicide (4) Bioherbicide, bioinsecticide & biofertilisers 35. Bacillus thuringiensis is used to control :- (1) Moth (2) Flies (3) Mosquito (4) All the above 36. Trichoderma has proved a useful microorganism for :- (1) Gene transfer in higher plants (2) Biological control of soil-borne plant pathogens (3) Bioremediation of contaminated soils (4) reclamation of wastelands 37. Microbial insecticide is :- (1) Bacillus polymixa (2) Bacillus brevis (3) Bacillus subtilis (4)Bacillus thuringenesis 38. Ladybird is useful to get rid of:- (1) Aphids (2) Mosquitoes (3) Boll worm (4) Jassids EXERCISE-I (Conceptual Questions) ANSWER KEY Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Answer 4 3 3 2 3 3 1 1 2 4 4 4 1 1 3 Question 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Answer 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 4 2 3 1 2 3 4 Question 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Answer 4 2 2 3 4 2 4 1
NEET : Biology [ 18 ] www.allendigital.in  Digital AIPMT 2008 1. Which one of the following is being tried in India as a biofuel substitute for fossil fuels ? (1) Jatropha (2) Musa (3) Aegilops (4) Azadirachta AIPMT Mains 2011 2. Which one of the following is a wrong matching of a microbe and its industrial product, while the remaining three are correct ? (1) Aspergillus niger - citric acid (2) Yeast - Statins (3) Acetobacter aceti - acetic acid (4) Clostridium butylicum - lactic acid 3. Read the following statement having two blanks (A and B) : "A drug used for ____(A)___ patients is obtained from a species of the organism ____(B)____ ." The one correct option for the two blanks is:- Blank - A Blank - B (1) AIDS Pseudomonas (2) Heart Penicillium (3) Organ-transplant Trichoderma (4) Swine flu Monascus AIPMT Pre 2012 4. Yeast is used in the production of :- (1) Bread and beer (2) Cheese and butter (3) Citric acid and lactic acid (4) Lipase and pectinase 5. A patient brought to a hospital with myocardial infarction is normally immediately given :- (1) Cyclosporin-A (2) Statins (3) Penicillin (4) Streptokinase 6. Which one of the following is an example of carrying out biological control of pests/ diseases using microbes? (1) Bt-Cotton to increase cotton yield (2) Lady bird beetle against aphids in mustard (3) Trichoderma sp. against certain plant pathogens. (4) Nucleopolyhedrovirus against white rust in Brassica 7. The most abundant prokaryotes helpful to humans in making curd from milk and in production of antibiotics are ones categorised as:- (1) Chemosynthetic autotrophs (2) Heterotrophic bacteria (3) Cyanobacteria (4) Archaebacteria 8. Monascus purpureus is a yeast used commercially in the production of :- (1) citric acid (2) blood chlolesterol lowering statins (3) ethanol (4) streptokinase for removing clots from the blood vessels. AIPMT Mains 2012 9. In gobar gas, the maximum amount is that of:- (1) Propane (2) Carbon dioxide (3) Butane (4) Methane 10. Consider the following four statements (a-d) and select the option which includes all the correct ones only:- (a) Single cell Spirulina can produce large quantities of food rich in protein, minerals, vitamins etc. (b) Body weight-wise the microorganism Methylophilus methylotrophus may be able to produce several times more proteins than the cows per day. (c) Common button mushrooms are a very rich source of vitamin C. (d) A rice variety has been developed which is very rich in calcium. Options : (1) Statements (b) , (c) and (d) (2) Statements (a) , (b) (3) Statements (c) , (d) (4) Statements (a) , (c) and (d) Exercise - II (Previous Year Questions) AIPMT/NEET

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