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1 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph/letter in each of the following questions. Question 1: a. Let's plan to cook in the morning before lunch. b. Looking forward to our get-together! See you soon, Linda c. Is there anything else you'd like me to bring? I can also pick up additional ingredients from the supermarket or farmers' market. Just let me know your preferences. d. What time would be convenient for me to come over? e. Hi Mai, Thank you for the invitation; I'm available on Sunday and excited to visit. f. I'm pleased you find my cookbook helpful, and I'll bring fresh mangos from our garden—packed with vitamins A, B, and C. A. e, d, f, c, a, b B. e, a, f, d, c, b C. e, d, c, a, f, b D. e, d, a, f, c, b Question 2: a. By imposing restrictions, parents can allocate more time for learning and healthier outdoor pursuits. b. Secondly, excessive screen time poses health risks, including potential damage to eyesight, headaches, and issues like sleep disturbances and weight problems. c. Firstly, prolonged screen use often hinders teenagers from completing their homework, impacting both their academic performance and outdoor activities. d. Excessive screen time is a prevalent issue among today's teenagers, and I strongly advocate for parents to impose strict limits on their usage for two crucial reasons. e. In conclusion, parental control over teenagers' digital device usage is vital to ensure a balance between academic responsibilities, outdoor activities, and the protection of their overall healt A. c, e, d, a, b B. d, c, a, b, e C. d, e, c, a, b D. d, c, e, a, b Question 3: a. Firstly, these devices serve educational purposes, enabling students to access the internet for research and study, saving money and time on traditional books. b. The use of modern technology tools, such as smartphones and tablets, enhances study results through a variety of learning applications like dictionaries, spelling, translation, and pronunciation apps. c. Moreover, students can study anytime, anywhere with internet connectivity on their devices. d. Digital devices are integral to teenagers' lives today, and I firmly believe that parents should avoid strict limitations on their children's screen time. e. In conclusion, personal electronic devices offer more benefits than drawbacks for students, and I recommend that teachers encourage their use in both classroom and independent learning. f. These apps engage students with colorful designs, fun methods, and appealing content. A. d, a, b, f, c, e B. d, b, a, c, f, e C. d, c, a, b, f, e D. d, f, a, b, c, e Question 4: a. However, in Asian American families, the adaptation to American culture widens the generation gap. b. This often leads to a clash in cultural values, as parents uphold their native country's ideals while their Americanized children may diverge in preferences and behaviors. c. In many cultures, generational differences often revolve around variations in musical preferences, career paths, and lifestyles. d. Conversely, many first-generation Asian American parents struggle to adapt, maintaining their native language and adhering to traditional lifestyles.
2 e. Consequently, Asian American parents may face challenges in passing on their family's traditional values to their children. f. The children of Asian American immigrants naturally embrace American culture at a faster pace, with English becoming their primary language and a quick adoption of American values and traditions. A. c, f, d, a, b, e B. c, b, f, d, a, e C. c, d, b, a, f, e D. c, a, f, d, b, e Question 5: a. If there is any way of preponing the get-together to any time before the month-end, I can definitely make it to our gathering. b. Dear Sreya, It is extremely thoughtful of you to plan a get-together for all of us. c. Waiting to hear from you. With love, Surya d. I hope we can reschedule the get-together and not miss the chance to meet up. e. I wish I could join you, but I am sorry to say that I have a project starting next month, and it would not be possible for me to be there. A. b, d, a, e, c B. b, e, a, d, c C. b, a, e, d, c D. b, a, d, e, c Question 6: a. Awaiting your reply and hoping to meet you soon. Love, Sreya b. I'm thinking we could meet on Friday evening and spend the weekend at a resort in Munnar, enjoying the pleasant climate and exploring tourist spots. c. Dear Surya, I hope you and your family are well. d. I'd love to discuss the details further. e. If you're interested, we can talk to the others, and I'll visit you next weekend to discuss the plans in more detail. f. It's been a while since we all got together, so I'm planning a get-together next month.   A. c, f, d, b, e, a B. c, d, b, f, e, a C. c, e, d, f, b, a D. c, b, e, d, f, a Question 7: a. Having eagerly awaited your return, I'm keen to hear all the details about your first venture into a foreign land. b. Eagerly awaiting your reply. Your loving cousin, Sarah c. Dearest Maria, I was thrilled to learn from my mother that you've returned home safely after your trip. I hope it was an enjoyable and secure experience. d. I was concerned about the reported bomb blasts during your stay and sincerely hope that you and everyone there remained safe. e. Apart from this, I trust everything else went well. Your mother mentioned you'll be home in two weeks, and I've seen your Instagram pictures; I can't wait to meet you and hear your stories. f. From what my friends have shared, the place is incredibly beautiful, and the people are charming. A. c, e, f, d, a, b B. c, d, f, a, e, b C. c, f, d, e, a, b D. c, a, f, d, e, b Question 8: a. Please ensure you wash and sanitize your hands after every outing, avoid physical contact, wear your mask consistently, and maintain social distance. b. Dear Jane, I hope you and your family are well and staying safe. c. It's been too long since we last met, and I hope this pandemic disruption ends soon so we can see each other. Write to me when you can, and convey my regards to everyone at home. Love, d. I've been closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation in the news, and it's concerning to see rising rates in your area.
3 e. Unfortunately, people seem more lethargic and careless now, and all we can do is take extra precautions. f. Consider avoiding public transport for now, and make sure everyone at home takes similar precautions. Don't forget to get your vaccine shots as soon as possible. A. b, e, a, d, f, c B. b, d, e, a, f, c C. b, f, e, d, a, c D. b, a, f, d, e, c Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 18 to 23. Passage 1: (18) _______. Firstly, our heritage represents our history and our culture. It tells the story of (19) _______, and helps to preserve our identity and our sense of belonging. (20) _______, we would lose touch with our past, and our future generations would not have a sense of their roots. Secondly, heritage sites and artifacts are often irreplaceable. (21) _______, they cannot be recovered. Many heritage sites and artifacts are also fragile and require careful preservation to prevent deterioration. Thirdly, heritage tourism is a major industry in many parts of the world. Preserving our heritage not only benefits our cultural identity, but (22) _______ to local communities through tourism. Finally, protecting our heritage is a moral obligation. We have a duty to safeguard our cultural heritage for future generations and (23) _______ through neglect or willful destruction. Question 18: A. This is important to protect our heritage for several reasons B. Which is important to protect our heritage for several reasons C. It is important to protect our heritage for several reasons D. It is important to protect our heritage because several reasons Question 19: A. who we are as a people B. who are we as a people C. who we are as people D. that we are as a people Question 20: A. With our heritage B. To our heritage C. Without our heritage D. Without their heritage Question 21: A. They are destroyed or lost B. Once they are destroyed or lost C. To be destroyed or lost D. Having destroyed or lost Question 22: A. it can also bring economic benefits B. it also can bring economic benefits C. economic benefits it can also bring D. it can also bring benefits economic Question 23: A. ensuring that it is lost or destroyed B. to ensure it to be not lost or destroyed C. ensuring it to be not lost or destroyed D. to ensure that it is not lost or destroyed Passage 2: Television enables us to see things in distant places. (18) ______. Television not only entertains people but also teaches people a variety of important things. Through this wonderful invention we learn about people and events thousands of miles away. (19) ______ are also shown on television for entertainment as well as for instruction. Short films based on popular stories, which entertain millions of people all over the world, are often shown. In some countries television is used to teach pupils and students many useful lessons. Students who cannot go to school because of transport or other problems are taught all (20) ______ at home through television. (21) ______, people enjoy watching more than listening to the radio. (22) ______ knowledge of many things, but what we see with our eyes explains that itself. For all these reasons, (23) ________ no doubt that television will continue to be popular for a long time. Question 18: A. This is indeed one of the most wonderful things that man has ever invented B. It is indeed one of the most wonderful things that man has ever invented C. Which is indeed one of the most wonderful things that man has ever invented D. Indeed one of the most wonderful things that man has ever invented
4 Question 19: A. Pictures taken in all parts of the world B. Pictures to take in all parts of the world C. Pictures taking in all parts of the world D. Pictures to be taken in all parts of the world Question 20: A. our lessons B. his lessons C. theirs lessons D. their lessons Question 21: A. When television appeals to the eye instead of the ear B. Television appeals to the eye instead of the ear C. As television appeals to the eye instead of the ear D. So television appeals to the eye instead of the ear Question 22: A. Listening requires B. Listen requires C. Listening require D. Listen to require Question 23: A. it is B. it’s being C. there is D. there has Passage 3: Life expectancy has generally increased over the past few decades, and some people enjoy a longer and healthier life than others. (18) ______. So how can you develop these habits? Start by looking at food labels, paying attention to ingredients and nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals. Avoid having food with too much salt or sugar, such as fast food. Furthermore, add more fresh fruits and vegetables to (19) ______, and remember to eat a big breakfast and a small dinner. (20) ______, start exercising slowly, but regularly. (21) ______, choose the type of exercise that is suitable for you. Then, start slowly, for example, by doing exercise for only 5 to 10 minutes a day. When your body is ready for more exercise, you can work out longer. Finally, always exercise regularly (22) ______. A good night's sleep is very important. Before you go to bed, avoid having coffee or energy drinks. Exercise can help you have a better sleep, but avoid exercising right before bedtime. Never use your mobile phone or laptop in bed and turn off all your electronic devices at least 30 minutes before you go to bed. Their screens give off blue light that can prevent you from sleeping well. Finally, if you still can't fall asleep, do something repetitive or (23) ______. (Adapted from English 11- Global Success) Question 18: A. One possible explanation is that they have healthy lifestyle habits A. One possible explanation is they have healthy lifestyle habits A. One possible explanation is which they have healthy lifestyle habits A. One possible explanation that they have healthy lifestyle habits Question 19: A. our diet B. my diet C. yours diet D. your diet Question 20: A. You have not been very active B. When you have not been very active C. If you have not been very active D. Not having been very active Question 21: A. Beginning with B. To begin with C. Begin with D. To start Question 22: A. keep your body fit and your mind happy B. to keep your body fit and your mind happy C.to keep your fit body and your mind happy D. keeps your body fit and your mind happy Question 23: A. to listen to some soft music relaxed before trying to sleep again B. listen to some soft music relaxing before try to sleep again C. listen to some soft music to relax before trying to sleep again D. to listen to some soft music to relax before trying to sleep again Passage 4: Both bacteria and viruses can cause diseases, (18) ______. Bacteria are living organisms. They can live in many places, such as soil, water, and the human body. The smallest bacteria are about 0.4 micron in diameter. Some bacteria in our bodies are helpful, but some can cause infectious diseases such as tuberculosis or food poisoning. (19) ______. Viruses are tiny germs that cause diseases in people, animals, and plants. They can cause a range of illnesses, (20) ______ to more serious diseases such as AIDS and Covid-19. As they are very small (0.02 to 0.25 micron),

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