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Nội dung text 50 đề & bài giải mẫu - TOEIC Speaking Question 11

TOEIC SPEAKING - Part 5 1. Do you think it’s useful to check information about a product on the company’s website before buying it? I don’t think it’s useful to check information about a product on the company’s website before buying it. The main reason is that information is often incomplete. Because companies want to sell more products, they tend to mention only the good features of the product on their website and hide the bad ones. Therefore, it is very difficult for customers to have a complete understanding of the product. Let me tell you my story. Last year, I bought a smartphone after checking information on the website. According to the description on the website, it can take beautiful photos and it can store many files and apps. When I received the phone, it did take beautiful photos and it did store many files and apps. However, it also ran out of battery quickly, which is not mentioned on the website. If I had known that, I would not have bought it because a long battery life is very important for me. 2. What are the disadvantages for employees when companies introduce flexible working hours? There are some disadvantages for employees when companies introduce flexible working hours. The most noticeable disadvantage is that it will be difficult for employees to cooperate with each other. When employees have different schedules, they cannot communicate, or provide and receive feedback from each other quickly. This can reduce work productivity. Let me tell you my story. Last year, my company introduced flexible working hours. I chose to work early in the morning, while my colleague Tim prefers to work late at night. This means I worked when he slept and vice versa. One morning, I needed Tim’s report for an urgent meeting with customers. However, he was sleeping at that time and didn’t pick up the phone when I called. As a result, I had to reschedule the meeting to another day. 3. Who do you think has a greater influence on a child’s success: celebrities or parents? Why? I think parents have a greater influence on a child’s success. First, a child’s success depends largely on his or her education. Parents not only pay for their kids’s schooling but also teach them outside of school. For example, parents assign household chores to teach children to be more independent, or take them on trips to help broaden their perspectives. Celebrities can inspire children, but they cannot provide financial support and teach like parents. In addition, parents provide children with emotional support and unconditional love, while celebrities cannot. Parents praise when their kids achieve

yoga. Many people in the group liked my post and sent me friend requests. Thanks to Facebook, now I have a lot of friends. 7. Do you prefer to work with colleagues in an office or to work alone at home? I prefer to work with colleagues in an office. First of all, I am an outgoing person. Therefore, spending time with other people makes me happy. If I work alone at home, I will feel sad and lonely. Second, it helps me save time. To be specific, when I have problems, I can get help from my colleagues quickly. When working alone at home, I have to solve everything by myself, so it might take a lot of time. For example, last week, I had to write a report at work. I didn’t know where to find data for my report. Luckily, my colleague showed me a website. Thanks to her, I could finish the report quickly. For these reasons, I prefer to work with colleagues in an office. 8. What are the advantages of watching a movie in a theater compared to watching it at home? I think there are some advantages of watching a movie in a theater compared to watching it at home. First of all, movies seem to be more exciting when watched in a theater. To be specific, a theater has a big screen and a good sound system. Therefore, you can see and hear everything more clearly. For example, last week, I watched an action movie in a theater. The big screen made me feel like I was also in the movie. My heart skipped a beat everytime the main actor pointed a gun towards the screen. I don’t think I could have those feelings when watching it on a small screen at home. In addition, there are too many distractions at home such as noisy neighbors, phone calls or household chores. However, if you watch a movie in a theater, you can focus completely on the movie without any distractions. 9. If you have a conflict with a coworker, do you prefer to resolve it by speaking with the coworker directly or by speaking with your supervisor? I prefer to resolve it by speaking with the coworker directly. First of all, it helps me find the solution more quickly. To be specific, if I speak with my supervisor, I have to explain the whole situation to him and it might take a lot of time. Second, it helps strengthen my relationship with this coworker. Speaking with the coworker directly shows that I respect and want to work through challenges with him or her. Therefore, he or she will trust and be willing to help or support me more.

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