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Class : XiIth Subject : CHEMISTRY Date : DPP No. : 4 1 (b) R—NO2 Sn/HCl R—NH2 3 (d) It is carbylamine reaction, 6 (b) C6H5NH2Diazotisation C6H5N2Cl + H2O 7 (b) In carbylamines reaction, when a primary amine reacts with chloroform in presence of alc. KOH, it gives iso-cyanide which has abonxious odour. This reaction is given by primary amine RNH2 + CHCl3 + 3KOH ∆ RNC + 3KCl + 3H2O Primary (alc) alkyl Amine iso-cyanide 8 (c) K2CO3 is formed in Hofmann’s degradation reaction. 9 (d) Electron withdrawing groups result in decreased basicity while electron releasing groups increases the basicity. Thus, the order of basic character is CH2NH2 benzyl amine CH2NC benzyl isocyanide CHCl3 KOH, C2H5OH Topic :- Amines Solutions
D > A > B > C 11 (d) Isopropyl amine is a primary amine because one hydrogen atom of ammonia is replaced by isopropyl group. NH2 | CH3 ― CH ― CH3 1° amine 12 (a) CH3CH2NH2NaNO2 + HCl CH3 CH2 OH + N2 + H2O + NaCl Ethylamine NH2CONH2NaNO2 + HCl 2N2 + H2O + CO2 + NaCl Urea CH3CONH2NaNO2 + HCl CH3 COOH + N2 + H2O + NaCl Acetamide C6H5NH2NaNO2 + HCl C6H5N + 2Cl ―H2O + NaCl Aniline 13 (a) NH2CONH2 + HOC2H5∆H2NCOOC2H5 + NH3 Urethane 16 (b) Carbylamine (or isocyanides) give secondary amine on reduction. R ― N = CNi/H2R ― NH ― CH3 carbylamine secondary amine 17 (a) Isocyanides (carbylamines) are foul odour compounds.
Q. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A. D A A C A B A C A B