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TOPIC COVERED Physics: Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory, Oscillations, Waves Chemistry: Organic Chemistry – Some Basic Principles & Techniques, Hydrocarbons, Environmental Chemistry Botany: Respiration in Plants, Photosynthesis in Higher Plants, Plant Growth and Development Zoology: Neural Control and Coordination, Chemical Coordination and integration, Biomolecules Duration: 3 hr 20 min Max Marks: 720 Date: 15/05/2022 General Instructions: • The test will contain 200 Questions of Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology & The test will be objective type. (Attempt only 180). • Every subject contains two Part A-35 Questions and Part B-15 Questions (Attempt only 10). • All 35 Questions of Part-A are Compulsory to attempt • Time given for test is 200 minutes. • Marking is +4 for every correct answer, –1 for every wrong answer. • You can reattempt the test in case of any technical issue. • Test will start at 2:00 pm and students can attempt test at any time of their own preferences PHYSICS SECTION-A 1. The acceleration of a particle in SHM at 5 cm from its mean position is 20 cm/sec2 . The value of angular velocity in radian/second will be (1) 2 (2) 4 (3) 10 (4) 14 2. The velocity-time diagram of a harmonic oscillation is shown in the adjoining figure. The frequency of oscillation is: (1) 25 Hz (2) 50 Hz (3) 12.25 Hz (4) 33.3 Hz 3. Some springs are combined in series and parallel arrangement as shown in the figure and a mass M is suspended from them. The ratio of their frequencies will be: (1) 1 : 1 (2) 2 : 1 (3) 3 : 2 (4) 4 : 1 4. The acceleration due to gravity at height R above the surface of the earth is g/4. The periodic time of a simple pendulum in an artificial satellite at this height will be: (1) 2 =2 l T g  (2) =2 2 l T g  (3) Zero (4) Infinity AIM NEET Part Test-04
5. Simple pendulum of large length is made equal to the radius of the earth. Its period of oscillation will be: (1) 84.6 min (2) 59.8 min (3) 42.3 min (4) 21.15 min 6. A lift ascending with acceleration g/3. What will be the time period of a simple pendulum suspended from its ceiling if its time period in stationary lift is T? (1) 2 T (2) 3 2 T (3) 3 4 T (4) 4 T 7. A simple pendulum performs simple harmonic motion about x = 0 with an amplitude a and time period T. The speed of the pendulum at x = a/2 will be: (1) 3 a T  (2) 3 2 a T  (3) a T  (4) 2 3 a T  8. Two particles A and B of equal masses are suspended from two massless spring constants k1 and k2 respectively. If the maximum velocities during oscillations are equal, the ratio of amplitudes A and B is: (1) 1 2 k k (2) 1 2 k k (3) 2 1 k k (4) 2 1 k k 9. The period of oscillation of simple pendulum of length L suspended from the roof of the vehicle which moves without friction, down on an inclined plane of inclination , is given by: (1) 2 cos L g   (2) 2 sin L g   (3) 2 L g  (4) 2 tan L g   10. For hydrogen gas cp − cv = a and for a oxygen gas cp − cv = b then the relation between a and b is (where cp & cv are gram specific heats) (1) a = 16 b (2) b = 16 a (3) a = b (4) None of these 11. In a cyclic process shown on the P-V diagram the magnitude of the work done is: (1) 2 2 1 2   P P−     (2) 2 2 1 2   V V−     (3) ( 2 1 2 1 )( ) 4 P P V V  − − (4) ( PV2 2 – PV1 1 ) 12. For monoatomic gas the relation between pressure of a gas and temperature T for adiabatic process is 2 P  c T where C is. (1) 5/3 (2) 5/2 (3) 3/5 (4) 10/2 13. A gas for which  = 4/3 is heated at constant pressure. The percentage of total heat given that will be used for external work is : (1) 40% (2) 25% (3) 60% (4) 20% 14. A body executes S.H.M. with an amplitude A. At what displacement from the mean position, is the potential energy of the body one-fourth of its total energy? (1) 4 A (2) 2 A (3) 3 4 A (4) Some other fraction of A 15. Equal volume of H2, O2 and He gases are at same temperature and pressure. Which of these will have large number of molecules: (1) H2 (2) O2 (3) He (4) All the gase will have same number of molecules 16. A simple pendulum with a metallic bob has a time period T. The bob is now immersed in a non- viscous liquid and oscillated. If the density of the liquid is 1/4 that of the metal, the time period of the same pendulum will be: (1) 3 T (2) 2 3 T (3) 4 3 T (4) 2 3 T
17. The time period of oscillations of a simple pendulum is 1 minute. If its length is increased by 44%, then its new time period of oscillation will be: (1) 96 s (2) 58 s (3) 82 s (4) 72 s 18. Two pendulums of length 1.21 m and 1.0 m start vibrating. At some instant, the two are in the mean position in same phase. After how many vibrations of the longer pendulum, the two will be in phase? (1) 10 (2) 11 (3) 20 (4) 21 19. If 2 gm moles of a diatomic gas and 1 gm mole of a mono-atomic gas are mixed then the value of ( = Cp/Cv) for mixture will be : (1) 13 19 (2) 19 13 (3) 7 5 (4) 5 3 20. The equation of motion of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is a + 16  x = 0. In this equation, a is the linear acceleration in m/s2 of the particle at a displacement x in metre. Find the time period. (1) 0.50 (2) 0.15 (3) 0.155 (4) 0.25 21. The particle executing simple harmonic motion has a kinetic energy Ko cos2t. The maximum value of the potential energy and the total energy are respectively: (1) Ko and Ko (2) 0 and 2 Ko (3) 2 Ko and Ko (4) Ko and 2 Ko 22. Which of the following statement is true according to kinetic of gases? (1) The collision between two molecules is inelastic and the time between two collisions is less than the time taken during the collision. (2) There is a force of attraction between the molecules (3) All the molecules of a gas move with same velocity (4) The average of the distances travelled between two successive collision is mean free path 23. The figure shows an instantaneous profile of a rope carrying a progressive wave moving from left to right, then (1) the phase at A is greater than the phase at B (2) the phase at B is greater than the phase at A (3) A is moving upwards (4) B is moving upwards (1) 1 & 3 (2) 1 & 4 (3) 2 & 3 (4) 2 & 4 24. The velocities of sound at the same pressure in two monoatomic gases of densities 1 and 2 are v1 and v2 respectively. If 1 2 4  =  , then the value of v1/v2 is: (1) 1/4 (2) 1/2 (3) 2 (4) 4 25. Two waves of wave length 2 m and 2.02 m respectively moving with the same velocity and superimpose to produce 2 beats per second. The velocity of the waves is: (1) 400.0 m/s (2) 402 m/s (3) 404 m/s (4) 406 m/s 26. The equation of state for 22 g of CO2 at a pressure P and temperature T, when occupying a volume V, will be: (where R is the gas constant.) (1) PV = 5 RT (2) PV = (5/2) RT (3) PV = (5/16) RT (4) PV = (1/2) RT 27. An air column in pipe, which is closed at one end will be in resonance with a vibrating tuning fork of frequency 264 Hz if the length of the column in cm is: [v = 330 m/s] (1) 31.25 (2) 62.50 (3) 110 (4) 125 28. A hollow metallic tube of length L and closed at one end produce resonance with a tuning fork of frequency n. The entire tube is then heated carefully so that at equilibrium temperature its length changes by l. If the change in velocity V of sound is v, the resonance will now be produced by tuning fork of frequency. (1) (V + v)/[4(L + l)] (2) (V + v)/[4(L – l)] (3) (V – v)/[4(L + l)] (4) (V – v)/[4(L – l)]

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