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Unit 1: Generations 1A. Vocabulary • Stages of life I. Complete the sentences with the words below. child adult centenarian middle-aged teens toddler elderly infants 1. A(n) __________ is a very young child who is just learning to walk. 2. A(n) __________ is someone who is a hundred years old or older. 3. Newborn __________ only a few hours old can distinguish between different voices. 4. Children cannot be admitted to the museum unless they are accompanied by a(n) __________ . 5. For a(n) __________ of five, this is a terrifying experience. 6. The programmes have been highly successful at reducing poverty rates among the __________ . 7. She was in her __________ when she met him. 8. His sisters are grown up and his parents are __________ . II. Complete the text with the words below. adolescence adulthood bring up a family childhood early early twenties elderly old age retire settle down start a career Life ages and stages 1 ____________ From the time you’re born until your 2 __________ teens, you learn basic skills: how to eat, how to speak, how to play. You also start school. 3 _____________ Learn to drive: In most countries, people get a license between the ages of 16 and 18. Late teens, 4 __________ Go travelling round the world: In many countries, young people take a long trip either just before, or just after, college. This is usually when you finally complete the transition from childhood to 5 __________ . 6 __________ : This is the time when many people begin working seriously at a job. 20s - 30s 7 __________ : By this stage in life, many people are ready to get married and buy a house. 8 __________ : It’s common for people at this age to start having children. 40s - 50s Learn a new skill: By the time they reach their late forties or early fifties, many people are good at their job and they’re ready to learn something more - either a hobby, a new sport, or something that will help them at work.
60s -70s 9 __________ : After working for most of their lives so far, people in their mid-sixties are ready to stop working and relax. 80s - 90s Enjoy 10 __________ : You may feel young in your heart, but at this age, you’re definitely 11 _____________ Congratulations! • Life events III. Complete the sentences with the words below in the correct form. love settle down inherit born pass away business emigrate retire divorce bring up 1. One third of all children are __________ into single-parent families in America. 2. He was __________ by his grandparents. 3. The couple __________ in 2000 and are back here on holiday to see friends and relatives. 4. She falls in __________ with him because of his kind nature. 5. They got __________ only three years after they got married. 6. He __________ a fortune from his grandmother. 7. She wanted to start her own fashion __________ . 8. He had sat up with his granddad all night and was with him when he __________ . 9. He was forced to __________ early because of poor health. 10. They’d like to see their daughter __________ , get married, and have children. • Attitude (adjectives) IV. Complete the sentences with the words below. optimistic accusing nostalgic bitter sympathetic aggressive enthusiastic grateful complimentary urgent 1. When I said ‘no’, she became rude and __________ . 2. If he failed, it would be a(n) __________ disappointment to his parents. 3. In spite of all her problems, she manages to remain __________ . 4. He was in __________ need of medical attention. 5. I am extremely __________ for the assistance the team have provided. 6. His friends were very __________ when he lost his job. 7. Two pairs of __________ eyes focused on her. 8. The reviews of his latest film have been highly __________ . 9. Seeing those old school photographs has made me feel quite __________ . 10. I wanted to go, but Helen seemed less __________ . • Noun and adjective endings V. Choose the correct words.
1. John changed from a quiet boy into a friendly and cheerful elderly / adolescent / toddler. 2. During adolescence / adulthood / middle-age, boys are sometimes very shy and lacking in self-confidence. 3. We need to reduce our enthusiasm / sympathy / dependence on foreign machinery. 4. Jane’s mother was dependent / optimistic / sarcastic on her for physical care. 5. The wheelchair gives him the freedom / emigration / emotion to go out on his own. 6. We had a(n) dependent / free / irritated and open discussion about the matter. 7. He became very private / ideal / emotional when we had to leave. 8. The dependence / emotion / safety was so intense that she spent most of the film in tears. 9. He made some notes for his private / free / critical use. 10. With seven people squashed in one small house, they don’t get much dependence / privacy / emotion. 11. At heart he remained a(n) adolescent / dependant / idealist about social issues. 12. The scheme offers a(n) private / ideal / irritating opportunity for the young to get training. 1B. Grammar • Past tense contrast I. Choose the correct answers. 1. It stopped / was stopping raining at 7 pm. 2. While I was cooking dinner, I had listened / listened to some music. 3. When I got home, my sister watched / was watching TV. 4. Yesterday he got up and had / was having a shower. 5. It was raining / rained so we decided to stay in and play some games. II. Complete the sentences with the verbs below in the correct past tense. finish interview buy eat check 1. David __________ a new employee when I arrived at work this morning. 2. After I __________ the post, I replied to some emails. 3. His secretary went out at 11.00 am and __________ them some cakes. 4. When the manager came in the canteen, I __________ my lunch. 5. I phoned back when I __________ the cake. III. Complete the sentences using the past simple or the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1. It was difficult to see because it __________ (get) dark. 2. I __________ (listen) to my MP3 player, so I __________ (not hear) the phone. 3. Tom __________ (break) his leg while he __________ (play) football yesterday morning. 4. The sun __________ (shine) so we __________ (decide) to go to the beach.
5. She __________ (wait) for the train when she __________ (see) the accident with the young lady. 6. We __________ (have) dinner when we __________ (get) home. IV. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. 1. Did you buy / Were you buying/ Had you bought that dress in the sales? 2. The house was quiet because everyone went / was going / had gone out. 3. I got up / was getting up / had got up at 7 o’clock today. 4. I saw you yesterday in the post office. What did you do / were you doing / had you done there? 5. I couldn’t open the door because I forgot / was forgetting / had forgotten my keys. 6. She didn’t go / wasn’t going / hadn’t gone to the doctor because she forgot her appointment. 7. A dog ran onto the ground while they played / were playing / had played football. 8. It was really hot and the sun shone / was shining / had shone. V. Combine the sentences. Use the words in brackets and both the past simple and the past perfect Example: We did our homework. We went out. (after) After we had done our homework, we went out. 1. They didn’t buy any petrol. Their car stopped, (because) Their car . 2. Kate played football. Then she had a shower, (after) Kate . 3. Jack lost his cellphone. He bought a new one. (because) Jack . 4. Peter broke the TV set. His dad shouted at him. (because) His dad . 5. We forgot to water the plants. They died, (because) The plants . 6. I locked the front door. Then I left the house, (after) I . VI. Complete the sentences using the past simple, past continuous or past perfect form of the verbs in brackets. 1. David picked up the phone and __________ (call) his best friend. 2. It was a beautiful morning. The sun __________ (shine) and the world was bright. 3. Vicky didn’t want to see the film because she __________ (see) it before. 4. Who __________ you __________ (talk) to when I saw you last night? She looked familiar. 5. I spent the afternoon listening to Rick’s songs, but I __________ (not like) them.

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