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ANCILLARY MATERIAL CURRENT CONNECT-January www.ksgindia.com DELHI: VIJAY NAGAR 9717380832 & OLD RAJENDER NAGAR 9811293743 | JAIPUR: 8290800441 | PATNA: 7463950774 | RANCHI: 9939982007 BENGALURU: KORMANGALA 7619166663 & CHANDRA LAYOUT 7619136662| BHOPAL: 7509975361 | INDORE: 7314977441 | IMPHAL: 9650245599 t.me/ksgindia | facebook.com/khanstudygroup | youtube.com/khanstudygroupksg | Instagram.com/khanstudygroup | WhatsApp 9868005599 THEMATIC ESSAYS • Don't limit a child to your own learning, for he was born in another time • Access to technology has become a “new source of social fracture" • Expansion is Life, Contraction is Death Don't limit a child to your own learning, for he was born in another time On a lazy Sunday morning, while having a steamy cup of coffee, I happened to have a conversation with the kids of our house helper. A ‘big’ girl was sitting in the corner quietly while her mother was cleaning our place and a younger brother was playing around joyously. I could not resist the temptation of going towards a girl and asking her if she was ok and why was she so quiet. But then suddenly, this little boy shouted and said, “ Hey! Hey! Don’t touch her. Mama said she is impure for a few days and hasn’t taken bath!” This incident hit me so hard and was enough to trigger a chain of thoughts in my mind! This is the exact problem that Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore tries to address when he urges people to not limit a child to their learning because a child is born in another time. Such a timeless wisdom it is and that too almost 100 years old! The way he advises people to pursue the liberal way of parenting, the way it tells people to be there to observe and help if needed but not to over-interfere unnecessarily in children’s stuff is simply intriguing. The way society teaches children that ‘baby boy wears blue and baby girl wears pink’ shows how subtly and unknowingly parents impose their thinking and learning on children. As a result of which a child does not feel it necessary to develop one’s ability to analyze things and act on them because parents have already started bombarding his little brain with their wisdom. As a result of which the situation is such that the child has so much on her plate that she just can not think of her own separately while handling the existing load of ‘Gyan’ given to her by society. Children in their early stage of growth are keen observers and fast learners. They normally are excited to see the new stuff and ask every possible ‘Wh’ question associated with it! It is through their observation capacity and teachings from family, society, teachers, influencers, role models, etc. they
ANCILLARY MATERIAL CURRENT CONNECT-January www.ksgindia.com DELHI: VIJAY NAGAR 9717380832 & OLD RAJENDER NAGAR 9811293743 | JAIPUR: 8290800441 | PATNA: 7463950774 | RANCHI: 9939982007 BENGALURU: KORMANGALA 7619166663 & CHANDRA LAYOUT 7619136662| BHOPAL: 7509975361 | INDORE: 7314977441 | IMPHAL: 9650245599 t.me/ksgindia | facebook.com/khanstudygroup | youtube.com/khanstudygroupksg | Instagram.com/khanstudygroup | WhatsApp 9868005599 develop their attitude toward a particular thing and it generally lasts for the rest of their lives. Thus, at such a tender age of development, it is the primary responsibility of parents, and teachers that they do not influence children with their thoughts and beliefs. Rather they help children in developing cognitive ability, the capability to analyze things rationally. Parents should give a helping hand to a child in developing his/her belief system and morals and try to make a responsible person and a better human being with each passing day. Such a way of parenting will only yield fruitful results- not only for the child as an individual but also for the family, society, and in a way the nation. Such children will enjoy freedom most optimistically. It will enhance their creative nature; it will help them build their opinion about things carefully and responsibly. Unnecessary suppression eventually leads to the wrong temptation as forbidden fruits always appear attractive. Thus, children should be allowed to make their own decisions. Parents should understand and accept their decisions even if they’re not according to what they want. It is important to give children freedom and liberty as it will increase their confidence and self-esteem. Although giving over freedom and not knowing what their children are doing is extremely dangerous. Parents need to balance when to support them and when to stop them. Nagging a child is the most dangerous as it is the most demotivating thing for a child. Instead, trust and support in what they are doing and advise them if they are in a problem, this will serve as an encouragement to become the best version of themselves. Teachers too need to make an effort and educate parents regarding how children today need some freedom to be themselves. However, another side of the coin must also be taken into consideration while doing this discussion. There is a great bond of emotion and care that is present in a parent for their child. They would not want their child to go through any downfalls, and would rather prevent them than allow it to happen and go through the rigamarole of ‘learning from your mistakes’; very few parents are open to this, and well one might see a lot of this through the rebellious nature of a child, which is very common nowadays. A lot of what parents have learned, the insights they have established over the ages, and the decisions taken carefully as a ‘parent team’ are no doubt done in the best interest of the child. But the amount of authority the child has during these decisions count or could be a large turning point in their lives which is
ANCILLARY MATERIAL CURRENT CONNECT-January www.ksgindia.com DELHI: VIJAY NAGAR 9717380832 & OLD RAJENDER NAGAR 9811293743 | JAIPUR: 8290800441 | PATNA: 7463950774 | RANCHI: 9939982007 BENGALURU: KORMANGALA 7619166663 & CHANDRA LAYOUT 7619136662| BHOPAL: 7509975361 | INDORE: 7314977441 | IMPHAL: 9650245599 t.me/ksgindia | facebook.com/khanstudygroup | youtube.com/khanstudygroupksg | Instagram.com/khanstudygroup | WhatsApp 9868005599 different from home to home. And this has an everlasting impact on the child’s personality. Teenagers should be allowed to take their own decisions and live with the consequences even if it fails. Parents need to allow their children to decide what they want to become in the future and how they are going to spend their life. As a parent one can only advice but not take the decision. Imposing one’s aspirations on children is the worst thing to do. Many times, parents think that since they are not able to become a particular professional their children will become that. This type of thinking is extremely bad as a child should be given full freedom in deciding their career. If a parent does not allow a child to be what they aspire to, that could pressure the child to please its parents and end up getting a job they detest. Parents may think that they should choose their child’s career, but that will only lead to the child being unhappy, possibly for the entire life in a career they did not choose. Parents should be open to accepting the generation gap and try to make that look as much easy and comfortable as they can. The very acceptance of the fact from the parents’ side that the new age has new requirements, new priorities, new aspirations, and new skill sets can give a lot of comfort to their children. Even when it comes to handling interpersonal relationships, parents should not sound bossy but rather a friend who is all ears when the child needs it the most. This comfort between parents and children can ensure peaceful co-existence and healthy development of a child. According to some scholars, in the future, there will be two kinds of people in the world: Those who let their attention and lives be controlled and coerced by others and those who proudly call themselves “indistractable.” Becoming indistractable is the most important skill for the 21st century — and it’s one that many parents fail to teach their kids. Scholars after years of research have found that the biggest mistake, they see parents making is not empowering their kids with the autonomy to control their own time. Allowing them to do so is a tremendous gift; even if they fail from time to time, failure is a part of the learning process. Parents need to understand that it’s okay to put their kids in charge because it’s only when they learn to practice monitoring their behavior that they learn how to manage their own time and attention. It should be well understood that today’s children are tomorrow’s responsible citizens. They are our future. They will be flag bearers of our
ANCILLARY MATERIAL CURRENT CONNECT-January www.ksgindia.com DELHI: VIJAY NAGAR 9717380832 & OLD RAJENDER NAGAR 9811293743 | JAIPUR: 8290800441 | PATNA: 7463950774 | RANCHI: 9939982007 BENGALURU: KORMANGALA 7619166663 & CHANDRA LAYOUT 7619136662| BHOPAL: 7509975361 | INDORE: 7314977441 | IMPHAL: 9650245599 t.me/ksgindia | facebook.com/khanstudygroup | youtube.com/khanstudygroupksg | Instagram.com/khanstudygroup | WhatsApp 9868005599 society, our culture, and our values and belief system. It is up to us how we help them in developing, understanding, and inculcate these values in them in the most rational manner which will also satisfy all their queries. It also implicitly means that parents should always be there when they understand that a child is going the wrong way. They should carefully point out the mistake and instead of spoon-feeding, provoke him to lead the right path by convincing the intrinsic importance of goodness. It is also welcome if parents try to bring forward good values from the past and leave the rest behind in the process of nurturing. After all, in some aspects the proverb ‘old is gold’ is simply an ultimate truth! Ex. Minimalistic approach. Thus, new-age parenting in the 21st century should be responsible and should cater to the needs of the present era. The sooner the parents realize this, the better it is for the peaceful coexistence and survival of humanity!
ANCILLARY MATERIAL CURRENT CONNECT-January www.ksgindia.com DELHI: VIJAY NAGAR 9717380832 & OLD RAJENDER NAGAR 9811293743 | JAIPUR: 8290800441 | PATNA: 7463950774 | RANCHI: 9939982007 BENGALURU: KORMANGALA 7619166663 & CHANDRA LAYOUT 7619136662| BHOPAL: 7509975361 | INDORE: 7314977441 | IMPHAL: 9650245599 t.me/ksgindia | facebook.com/khanstudygroup | youtube.com/khanstudygroupksg | Instagram.com/khanstudygroup | WhatsApp 9868005599 Access to technology has become a “new source of social fracture" They say, ‘Every coin has two sides!’. How can technology be an exception to this generic thought which has been carried forward for ages? On one side we see a social media giant i.e. Facebook ad saying “Dil Kholo, Duniya Khul Jayegi” (Open up your minds, the world will accept you with warmth and happy face) and at the same time we see many vulnerable people falling prey to the malicious campaigns, hatred on the same platform. Strange it is, isn’t it? It clearly shows that technology can be a boon or bane on how we utilize it. However, it is sad to mention here that due to intense competition and the needy and greedy nature of man, technology has become a source of self- destruction at various levels i.e. individual, family, society, etc. based on its accessibility. It indeed is helping in widening the already existing social fractures just based on its availability and ability to use. It will not be an exaggeration if we say that we do not have the luxury of time when it comes to the right use of the right technology in the right spirit to ensure the sustainable existence of people on this planet. And most importantly, it should be accessible to all without discrimination. Many governments including India have taken steps to ensure the uniform availability of various forms of technology through various initiatives details of which will follow in the coming discussion. Such efforts should be celebrated and nurtured even further so that technology acts as a boon for all and a bane for none. Also, it is important to remember at the same time that, while putting the due effort into correcting our way to use the technology we should celebrate the achievements that have come our way and eased our way of living because of technology. It is the addition of good things and subtraction of bad things related to technology that will make our lives simpler and happier. The issue can be elaborated on as follows- Access to Technology: A New Source of Social Fractures The new era presents increasingly complex challenges for society and, just as one of the most basic educational objectives used to be combating and minimizing illiteracy in the population, we are now facing the problem of cyber-illiteracy, i.e. people who have major difficulties with living in an

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