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User Restrictions: Not authorized to transfer to any third party, Not authorized to go for any resale of this document without permission. Document is protected from being unauthorized use, for any help please contact Mr. SEKHAR , +919206306398. We are not responsible for lose of data while deprotecting the document without any permission from author. Use only for question paper preparation, worksheet preparation... 7.THE P-BLOCK ELEMENTS Single Correct Answer Type 1. Liquor ammonia is a) Ammonium hydroxide b) Liquefied ammonia gas c) Concentrated solution of NH3in water d) A solution of NH3 in alcohol 2. H3PO3 is a) A dibasic acid b) A tribasic acid c) Monobasic d) Neutral 3. Which among the following statements are correct? (i)Carbon monoxide is neutral whereas SO3 is acidic. (ii)Potassium oxide is basic whereas nitrous oxide is acidic. (iii) Aluminium and zinc oxides are amphoteric. (iv) Sulphur trioxide is acidic whereas phosphorus pentoxide is basic. (v) Carbon dioxide is neutal whereas sulphur dioxide is amphoteric a) (ii) and (iii) b) (i) and (iv) c) (i) and (iii) d) (ii) and (iv) 4. In KI solution, I2 readily dissolves and forms a) I − b) KI2 − c) KI3 d) KI2 5. The sides of safety matches contains a) Red phosphorus + sand powder b) P4S3 c) Ca3(PO)4 + glass pieces d) KClO3, KNO3, sulphur +antimony 6. Hydrolysis of NCl3 gives NH3 and X which of the following is X? a) HClO4 b) HClO3 c) HOCl d) HClO2 7. The inert gases producing maximum number of compounds are a) He and Ne b) Ar and Ne c) Kr and Ne d) Ar and Xe 8. Sulphur in + 3 oxidation state is present in a) Dithionous acid b) Sulphurous acid c) Thiosulphuric acid d) Pyrosulphuric acid 9. The correct order of acidity of halogenic acids is a) HF
User Restrictions: Not authorized to transfer to any third party, Not authorized to go for any resale of this document without permission. Document is protected from being unauthorized use, for any help please contact Mr. SEKHAR , +919206306398. We are not responsible for lose of data while deprotecting the document without any permission from author. Use only for question paper preparation, worksheet preparation... 27. The inert gas abundantly found in atmosphere is a) Xe b) Kr c) He d) Ar 28. The pentavalence in phosphorus is more stable as compared to that of nitrogen even though they belong to the same group. It is due to a) Inert nature of nitrogen b) Reactivity of phosphorus c) Larger size of phosphorus atom d) Dissimilar electronic configuration 29. Which compound does not has S—S bond? a) Na2 S2O4 b) Na2 S4O6 c) Na2 S2O3 d) Na2 S2O7 30. Which blue liquid is obtained on reacting equimolar amounts of two gases at −30°C? a) N2O4 b) N2O c) N2O3 d) N2O5 31. Reaction of PCl3 and PhMgBr would give a) Bromobenzene b) Chlorobenzene c) Triphenylphosphite d) Dichlorobenzene 32. The least stable anion of oxo-acids of chlorine is a) ClO − b) ClO2 − c) ClO3 − d) ClO4 − 33. Ozone is used for purifying water because a) It dissociates and release oxygen b) Do not leave any foul smell like chlorine. c) Kills bacteria, cyst, fungi and acts as a biocide. d) All of the above 34. Which of the following is most volatile? a) HF b) HCl c) HBr d) HI 35. Apatite is an ore of a) Fluorine b) Chlorine c) Bromine d) Iodine 36. Oleum is a) Castor oil b) Oil of vitriol c) Fuming H2SO4 d) None of these 37. Sulphur hepto oxide is an anhydride of a) H2S2O8 b) H2S2O7 c) H2SO4 d) H2SO5 38. How many bonding electron pairs are there in white phosphorus ? a) 6 b) 12 c) 4 d) 8 39. The noble gas which shows abnormal behaviour in liquid state and behave as super fluid is a) Ne b) He c) Ar d) Xe 40. Which of the following is not correct? a) ∆H = −284.5KJ b) Ozone undergoes addition reaction with unsaturated carbon compounds c) Sodium thiosulphate reacts with I2 to form d) Ozone oxidises lead sulphide to lead sulphate
User Restrictions: Not authorized to transfer to any third party, Not authorized to go for any resale of this document without permission. Document is protected from being unauthorized use, for any help please contact Mr. SEKHAR , +919206306398. We are not responsible for lose of data while deprotecting the document without any permission from author. Use only for question paper preparation, worksheet preparation... sodium tetrathionate and sodium iodide. 41. D3 line observed in the yellow region of the sun’s spectrum is due to a) Na b) Ne c) Kr d) He 42. Which one among the following non-metals is liquid at 25°C? a) Bromine b) Sulphur c) Phosphorus d) carbon 43. Which one of the following pairs of substances when mixed, produces chlorine gas at room temperature? a) NaCl and MnO2 b) NaCl and HNO3 (conc) c) NaCl and H2SO4 (conc) d) HCl (conc) and KMnO4 44. The strongest reducing agent among the following is a) F − b) CI− c) Br− d) I − 45. HClO4 + P2O5 → (A)and (B) A and B are a) HClO3,H3PO4 b) Cl2O6 + HPO3 c) ClO2,H2PO4 d) Cl2O7,HPO3 46. Argon is used a) In filling airships b) To obtain low temperature c) In high temperature welding d) In readiotherapy for treatment of cancer 47. Nuclear fusion produces a) Argon b) Deuterium c) Helium d) Krypton 48. The function of Fe(OH)3 in the contact process is a) To remove arsenic impurity b) To detect colloidal impurity c) To remove moisture d) To remove dust particles 49. The geometry of XeOF4 molecule is a) Tetrahedral b) Square pyramidal c) Square planar d) Octahedral 50. Cold fire is related to a) White P b) Red P c) PH3 d) P2O5 51. Industrial name of H2S2O7 is a) Pyrosulphuric acid b) Marshall’s acid c) Oleum d) All of these 52. A person working with phosphorus suffers from a disease in which bones decay. It is known as a) Arthritis b) Phossay jaw c) Rickets d) cancer 53. Which of the following is called stranger gas? a) N2O b) Xe c) Cl2 d) N2 54. Reaction of HNO3 with I, S, P and C gives respectively a) HIO3, H2SO4, H3PO4 and CO2 b) HIO3, H2SO4, H3PO3 and CO2 c) HIO2, H2SO4, H3PO4 and CO d) I2O5, SO2, P2O and CO2 55. Which one of the following is not true at room temperature and pressure? a) P4O10 is a white solid b) SO2 is a colourless gas c) SO3 is a colourless gas d) No2 isbrown gas

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