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LISTENING P2 KHÔNG AUDIO CHỈ SCRIPT Topic: protect the environment (phiên bản 1) *Đoạn recordings của 4 người: Person A: "I find the act of giving away old or secondhand items a bit hypocritical. Why do people give away their old things, only to go out and buy the same item but brand new? Not only does this fail to protect the environment, but it also causes double the harm. Personally, I have a way of protecting the environment by not releasing harmful chemicals into it. I do this by not purchasing chemical cleaning solutions. Instead, I make use of natural products like lemons to create my own floor-cleaning solutions." Person B: "I often don't have time to think about how to reuse my belongings or clothes, but I don't want to throw them away because that would be wasteful. So, I think a better way is to donate them to charity organizations or give them to others. Many people are in need of these things, and giving away my old items also makes me feel happier because I'm helping others." Person C: "A good way to protect the environment is by not using plastic bags or by bringing reusable bags when going to the market, which helps reduce the disposal of plastic bags, a material that is difficult to decompose. However, I'm a very busy person and rarely have time to prepare my own bags when going shopping, and I usually drive to buy groceries quickly instead of walking. I guess I can't protect the environment by not driving. But I have a principle of only buying eco-friendly products, so I think I’m still contributing in a small way to protecting the Earth." Person D: "I see that too many people are wasting food containers, as they often throw them away after use, such as glass jars or plastic bottles. I can reuse them to store food and neatly organize them in my refrigerator. Reusing these containers is a very easy way to protect the environment that anyone can do."
-- Topic: protect the environment (phiên bản 2) *Đoạn recordings của 4 người: A: "I usually shop online to reduce the need to drive to the supermarket, which produces harmful emissions for the environment. Additionally, I can avoid using plastic bags for groceries when shopping in person. By simply sitting at home and clicking a few buttons, I can buy everything I want without emitting harmful gases from a car." B: "I used to drive to work for a long period, but then I realized that the excessive use of personal cars contributes significantly to environmental pollution. Therefore, I chose to ride a bicycle to work, which benefits both the environment and my health." C: "I'm not that into environmental protection and usually just do what’s convenient for me. But my electric bill last month shocked me because it was so expensive, and I realized that I needed to save money. So from now on, I’ll have to manage my electricity use more efficiently." D: "I think a lot of people overemphasize protecting the environment by cutting down on personal vehicles, avoiding plastic bags, planting a lot of trees, and so on. But I personally believe we should focus on protecting the environment through small daily actions we often overlook. For example, turning off the water while brushing our teeth or washing our hands. If everyone saves a little water like that, it would add up to a huge amount saved globally."
online shopping *Đoạn recordings của 4 người: A: "I used to be the person who didn’t like shopping online, but ever since I experienced home delivery, I no longer shop in stores. When I shop online, the delivery person brings the package right to my door, even up to my floor, and knocks on my apartment door, so I don’t even need to step outside. I really enjoy this convenience." B: "Shopping online has helped me save quite a bit of money. After a few months of online shopping, I was able to save enough to buy a new bicycle. But don't get me wrong, I haven't been eating any less or cutting back on the groceries I buy. It's just that online shopping allows me to compare prices and choose the store with the best deal." C: "I’m a pretty busy person, and I often don’t have enough time because of my hectic work schedule. That’s why I always shop online to save time. This way, I don’t need to go to the store in person, and someone will deliver the items directly to me. Additionally, online shopping is very convenient because, with just a few clicks, I can buy everything I want without having to go from one store to another." D: "I don't shop online because it's cheaper or because of the fast shipping. I shop online because, when browsing online stores, I have a wide range of choices. For the same item, there are many different types and brands for me to choose from and compare, which allows me to pick the one I like the most."
 listening to music *Đoạn recordings của 4 người: A: "I see a lot of people listen to music right when they wake up to help them feel alert. But if I listen to music as soon as I wake up, it gives me a headache all day and makes it hard for me to focus on anything. So, I just listen to music to relax when I’m feeling comfortable, not for any other reason." B: "I usually listen to a pop or rock song as soon as I get out of bed in the morning because it helps me wake up instantly. If I don't listen to music at that moment, I don't know when I'll be able to get up and go to work." C: "My brothers and friends often say that I have a beautiful voice, so I often sing when I meet them. I usually play music on the TV and hold the remote control, pretending it's a microphone so I can sing." D: "I have a habit of listening to music while studying; it helps me stay motivated and alert while doing my assignments. If I don't play music, I could fall asleep at any moment, and I'll study in a discouraged mood."

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