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DELHI IAS ACADEMY T-03 Page No.: 1 ijh{kk d sUn zk/;{k dh ek sgj Seal of Superintendent of Examination Centre oh{kd d s gLrk{kj (Signature of Invigilator)...................................... oh{kd dk uke (Name of Invigilator)........................................... ijh{kkfFk Z;k sa }kjk dky s ck Wy ik Wb.V i su ls Hkjk tk;A mÙkj&i qfLrdk dk Øekad To be filled by Candidates by Black Ball Point pen only Sr.No.of Answer Sheet vu qØek ad ROLL NO ?kk s’k.kk % e S au s uhp s fn; s x; s fun sZ”k vPNh rjg i< +dj le> fy, g S aA Declaration: I have read and understand the directions given below.. ijh{kkFkh Z d s gLrk{kj (Signature of Candidates)...................................... ijh{kkFkh Z dk uke (Name of Candidates)........................................... fnuk ad % le; (Date) .........../........./................. (Time) .............................. i qfLrdk e s a i `’Bk s a dh l a[;k 2 4 i qfLrdk e s a i z”uk s a dh l a[;k 1 0 0 le ; 2 ?k aV s i w.kk Z ad 2 0 0 Number of Pages in Booklet Number of Questions in Booklet Time Hours Total Marks ijh{kkfFk Z;k sa d s fy, fun sZ”k (Instructions for Candidates) 1- 1⁄4d1⁄2 vH;fFkZ;k sa dks vks],e-vkj- mRrj”khV esa izfof’V;k¡ tSls uke] jksy ua- vkfn Hkjus ds fy, vfrfjDr le; fn;k x;k gSA 1⁄4[k1⁄2 bl fn;s x;s le; ds i”pkr~ vH;fFkZ;ksa dk s iz”u&iqfLrdk tk;sxhA iz”u iqfLrdk ds i`’Bksa rFkk iz”uksa dh la[;k dk feyku bl eq[k i`’B ij nh xbZ la[;kvksa ls dj ysaA ;fn blesa dk sbZ fHkUurk gk s rks d`i;k iz”u&iqfLrdk rRdky cny y saA 1⁄4x1⁄2 fn, x, vfrfjDr le; esa mRrj vafdr djus dh vu qefr ugha gSA mRrj vafdr djus ds fy, nks ?kaVs dk le; fn;k tk,xkA 2- 1⁄4d1⁄2 nh xbZ mRrj&”khV e sa uhy s ;k dky s cky ik Wb.V i su ls vu qØek ad] iz”uiqfLrdk dk Øek ad] iz”u iqfLrdk dk lsV 1⁄4A, B, C vFkok D1⁄2] ijh{kkFkhZ dk uke] ijh{kkFkhZ ds gLrk{kj rFkk ijh{kk dh frfFk] vafdr djsaA 1⁄4[k1⁄2 mRrj&”khV e sa jk sy u a-] iz”u iqfLrdk dk lsV] dsUn z dk s vkfn lacaf/kr xk sys O dk s uhy s ;k dky s cky ik Wb.V i su ls HkjsaA 1⁄4x1⁄2 mRrj&”khV esa iz”uksa ds mRrj vafdr djus gSaA bl laca/k esa fun sZ”k bl iz”u iqfLrdk ds ihNs fn;s x;s gSaA 3- vkWfIVdy ekdZ jhMj (OMR) e”khu mRrj&”khV dh uhy s ;k dky s cky ikWb.V isu ls Hkjsa xksy s O dh izfof’V;ksa dks i<+dj ijh{kkQy rS;kj djrh gS] vr% ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks lp sr fd;k tkrk gS fd os mRrj&”khV esa izfof’V;ksa dks Hkjrs le; iwjh&iwjh lko/kkuh cjrsa ,oa dksbZ =qfV u djsaA 4- mRrj&”khV ij fu/kkZfjr LFkkuksa ij pkgh xbZ izfof’V;k¡ Hkjus ds vykok dqN u fy[ksa@vafdr djsaA 5- fdlh Hkh i zdkj d s dSyd qy sVj] ykWx V scy ,oa ek sckby Qk su vkfn dk i z;k sx oft Zr g SA 6- jQ dk;Z bl iz”u&iqfLrdk ds fu/kkZfjr [kkyh i`’Bksa esa vFkok vU; i`’Bksa e sa fu/kkZfjr txgk sa ij djsa vfrfjDr i`’B ugha fn;s tk;saxsA 7- ;fn fdlh iz”u esa fdlh izdkj dh dk sbZ eqnz.k ;k rF;kRed izdkj dh =qfV gks] rk s bl lEcU/k esa laLFkk dk fu.kZ; vfUre gksxkA 8- ijh{kk lekfIr ds i”pkr~ mDr ds laca/k esa fdlh Hkh izdkj dk vH;kosnu@f”kdk;r ij dk sbZ dk;Zokgh ugha dh tk,xhA 1⁄4uk sV% mRrj v afdr dju s d s fy, d `i;k i z”u i qfLrdk d s ihN s doj i st ij fn, x, fun sZ”kk sa dk s n s[k sa1⁄2 1. (a) Candidates are allowed time to fill up the basic information about themselves in the OMR sheet such as Name, Roll No. etc. (b) After this, question booklet will be given to the candidates. Tally the number of pages along with no. of questions printed on cover of the booklet in case of any discrepancy please get the booklet changed immediately. (c) Answering of question is not allowed in the given extra time. Two hours time will be given for answering. 2. (a) On Answer Sheet, supplied to you write input Roll No., Que. Booklet No., Set of Question Booklet (A,B,C or D). Name of Candidate, Signature of candidate, Date of Exam, in Blue or Black Ball Point Pen. (b) On Answer Sheet till in your Roll No., Que. Booklet Set and Centre Code etc. by darkening corresponding circle O with Blue or Black Ball Point Pen. (c) On Answer Sheet only the answers to questions are to be marked. The instructions for this are available on the back cover page of the question booklet. 3. Optical Mark Reader (OMR) machine prepares the result by reading the entries made in the circles O will the Blue or Black Ball Point Pen on the Answer Sheet, hence the candidates must be extremely careful in marking these entries and must not commit errors. 4. Please do not write mark on Answer Sheet anything extra except what is asked for. 5. USE OF ANY CALCULATOR, LOG TABLES, MOBILE PHONE ETC IS PROHIBITED. 6. Rough work should be done on the blank pages or in the space provided for this on each page of this question booklet. Extra paper will not be supplied. 7. If there is any sort of mistakes discrepancy (in Hindi or English Version of the question) either of printing or of factual nature then regarding this Institute no action will be taken on any type of representation complaint as stated above. 8. After the completion of the examination, no action will be taken on any representation/complaint regarding the above. (Note: For Instructions regarding marking the answer please see the Last page of this question Booklet.) DELHI IAS ACADEMY STATE LEVEL OFFLINE/ONLINE TEST SERIES 2024-25 CGPSC (PRELIMS) (Subject : Modern History of India & Chhattisgarh) T-03
DELHI IAS ACADEMY T-03 Page No.: 2 Q.1. fuEufyf[kr dFkuk sa ij fopkj dj lR; dFku dk p;u djsa& 1- Hkkjr esa loZizFke okLdk sfMxkek uked iqr Zxkyh ukfod dkyhdV canjxkg ij ig¡ qpk FkkA 2- okLdk sfMxkek u s dkyhdV d s jktk ls O;kikj dk vf/ kdkj izkIr fd;kA 3- okLdk sfMxkek 1504bZLoh e sa n wljh ckj Hkkjr vk;k FkkA (a) d soy 1 (b) 1 vk Sj 2 (c) 2 vk Sj 3 (d) 1 vk Sj 3 Q.2. fuEufyf[kr dFkuk sa ij fopkj dj sa vk Sj lR; dFku pqu sa& 1- Hkkjr vku s okyk n wljk iqr Zxkyh Ýk aflLdk s Mh vYe sMk FkkA 2- Ýk alhlh O;kikfjd d aiuh dh LFkkiuk Ýk alhlh 'kkld yqbZ lk sygosa d s 'kkludky d s nk Sjku g qbZ FkhA (a) d soy 1 (b) d soy 2 (c) 1 vk Sj 2 nk suk sa (d) u rk s 1 vk Sj u gh 2 Q.3. fuEufyf[kr dFkuk sa ij fopkj dj sa vk Sj lR; dFku pqu sa& 1- çFke duk ZVd ;q) dk s lsaV Fkk se dh yM+kbZ dgk tkrk gSA 2- bl ;q) dk dkj.k ,d v axzst vfèkdkjh d SIVu cku ZsV }kjk d qN Ýk alhlh tgktk sa ij dCtk djuk FkkA 3- ;g ;q) ^,sDl&yk&pSiy* dh lafèk d s lkFk lekIr gqvkA (a) d soy 1 (b) 1 vk Sj 2 (c) 2 vk Sj 3 (d) 1] 2 vk Sj 3 Q.4. lkyckbZ dh lafèk d s lanHk Z e sa fuEufyf[kr dFkuk sa ij fopkj dj sa vk Sj vlR; dFku pqu sa& 1- ;g lafèk egknth flafèk;k dh eè;LFkrk ls laiUu gqbZ FkhA 2- bl lafèk d s rgr] lkYlsV vkSj ,YQsUl }hi dk s v axzstk sa dk s lk Sai fn;k x;kA 3- d aiuh is'kok dk s isa'ku n su s d s fy, lger g qbZA (a) d soy 1 (b) 1 vk Sj 2 (c) 2 vk Sj 3 (d) 1] 2 vk Sj 3 Q.1. Consider the following statements and choose the correct statement- 1. The first Portuguese named Vasco da Gama reached Calicut port in India. 2. Vasco da Gama obtained the right to trade from the King of Calicut. 3. Vasco da Gama visited India for the second time in 1504 AD. (a) Only 1 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3 Q.2. Consider the following statements and choose the correct statement- 1. The second Portuguese to come to India was Fran- cisco de Almeida. 2. The French trading company was established dur- ing the reign of French ruler Louis XVIth. (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Q.3. Consider the following statements and choose the correct statement- 1. The First Carnatic War is remembered for the Battle of St. Thome. 2. The reason for this war was the capture of some French ships by an English officer Captain Barnett. 3. This war ended with the Treaty of ‘Aix-la-Chapelle’. (a) Only 1 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3 Q.4. Consider the following statements in the context of the Treaty of Salbai and choose the incorrect statement- 1. This treaty was concluded with the mediation of Mahadji Scindia. 2. Under this treaty, Salsette and Elphens island were allowed to remain with the British 3. The company agreed to give pension to the Peshwa. (a) Only 1 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3
DELHI IAS ACADEMY T-03 Page No.: 3 Q.5. lqe sfyr dhft,%& lwph&11⁄4laf/k;k¡1⁄2 lwph&2 1⁄4laf/k i{k1⁄2 A. lwjr dh laf/k 1- flaf/k;k rFkk vaxzstk sa ds chp B. n soxk¡o dh laf/k 2- gk sYdj rFkk v axzstk sa dh chp C. jktiqj ?kkV dh laf/k 3- Hkk salys vk Sj v axzstk sa d s chp D. Xokfy;j dh laf/k 4- j?k qukFk jko rFkk v axzstk sa d s chp d wV% A B C D (a) 3 4 1 2 (b) 4 3 2 1 (c) 4 1 2 3 (d) 2 3 4 1 Q.6. Vhiw lqYrku d s lanHk Z e sa fuEufyf[kr dFkuk sa ij fopkj dj sa vk Sj vlR; dFku pqu sa & 1- mlu s dj&e qä Hk wfe buke ij dCtk djd s i‚yhxjksa d s iSr `d vfèkdkjk sa dk s tCr dj fy;kA 2- Vhiw ;q) esa j‚d sV dk bLr seky dju s okyk igyk O;fä FkkA (a) d soy 1 (b) d soy 2 (c) 1 vk Sj 2 nk suk sa (d) u rk s 1 vk Sj u gh 2 Q.7. lgk;d laf/k Lohdkj djus okys jkT;ksa dks Øe esa O;ofLFkr djsa& 1- gSnjkckn 2- is”kok 3- vo/k 4- ratk Sj (a) 1] 2] 3] 4 (b) 1] 3] 2] 4 (c) 1] 4] 3] 2 (d) 1] 4] 2] 3 Q.8. fuEufyf[kr dFkuk sa ij fopkj dj sa vk Sj lgh dFku pqu sa& 1- fj ax Qsal dh uhfr y‚MZ Dykbo }kjk 'k q: dh xbZ FkhA 2- bl uhfr d s rgr] d aiuh dh lhekvk sa dh j{kk d s fy, cQj tk su cuk, x, Fk sA (a) d soy 1 (b) d soy 2 (c) 1 vk Sj 2 nk suk sa (d) u rk s 1 vk Sj u gh 2 Q.5. Match the following:- List-1 (Treaties) List-2 (Treaty Parties) A. Treaty of Surat 1. Between Scindia and the British B. Treaty of Devgaon 2. Between Holkar and the British C. Treaty of Rajpur Ghat 3. Between Bhonsle and the British D. Treaty of Gwalior 4. Between Raghunath Rao and the British Code: A B C D (a) 3 4 1 2 (b) 4 3 2 1 (c) 4 1 2 3 (d) 2 3 4 1 Q.6. Consider the following statements with reference to Tipu Sultan and choose the incorrect statement - 1. He seized the ancestral rights of the Polygars by taking over the tax-free land Inam. 2. Tipu was the first person to use rockets in war. (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Q.7. Arrange the states that accepted the Subsidiary Treaty in chronological order- 1. Hyderabad 2. Peshwa 3. Awadh 4. Tanjore (a) 1, 2, 3, 4 (b) 1, 3, 2, 4 (c) 1, 4, 3, 2 (d) 1, 4, 2, 3 Q.8. Consider the following statements and choose the correct statement- 1. The policy of ring fence was introduced by Lord Clive. 2. Under this policy, buffer zones were created to defend the Company's frontiers. (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
DELHI IAS ACADEMY T-03 Page No.: 4 Q.9. Þn qcyk gkyh izFkkß Hkkjr d s fdu {k s=k sa e sa izpfyr Fkh \ (a) iwoh Z {k s= (b) if”peh {k s= (c) mÙkjh {k s= (d) nf{k.kh {ks= Q.10. lqe sfyr dhft,%& lwph&1 lwph&2 1⁄41857 dh Øk afr d s d sUn z1⁄2 1⁄4fczfV”k neudrk Z1⁄2 A. y[kuÅ 1- tkWu fudksylu B. bykgkckn 2- d Saicsy C. >k¡lh 3- tujy uhy D. fnYyh 4- tujy g ~;wjk st d wV% A B C D (a) 3 1 4 2 (b) 3 2 4 1 (c) 2 3 4 1 (d) 2 3 1 4 Q.11. fuEufyf[kr dFkuk sa ij fopkj dj lR; dFku dk p;u djsa& 1- lrh pk Sjk ?kkV dh ?kVuk ls rkR;k Vk sis dk laca/k g SA 2- vle e sa 1857 ds fon zksg dh “k q:vkr euhjke nÙk us dh FkhA 3- bykgkckn e sa 1857 d s fon zk sg d s u sr `Rodrk Z fy;kdr vyh Fk sA (a) d soy 1 (b) 1 vk Sj 2 (c) 2 vk Sj 3 (d) 1] 2 vk Sj 3 Q.12. fuEufyf[kr dFkuk sa ij fopkj dj sa vk Sj lR; dFku pqu sa& 1- ikbd foæksg >kj[kaM dh ^ikbd^ tkfr }kjk fczfV'k bZLV bafM;k d aiuh d s f[kykQ ,d l'kL= foæk sg FkkA 2- ;g foæk sg c['kh txcaèk q d s u sr `Ro e sa fd;k x;k FkkA (a) d soy 1 (b) d soy 2 (c) 1 vk Sj 2 nk suk sa (d) u rk s 1 vk Sj u gh 2 Q.9. In which area of India was the “Dubla Haali tradition” was prevalent? (a) Eastern region (b) Western region (c) Northern region (d) Southern region Q.10. Match the following:- List-1 List-2 (Center of 1857 revolt) (Suppressed By) A. Lucknow 1. John Nicholson B. Allahabad 2. Campbell C. Jhansi 3. General Neil D. Delhi 4. General Hugh Rose Code: A B C D (a) 3 1 4 2 (b) 3 2 4 1 (c) 2 3 4 1 (d) 2 3 1 4 Q.11. Consider the following statements and choose the correct statement- 1. Tatya Tope is related to the incident of Sati Chaura Ghat. 2. Maniram Dutt started the 1857 revolt in Assam. 3. Liaquat Ali was the leader of the 1857 revolt from Allahabad. (a) Only 1 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3 Q.12. Consider the following statements and choose the correct statement- 1. The Paik Revolt was an armed revolt against the British East India Company by the ‘Paik’ caste of Jharkhand. 2. This revolt was carried out under the leadership of Bakshi Jagbandhu. (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2

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