Nội dung text Animal Diversity-Daily-02 (Set-B)-Solution.pdf
1 Daily-02 [Set-B (Solve Sheet)] wm‡jevm: cÖvYxi wewfbœZv I †kÖwYweb ̈vm c~Y©gvb: 30 †b‡MwUf gvK©: 0.25 mgq: 15 wgwbU 1. †Kvb c‡e©i cÖvYx bKj wm‡jvg aviYKvix bq? [Which phylum of animals does not possess a pseudocoelom?] Arthropoda Nematoda Rotifera Kinorhyncha DËi: Arthropoda e ̈vL ̈v: Nematoda, Rotifera, Kinorhyncha cÖf„wZ ce©fz3 cÖvYxiv my ̈‡Wvwm‡jv‡gU (Pseuducoelomate)| pseudo k‡ãi A_© n‡jv bKj, åvšÍ BZ ̈vw`| wKš‘ Arthropoda n‡jv cÖK...Z wm‡jvghy3 ev BDwm‡jv‡gU| 2. cÖ_g †UUav‡cvW RvZxq †giæ`Ðx Kv‡`i ejv nq? [Who are the first tetrapod vertebrates called?] Aves Mammalia Amphibia None of these DËi: Amphibia e ̈vL ̈v: cÖ_g †UUav‡cvW RvZxq †giæ`Ðx n‡jv Amphibia| 3. †Kvb Phylum †iBb d‡i÷ bv‡g AwfwnZ? [Which phylum is called the "Rainforest"?] cwi‡div (Porifera) wbWvwiqv (Cnidaria) A ̈vwbwjWv (Annelida) gjv ̄..v (Mollusca) DËi: wbWvwiqv (Cnidaria) e ̈vL ̈v: wbWvwiqv Phylum †iBb d‡i÷ wn‡m‡e AwfwnZ| cÖevj cÖvPxi we‡k^i Ab ̈Zg •ewPÎ ̈gq ev ̄ÍZš¿| G Rxe ̧wj wbWvwiqv c‡e©i AšÍf©y3| cÖevj cÖvPx‡ii AvKvi, MVb A‡bKUvB wbf©i K‡i mgy`a Zj‡`‡ki cwi‡e‡ki Dci| mvaviYZ wewfbœ Pzb RvZxq †`nve‡kl m1⁄2e× nq Ges cÖevj Øxc ̧wj GKm‡1⁄2 hy3 n‡q wewfbœ cÖvPxi •Zwi K‡i| cwi‡ekwe`iv cÖevj cÖvPxi ̧‡jv‡K mgy‡`ai e„wó Aib ̈ (Rain forest of the sea) e‡j AvwfwnZ K‡ib| wbWvwiqv c‡e©i cÖvYx‡`i †m.›`h© I e‡Y©i Rb ̈ G‡`i mgy‡`ai dzj ev Flower of the sea ejv nq| Giv †hLv‡b emevm K‡i †mLv‡b A‡bK ai‡bi DwTM¢` I cÖvYx emevm K‡i| MvQ ̧‡jv †ek Nb nIqvq A‡bK e„wócvZ nq| ZvB G‡`i‡K mgy‡`ai †iBb d‡i÷ e‡j| 4. wb‡Pi †Kvb cÖvYxwUi k^mbZš¿ I msenbZš¿ Abycw ̄’Z? [Which of the following animals lacks both a respiratory system and a circulatory system?] Taenia solium Eisenia foetida Loa loa Schistosoma mansoni DËi: Loa loa e ̈vL ̈v: Nematoda ev †MvjK...wg c‡e©i cÖvYx‡`i †`‡n k^mbZb ̄¿ I msenbZš¿ Abycw ̄’Z| G c‡e©i cÖvYx Loa loa (†PvL K...wg)| 5. †bwd«wWqv Kx? [What are nephridia?] †iPb A1⁄2 (Excretory organ) Pjb A1⁄2 (Locomotory organ) k^mb A1⁄2 (Respiratory organ) cÖRbb A1⁄2 (Reproductive organ) DËi: †iPb A1⁄2 (Excretory organ) e ̈vL ̈v: A ̈vwbwjWv c‡e©i cÖvYxi †`‡ni cÖvq cÖwZwU LЇK Aew ̄’Z †bwd«wWqv bvgK c ̈uvPv‡bv bvwjKv cÖavb †iPb A1⁄2 wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| GRb ̈ †bwd«wWqv‡K †mM‡g›Uvj AM©vb e‡j| 6. wmjfvi wdm †Kvb c‡e©i cÖvYx? [Silverfish belong to which phylum?] KW©vUv (Chordata) Av‡_©av‡cvWv (Arthropoda) wbWvwiqv (Cnidaria) gjv ̄..v (Mollusca) DËi: Av‡_©av‡cvWv (Arthropoda) e ̈vL ̈v: wmjfvi wdm gvQ bq| GwU GK ai‡bi †QvU Wvbvwenxb †cvKvi GKwU cÖRvwZ| Gi bvg †`‡ni iƒcvwj nvjKv a~mi eY© †_‡K G‡m‡Q| hv gv‡Qi gZ †Pnvivi mv‡_ wgwjZ nq| 7. jvf©v `kvq ïaygvÎ †jR A‡j b‡UvKW© _v‡K †KvbwU? [In which organism is the notochord present only in the tail region during the larval stage?] Branchiostomata Ascidia mentula Labeo rohita Homo sapiens DËi: Ascidia mentula e ̈vL ̈v: Chordata c‡e©i mKj cÖvYx G K‡W©U wefv‡M AšÍfz©3| b‡UvK‡W©i Ae ̄’vb I ̄’vwqZ¡ Abyhvqx chordata ce©‡K wZbwU Dcc‡e© fvM Kiv nq| (i) BD‡ivKW©vUv : G‡`i b‡UvKW© †jR A‡j jvf©v `kvq _v‡K| D`vnviY : Ascidia (ii) †mdv‡jvKW©vUv : G‡`i b‡UvK©W g ͇̄Ki kxl© cÖvšÍ †_‡K cy”Q AÂj ch©šÍ mvivRxeb Ae ̄’vb K‡i| D`vnviY : Branchiostoma lanceolatum. (iii) fvwU©eavUv : G‡`i b‡UvKW© c~Yv©1⁄2 `kvq †giæ`Û Øviv cÖwZ ̄’vwcZ nq| D`vnviY : Labeo rohita, Duttaphrynus melanostictus, Homo sapiens. 8. †Kvb c‡e©i cÖvYxi †`‡n i ̈vWzjv cvIqv hvq? [In which phylum of animals is radula found?] Cnidaria Annelida Mollusca Nematoda DËi: Mollusca e ̈vL ̈v: Mollusca c‡e©i cÖvYxi gyLwee‡i KvBwUb wbwg©Z GKwU †iwZ-wRnŸv ev i ̈vWzjv _v‡K|
2 9. ïaygvÎ m ̈vwRUvj Zj eivei fvM Kiv hvq wb‡Pi †KvbwUi? [Which of the following can only be divided along the sagittal plane?] ̄úÄ (Sponge) cÖRvcwZ (Butterfly) wU‡bv‡dviv (Ctenophora) †Rwjwdk (Jellyfish) DËi: cÖRvcwZ (Butterfly) e ̈vL ̈v: hLb †Kv‡bv cÖvYxi †`n‡K †K›`axq Aÿ eivei ïay GKevi Wvb I evgcv‡k (A_©vr m ̈vwRUvj Zj ev ga ̈‡iLxq Zj) `ywU m`„k As‡k fvM Kiv hvq, ZLb Zv‡K wØcvk^©xq cÖwZmvg ̈ e‡j| †hgb- cÖRvcwZ (Pieris brassicae), e ̈vO (Fejervarya asmati), gvbyl (Homo sapiens) cÖf...wZ| 10. †Kvb †kÖwYfz3 cÖvYxi †Kv‡bv jvf©v `kv †bB? [Which class of animals does not have a larval stage?] Petromyzontida Larvacea Myxini Thaliacea DËi: Myxini e ̈vL ̈v: Vertebrata Dcc‡e© Cyclostomata mycviK¬v‡mi AšÍfy©3 Myxini †kÖwY| G †kÖwYfz3 gvQ ̧‡jv n ̈vMwdk bv‡g cwiwPZ| G‡`i †Kv‡bv jvf©v `kv †bB| 11. †h A‡j cÖRvwZMZ •ewPÎ ̈ †ewk †m AÂj‡K Rxe •ewP‡Î ̈i Kx ejv nq? [In which region is the biodiversity highest?] Ring spot Hot spot Sports spot Tourist spot DËi: Hot spot e ̈vL ̈v: †hme A‡j cÖRvwZMZ •ewPÎ ̈ †ewk †m AÂj mvaviYfv‡e Rxe‣ewP‡Î ̈i nU ̄úU (biodversity hotspot) wn‡m‡e cwiwPZ| 12. wb‡Pi †KvbwU cvi ̄úwiK mn‡hvwMZv QvovB Rxeb-hvcb K‡i? [Which of the following does not live in symbiosis?] Remora Zoochlorella Columba livia Fasciola hepatica DËi: Columba livia e ̈vL ̈v: †hme cÖvYx ̄^vaxbfv‡e Ny‡i †eovq Ges Giv cvi ̄úwiK mn‡hvwMZv ev mvnP‡h© evm K‡i bv| †hgb : KeyZi (Columba livia) Zoochlorella I Chlorohydra (wg‡_vRxex) Fasciola hepatica (ciRxex) Remora (mnRxex) 13. wb‡Pi †Kvb cÖvYxi †`‡n g‡bvwUag cvIqv hvq? [In which animal is monotremata found?] Tachyglossus monotreme Phascolarctos cinereus Pteropus giganteus Platanista gangetica DËi: Tachyglossus monotreme e ̈vL ̈v: Prototheria Dc‡kÖwYi cÖvYx‡`i †iPb - Rbb - cwicvKZ‡š¿i Rb ̈ GKwU Awfbœ wQ`ac_ enb K‡i, ZvB G‡`i g‡bvwUag (Monotreme) e‡j| 14. Po–B cvwLi •eÁvwbK bvg Kx? [What is the scientific name of a house sparrow?] Columba livia Passer domesticus Copsychus saularis Ardea purpurea DËi: Passer domesticus e ̈vL ̈v: BD‡ivwcqvb Po–B cvwLi •eÁvwbK bvg Passer domesticus. wKš‘ bxjb` GjvKvi Po–B cvwLi •eÁvwbK bvg- Passer domesticus niloticus. 15. Asymmetry †`Lv hvq †Kvb cÖvYxi g‡a ̈? [In which animal is asymmetry seen?] ̄úÄ (Sponge) e ̈vO (Frog) mx A ̈vwbgb (Sea anemone) cÖRvcwZ (Butterfly) DËi: ̄úÄ (Sponge) e ̈vL ̈v: ̄úÄ I Av‡cj kvgyK g‡a ̈ AcÖwZmvg ̈ ev Asymmetry †`Lv hvq| 16. †kÖYxKi‡Y e ̈eüZ cawZwU K ̈vUvMwifz3 cÖvYxi Rb‡Mvôx‡K e‡j? [In classification, the population of each category- included animal is called?] Group Category Taxon Population DËi: Taxon e ̈vL ̈v: U ̈v·b n‡”Q †kÖYxe×MZ GKK| 17. bb KW©vUv cÖvYx‡`i ̄œvqyi3⁄4yi •ewkó ̈ †KvbwU? [What is the characteristic of the spinal cord of non- chordate animals?] A1⁄4xq c„óxq duvcv MÖwš’wenxb DËi: A1⁄4xq e ̈vL ̈v: bbKW©vUv •ewkó ̈ : 1| b‡UvKW© Abycw ̄’Z, 2| ̄œvqyi3⁄4y MÖwš’hy3, A1⁄4xq I wb‡iU, 3| i3 msenbZ‡š¿ ürh‡š¿i Ae ̄’vb c„ô‡`‡k 4| i‡3i wn‡gv‡Møvweb i3i‡m _v‡K 18. wQ`avj cÖvYxi †ÿ‡Î †KvbwU mwVK? [Which of the following is not a characteristic of porifera?] c ̈v‡ibKvBgv jvf©v _v‡K (Parenchyma larvae) cvwb msenb Zš¿ _v‡K (Water transport system) mÂiYkxj A ̈vwçeøv÷zjv jvf©v _v‡K (Motile amphiblastula larvae) cøvbyjv jvf©v `kv _v‡K (Planula larval stage) DËi: mÂiYkxj A ̈vwçeøv÷zjv jvf©v _v‡K (Motile amphiblastula larvae) e ̈vL ̈v: RxebP‡μ mÂiYkxj A ̈vwçeøv÷zjv A_ev c ̈v‡ibKvBgyjv jvf©v `kv we` ̈gvb| 19. wdZvK...wgi †`‡ni LÛK ̧‡jv‡K wK ejv nq? [What are the segments of the tapeworm's body called?] †cÖv‡UvW©vg †cÖvMøwUW †cÖvd ̈v‡ivwUf gv‡qv‡Uvg DËi: †cÖvMøwUW e ̈vL ̈v: cÖK...Z LÛvqb †Ku‡Pv, †Zjv‡cvKv AcÖK...Z LÛvqb wdZvK...wg| wdZvK...wgi LÛK ̧‡jv‡K †cÖvMøwUW e‡j| 20. cwi‡div mv‡_ m¤ú©wKZ †KvbwU? [Which of the following is not associated with porifera?] cwjgiwdRg (Polymorphism) †Kvqv‡bvmvBU (Choanocyte) wkLv †Kvl (Collar cell) cøvbyjv (Planula) DËi: †Kvqv‡bvmvBU (Choanocyte) e ̈vL ̈v: cwjgiwdRg I cøvbyjv wbWvwiqv c‡e© †`Lv hvq| cøvwU‡njwgb‡_m c‡e©i †iPbZš¿ wkLv †Kvl w`‡q MwVZ|
3 21. gv‡qv‡Uvg †cwk †`Lv hvq Kv‡`i? [In which animal is myotome muscle seen?] Urochordata Cephalochordata Vertrebrata Myxini DËi: Cephalochordata e ̈vL ̈v: G‡`i †`‡ni `yBcv‡k 60 †Rvov gv‡qv‡Uvg †cwk cici mw3⁄4Z| 22. Chordata c‡e©i cÖvYx‡`i Spinal cord Gi •ewkó ̈ †KvbwU? [What is the characteristic of the spinal cord of chordate animals?] wb‡iU (Solid) duvcv (Hollow) †MvjvKvi (Round) LwÛZ (Segmented) DËi: duvcv (Hollow) e ̈vL ̈v: Chordata c‡e©i cÖvYx‡`i ̄œvqyi3⁄4 c„ôxq duvcv I bjvKvi| 23. cÖvYxR †mjy‡jvR ejv nq †Kvb AveiY‡K? [Which covering is called animal cellulose?] mvBK¬‡qW (Cycloid) †cwiKvwW©qvg (Pericardium) wUDwbwmb (Tunicin) wKDwUKj (Cuticle) DËi: wUDwbwmb (Tunicin) e ̈vL ̈v: BD‡ivKWv©Uv c‡e©i cÖvYx‡`i wUDwbwmb wbwg©Z Avei‡Y Ave„Z _v‡K| G AveiY DwTM¢` RM‡Zi †mjy‡jvR m`„k nIqvq G‡K cÖvbxR †mjy‡jvR e‡j| 24. A ̈v‡gvwmU jvf©v `kv †Kvb †kÖwYfz3 gv‡Q _v‡K? [In which class of fish is the ammocoete larval stage found?] Petromyzontida Chondrichthyes Myxini Actinopterygii DËi: Petromyzontida e ̈vL ̈v: Petromyzontida –†Z A ̈v‡gvwmU jvf©v `kv †`Lv hvq| G‡`i mvZ‡Rvov dzjKvI _v‡K| Giv j ̈vg‡cÖ bv‡g cwiwPZ| 25. Chondrichthyes Gi cvK ̄’jx Kx Shape Gi? [What is the shape of the stomach of Chondrichthyes?] J I V A DËi: J e ̈vL ̈v: Chondrichthyes Gi cvK ̄’jx J AvK...wZi I Pwe©hy3 hK...Z _v‡K| AšÍtK1⁄4v‡j ZiæYvw ̄’ †`Lv hvq| 26. cÖvPxb Aw ̄’gq gvQ †Kvb †kÖwYi gvQ‡`i ejv nq? [Which class of fish are called ancient bony fish?] Sarcopterygii Amphinia Reptilia Actionoptorygi DËi: Sarcopterygii e ̈vL ̈v: cÖvPxb Aw ̄’gq gvQ hv‡`i Aci bvg mv‡K©vc‡UwiwR/ Sarcopterygii 27. Amphibia †kÖwYi cÖvYx‡`i k^m‡b mvnvh ̈ K‡i †Kvb A1⁄2? [Which organ helps in the respiration of amphibians?] Z¡K (Skin) cvK ̄’jx (Stomach) hK...Z (Liver) jwmKv (Lymph) DËi: Z¡K (Skin) e ̈vL ̈v: Amphibia †kÖwY‡Z Z¡K, dzmdzm I gyLweeixq wgDKvm wSwjø k^m‡b mvnvh ̈ K‡i| 28. mij ai‡bi Agivwewkó cÖvYx †KvbwU? [Which of the following is a simple type of amnionless animal?] gvm©ywcqvj (Marsupial) cøvwUcvm (Platypus) BD‡_wiqv (Eutheria) GwKWvbv (Echidna) DËi: gvm©ywcqvj (Marsupial) e ̈vL ̈v: mij ai‡bi Agiv (Kzmyg _wj + †Kvwiqb) †`Lv hvq gvm©ywcqvj‡`i| cøvwUcvm + GwKWvbv = wWgcÖmex| 29. wb‡Pi †KvbwU mwVK bq? [Which of the following is not correct?] wbWvwiqvb‡`i eûiƒwcZv †`Lv hvq P ̈vÞv K...wgi †`‡n †h.b wØiƒcZv †`Lv hvq bv †Ku‡Pvi †`n wKDwUKj G Ave„Z gjv ̄..v‡Z U AvK...wZi †c.wóKbvwj †`Lv hvq DËi: P ̈vÞv K...wgi †`‡n †h.b wØiƒcZv †`Lv hvq bv e ̈vL ̈v: †bgv‡UvWv ev †bgv‡_jwgb‡_m c‡e©i cÖvYx‡`i †`‡n cÖ_g †h.b wØiƒcZv †`Lv hvq| †h.b wØiƒcZv n‡jv GKB cÖRvwZi ̄¿x I cyiæl m`‡m ̈i eY©, AvKvi, AvK...wZ ev MvVwbKfv‡e c„_K _vK‡j| 30. wb‡Pi †Kvb cÖvYxwUi gw ̄Í®‹ †bB? [Which of the following animals does not have a brain?] Ophiura ciliaris Apis mellifera Scoliodon laticaudus Tenualosa ilisha DËi: Ophiura ciliaris e ̈vL ̈v: GKvB‡bvWvg©vUv c‡e©i cÖvYx‡`i i3msenbZš¿, gw ̄Í®.. I †iPbZš¿ Abycw ̄’Z| Ophiura ciliaris (weaUj ÷vi) n‡jv GKvB‡bvWvg©vUv c‡e©i cÖvYx| Apis mellifera (†g.gvwQ) Av‡_a©v‡cvWv c‡e©i cÖvYx| Scoliodon laticaudus (_ywUa nv1⁄2i) I Tenualosa ilisha (Bwjk gvQ) n‡jv KW©vUv c‡e©i cÖvYx| ---