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Speaking p4: 3 câu (1c trải nghiệm, 2c phụ-> 1 lượt hết trong 2mins) (câu 1 trải nghiệm hay chiếm 1p hơn, dài nhất) Speaking part 4: art, book, internet, extreme sport/ amusement park, gift , , learn new things, achievement, a time you have many choices , hurry, thing want to buy but cant have , hard question, spend so much time for a plan, made a mistake, old buildings, music, expensive things, lost way, eat at the restaurant, teamwork, challenge, visit a city, busy time, received email/good news, bad weather, laugh with friends , impolite, book, help others/ receive help , didn't want to do sthg, eat in the restaurant gộp: +extreme sport + amusement park + gift+ book + team work + challenge+ good news + receive help others + challenge+ didnt want to do something + force to do sthg+ do the thing that dont want có thể ghép với team work + challenge + hard ques note: khi chuyển qua câu hỏi phụ thì mình cần phải mở đầu cho câu hỏi-> gk biết rằng mình đang trl câu tiếp theo ex: Now Im going to answer the next ques, as I can see on the screen: ……… I am over the moon to answer this ques:....... Mẫu: 1. Tell me a time that you successfully encountered a challenging situation? =ACHIEVED GOAL/ received help from people �� Firstly, I am going to talk about/ tell you about a time when I successfully encountered a challenging situation =ACHIEVED GOAL/ received help from people. ��
In my life, I have experienced=UNDERGONE lots of time (+V-ing) facing challenging situations. Each time gives me special/ meaningful lessons/memory. However, there is a time that I think it is the most significant. So now…, I am going to talk about/ tell you about a time when I successfully encountered a challenging situation? =ACHIEVED GOAL/ received help from people. As far as I remember/ If my memory serves me well, It was about/ It happened 3 months ago. I had an E speaking test. However, my speaking was not so good. I didn’t have many vocab and my pronunciation was not good either. But I really wanted to get the high score to win the scholarship. I was so nervous = anxious= had butterflies in my stomach and even wanted to give up. Luckily, my family and my frs supported me a lot. One of my frs, who was very good at E helped me a lot. She helped me practice speaking E everyday and taught me lots of new words. Finally, after a short time practicing so hard, I got the high score for my test and won the scholarship. I was so happy/ over the moon and proud of myself. And I was also grateful to my friend. INTRO-TIME-SITUATION : where, weather, who….(BACKGROUND)-FEELINGS AT THAT TIME- ACTIONS-RESULT-FEELINGS-(LESSON) -when -where (it happened where…) -who (with my,.... along with my…) ( I went there/ did that with….) -what -actions (get deal with) (I got deal with this situation by V-ing) -feelings during story -result (Finally/ As a result/….)+ feelings -why (lesson): (I dont know why that experience happened to me, maybe it was my destiny/ maybe it was an opportunity for
me to get….(get more mature (trưởng thành)/ to gain more knowledge…) -lesson/ meaning: With other ppl, this experience is just a drop in the ocean but with me, this is definitely a memory that I will never forget in my whole life b.How do you feel when you face a challenge? nếu như ques dưới dạng thì hiện tại thì trả lời tách riêng với câu a c.What can help people face difficulties in the daily life? -listen to music. Read books….. Now Im going to answer the next ques:....../As I can see on the screen, there is a question that:.....To answer, I would like to say….. There are some/several ways to help ppl overcome obstacles=difficulties in their daily life. Firstly, secondly,…… ASK FOR ADVICE , KEEP CALM AND THINK CAREFULLY ABOUT THE PLAN TO SOLVE THE PROBLEMS Note: khi trl next ques, thì nên có mở đầu: +If you aksed me a ques:........., I would tell you that…. +Now, I will answer the next ques,....... Mẹo: B1: Giới thiệu bản thân (bạn nào càng nói kém thì giới thiệu bản thân càng dài ra → ăn bớt thời gian ) B2: Tự nói. (tự kể chuyện) B3: Kết: I know that my speaking skill is not perfect but I will try my best to improve my speaking skill in the future. Thank you so much for listening! (chỉ áp dụng cho speaking) Note: với câu hỏi dị thì có thể sd intro giống như của part2,3 Ques 1:
1.Tell me a time you enjoyed / saw an artwork (tác phẩm nghệ thật)? exhibition -intro -time, situation (name of the museum/ exhibition, went with who, when, weather,...) -which artwork that you were impressed the most? -that artwork was about what? (statue/ picture/ photo…), CONTENT: it was about -what did you feel when you saw it? -If you have a chance, will you come back there? -help you learn something? �� What do you think about art? Very important in our life-> more beautiful, feel more comfortable, art reflect part of our lives -> make us feel the life more deeply b. What did you feel when you saw that art? c.It is impossible to make a person creative. What do you think? (khi câu hỏi đưa ra

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