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14 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 (Global Success) PART I. VOCABULARY  New words (Từ mới) Words Type Pronunciation Meaning 1. confidence n /ˈkɒnfɪdəns/ niềm tin 2. convince v /kənˈvɪns/ thuyết phục 3. responsible adj /rɪˈspɒnsəbl/ có trách nhiệm 4. independent adj /ˌɪndɪˈpendənt/ độc lập, không phụ thuộc vào người khác 5. time management n /ˌtaɪm ˈmænɪdʒmənt/ quản lý thời gian 6. self-motivated adj /ˌself ˈməʊtɪveɪtɪd/ tự mình tạo động lực 7. self-study n /ˌself ˈstʌdi/ sự tự học 8. manage v /ˈmænɪdʒ/ quản lý 9. life skill n /ˈlaɪf skɪl/ kỹ năng sống 10. responsibility n /rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti/ trách nhiệm 11. achieve v /əˈtʃiːv/ đạt được 12. learning goal n /ˈlɜːnɪŋ ɡəʊl/ mục tiêu học tập 13. organised adj /ˈɔːɡənaɪz/ có tổ chức 14. normal adj /ˈnɔːml/ bình thường 15. decision making skills n /dɪˈsɪʒn meɪkɪŋ skɪlz/ kỹ năng đưa ra quyết định 16. money management n /ˈmʌni ˈmænɪdʒmənt/ quản lý tiền bạc 17. challenging adj /ˈtʃælɪndʒɪŋ/ đầy thách thức STRUCTURES 1. deal with something đối phó với điều gì 2. earn one’s trust có được sự tin tưởng từ ai 3. out and about đi tới những nơi khác nhau 4. encourage somebody to do something khuyến khích ai làm gì 5. get around đi lại 6. come up with nảy ra, nghĩ ra 7. carry out tiến hành, thực hiện 8. get into the habit of tạo thói quen 9. make use of tận dụng 10. make decisions đưa ra quyết định 11. take responsibility for something chịu trách nhiệm cho PART II. GRAMMAR UNIT 8: BECOMING INDEPENDENT
14 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 (Global Success) 1. Cleft sentence a) Cấu trúc Câu chẻ: b) Các hình thức nhấn mạnh Tom gave me this book at the library when I met him yesterday. 1. Subject focus (nhấn mạnh chủ ngữ)  It was Tom that gave me this book at the library when I met him yesterday. 2. Object focus (nhấn mạnh tân ngữ)  It was me that Tom gave this book at the library when I met him yesterday. 3. Adverb of time focus (nhấn mạnh cụm trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian)  It was when I met Tom yesterday that he gave me this book at the library. 4. Adverb of place focus (nhấn mạnh cụm trạng ngữ chỉ nơi chốn)  It was at the library that Tom gave this book when I met him yesterday. c) Câu chẻ ở hình thức bị động (CLEFT SENTENCE in PASSIVE)  It was this book that was given to me by Tom when I met him yesterday.  It was I that was given this book by Tom when I met him yesterday. A. PHONETIC Exercise 1: Pay attention to the fall- rise intonation (↺) in the following sentences. Then practise saying them in pairs. 1. Why don’t you turn the air conditioner on? 2. Can you come over after the show? 3. Would you mind sending this letter to Mr. Brown? 4. Do you fancy going to a movie this evening? 5. How about an evening riverboat tour tonight? 6. Could I speak to Mai? 7. Why don’t you come over and see the new play with me? 8. Would you like another cup of tea? 9. Shall we have a field trip after the exams? 10. Can you lick up from the airport? Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. normal B. forty C. world D. chores 2. A. great B. dream C. heat D. treat 3. A. develop B. result C. remember D. specific 4. A. lucky B. duty C. trust D. study 5. A. organise B. rinse C. responsible D. self-study 6. A. few B. new C. threw D. knew 7. A. thoughtful B. threaten C. therefore D. thin 8. A. wanted B. helped C. decided D. attended 9. A. intermediate B. immediate C. medium D. medicine   10. A. uncertain B. unbeatable C. unanimous D. undone Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. IT IS/WAS + (focused information) + THAT/WHO + (S) + V Thông tin cần nhấn mạnh IT IS/WAS + (focused information) + THAT/WHO + BE + V- ED/3 Thông tin cần nhấn mạnh
14 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 (Global Success) 1. A. laundry B. household C. create D. healthy 2. A. dependence B. achievement C. advantage D. diary 3. A. reliable B. independent C. responsible D. decisiveness 4. A. difficult B. confident C. critical D. important 5. A. permission B. well-informed C. activity D. effective 6. A. routine B. problem C. lonely D. hygiene 7. A. laundry B. punish C. depend D. reason 8. A manage B. answer C. contact D. believe 9. A. install B. study C. decide D. improve 10. A development B. relationship C. identify D. disadvantage B. VOCABULARIES AND GRAMMARS Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. Independent learners become ______ adults who have faith in their abilities to succeed, achieve and overcome challenges. A. confident B. over-confident C. confidential D. reluctant 2. Parents and teachers play a ______ role in helping children become independent. A. final B. quick C. deciding D. decisive 3. When independence becomes your ______, it leads to the 4C’s: confidence, competence, creativity, and character. A. priority B. variety C. importance D. action 4. I was ______ to recognize that I could work more effectively with my time log. A. willing B. fond C. determined D. amazed 5. Breaks provide valuable rest ______ you to think creatively and work effectively. A. able B. enable C. enabling D. to enable 6. Is it ______ for all of us to be present at the meeting this afternoon? A. certain B. difficult C. popular D. necessary 7. Do you think it’s true that teenage girls are less ______ than their male peers? A. self-motivated B. self-aware C. self- confident D. self-appointed 8. The staff members are hard-working and highly ______. A. motivated B. reasonable C. worthy D. normal 9. A single parent should try to balance work and family ______? A. experiences B. opportunities C. responsibilities D. inventions 10. How can he fit everything into his busy ______? A. curiosity B. schedule C. attention D. freedom 11. I’ll go shopping when I’ve done my ______ around the house. A. experiences B. responsibilities C. chores D. conveniences 12. Try to ______ of your time well. A. move forward B. make sure C. get round D. make use 13. I’m not trying to ______ the habit of always having biscuits with my coffee. A. get around B. make use C. get into D. carry out 14. The police will ______ an investigation into what actually happened. A. develop B. post C. raise D. provide 15. After work, she ______ with a cup of coffee and the newspaper. A. relied B. identified C. solved D. relaxed 16. Their relationship was ______ mutual respect. A. get into B. move forward C. based on D. carry out 17. The doctor says she’s making a good recovery, and she should be ______ and about in a few days’ time. A. on B. out C. with D. up 18. Did she pay you ______ looking after her dogs while she was away?
14 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 (Global Success) A. to B. with C. for D. in 19. That man has taken over responsibility ______ this project. A. for B. up C. from D. in 20. Do you think I’ll be able to achieve my goal ______ losing five kilos before the summer? A. on B. of C. with D. for 21. Paul is directly ______ for the management of the football competitions between schools in our neighborhood. A. decisive B. responsible C. reliable D. independent 22. There’s no point in trying to stop her- it’ll only make her more ______. A. self-motivated B. comfortable C. dependent D. determined 23. A good leader should have a talent for quick ______ action. A. independent B. confident C. decisive D. organised 24. There is always a time ______ for each test. A. schedule B. source C. routine D. hobby 25. Parents want to raise their child to be independent, and to help him make his own ______. A. techniques B. information C. managements D. decisions 26. ______________ my neighbors who rescued me from the fire. A. It is B. It was C. That is D. This is 27. ______________ me how to play the drum. A. It was my uncle who taught B. My uncle who taught C. It was my uncle taught D. It is my uncle teaching 28. ______________ I bought the golden fish. A. It was from this shop that B. It was from this shop where C. It was this shop which D. It was this shop that 29. ______________ gave me that picture book. A. Mary B. It was Mary whom C. It was Mary who D. It was Mary whose 30. It was Tom ______________ to help us. A. comes B. that comes C. to come D. who came 31. ______________ the police had rescued from the fire. A. The baby B. The baby that C. It was the baby who D. The baby whom 32. ______________ my parents gave me the fish tank. A. It was on my birthday when B. It was my birthday on that C. It was my birthday that D. It was on my birthday that 33. ______________ is very necessary to our life. A. It is recreation who B. It had been recreation C. It is recreation says D. It is recreation that 34. It is the event ______________ a lot. A. has been talked about B. that has been talked about C. has talked about D. that has talked about 35. ______________ a lot of flowers on her birthday. A. It was Mary who was given B. Mary that was given C. It was Mary whom was given D. It was Mary was given 36. He spent his summer vacation in Da Lat. A. It is in Da Lat that he spent his summer vacation. B. It was in Da Lat that he spent his summer vacation. C. It is in Da Lat that he spends his summer vacation. D. It was in Da Lat where he spends his summer vacation. 37. Candidates all over the world took part in the competition with great enthusiasm. A. It is great enthusiasm that candidates all over the world took part in the competition. B. It was great enthusiasm that candidates all over the world took part in the competition. C. It was with great enthusiasm that candidates all over the world took part in the competition. D. It is with great enthusiasm which candidates all over the world take part the competition.

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