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RECALLS EXAMINATION 8 NURSING PRACTICE I COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING NOVEMBER 2024 Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination Review GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. This test questionnaire contains 100 test questions 2. Shade only one (1) box for each question on your answer sheets. Two or more boxes shaded will invalid your answer. 3. AVOID ERASURES. 4. Detach one (1) answer sheet from the bottom of your Examinee ID/Answer Sheet Set. 5. Write the subject title “NURSING PRACTICE I” on the box provided Situation: In a coastal community, a local health clinic has launched a series of initiatives to address various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One key initiative is a comprehensive maternal and child health program aimed at reducing infant mortality and improving maternal health. The program includes regular prenatal check-ups, vaccination drives, nutritional education, and community health workshops 1. Which Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) is most directly associated with ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages, which is a critical focus for nursing practice? A. SDG 2: Zero Hunger B. SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being C. SDG 4: Quality Education D. SDG 5: Gender Equality 2. In the context of nursing practice, Nurse Colet knows that nurses can contribute to SDG 5 by? A. By focusing exclusively on female patients B. By advocating for equal pay and professional development opportunities for all genders in the healthcare sector C. By limiting health education to women D. By ignoring gender issues in their practice 3. Which nursing action best supports the achievement of SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation? A. Prescribing medication for waterborne diseases B. Educating communities about hygiene and safe water practices C. Providing bottled water to patients D. Ignoring water quality issues in health education 4. Nurse Maloi knows that Nurse Colet can incorporate SDG 13 into their practice by? A. By solely focusing on patient care B. By implementing energy-saving practices in healthcare settings C. By ignoring environmental concerns D. By discouraging the use of renewable energy sources 5. Which strategy aligns with SDG 4: Quality Education and enhances nursing practice? A. Providing patient care without any educational component B. Offering health education programs to patients and communities C. Limiting professional development opportunities for nurses D. Ignoring advancements in medical education Situation: A hospital’s quality improvement team is planning a research study to evaluate the effectiveness of a new wound care protocol compared to the current standard. The team is seeking input from the nursing staff to ensure that the study design will provide reliable and valid results. As a nurse involved in this project, you are asked to review and provide feedback on the proposed research design. 6. In qualitative study, the research design is often referred to as an/a: A. Urgent design B. Emergent design C. Directive design D. Acute design 7. Since she wanted to capture the essence and emotion of the victim she chose to use qualitative design. In qualitative research, what is the primary focus and strength of this research method? A. It commences study at present but consummates at any future time – Prospective B. It allows estimation of relationship between studied variables - Correlational C. It provides insights, attitudes, belief, motives and behaviors of target population - Qualitative D. It tests results through numerical data – Quantitative design 8. Student nurse Noah is trying her concept of inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning. Which among the following is a true statement regarding inductive and deductive reasoning. A. Inductive reasoning the process of developing generalization from specific observations whereas deductive reasoning is the process of developing specific predictions from general principles B. Inductive reasoning is the process of developing specific predictions from general principles whereas deductive reasoning is the process of developing general principles from specific observations C. Inductive reasoning is used to confirm a hypothesis through a series of experiments, whereas deductive reasoning involves creating new hypotheses based on existing theories. D. Inductive reasoning is focused on testing existing theories with experimental data, whereas deductive reasoning is about developing theories based on new experimental results. 9. Nurse Ann also read an article by Zust in 2000 about a pilot study that explored the feasibility of a future large scale research on the effectiveness of a 20-week cognitive therapy intervention on depressed battered women, If this intervention will be compared with an ongoing intervention utilized for depressed battered women, this study would utilize which among the following design? A. Experimental B. Non-Experimental C. Phenomenological D. Historical 10. Nurse Haru finally decided to make an in depth study of only one subject of domestic violence. What design will be used? A. Descriptive correlational B. Descriptive Comparative C. Methodological D. Case study Situation: You are a registered nurse working in a busy urban hospital emergency department. A 65-year-old male patient 1 | Page

B. A state of mind characterized by emotional well-being, good behavioral adjustment, and relative freedom from anxiety and disabling symptoms C. A condition of being sound mentally and emotionally that is characterized by the absence of mental illness D. A function of the physiological state 44. The Department of Health in its new role as the national authority on health that provides technical and other resource assistance to concerned groups was mandated through: A. Executive Order 201 B. Executive Order 204 C. Executive Order 102 D. Executive Order 109 45. The Department of Health is the leader, staunch advocate, and model in promoting health. Its mission is to: A. Provide quality health to poor Filipinos B. Be a leader in the formulation of health policies C. Guarantee equitable health for all Filipinos D. Reduce morbidity and mortality of certain diseases Situation: You are a charge nurse in a busy hospital ward that has recently admitted several patients with various infections. Due to the increased risk of cross-contamination and the spread of infections, you are tasked with implementing and reinforcing strict infection control protocols. 46. A natural body defense that plays an active role in preventing infection is: A. Yawning B. Body Hair C. Hiccupping D. Rapid Eye Movements 47. Which of the following nursing interventions is considered the most effective form or universal precautions? A. Cap all used needles before removing them from their syringes B. Discard all used uncapped needles and syringes in an impenetrable protective container C. Wear gloves when administering IM injections D. Follow enteric precautions. 48. Effective hand washing requires the use of: A. Soap or detergent to promote emulsification B. Hot water to destroy bacteria C. A disinfectant to increase surface tension D. All of the above 49. Which of the following procedures always requires surgical asepsis? A. Vaginal instillation of conjugated estrogen B. Urinary catheterization C. Nasogastric tube insertion D. Colostomy irrigation 50. All of the following statements are true about donning sterile gloves except: A. The first glove should be picked up by grasping the inside of the cuff B. The second glove should be picked up by inserting the gloved fingers under the cuff outside the glove C. The gloves should be adjusted by sliding the gloved fingers under the sterile cuff and pulling the glove over the wrist. D. The inside of the glove is considered sterile. Situation: The healthcare team is divided on how to proceed, and you are the nurse responsible for Mr. Santos's care. The situation is causing significant ethical distress among the staff, and you need to address the conflicting wishes of the family members while adhering to the nursing code of ethics. 51. A nurse is invited to participate in a qualitative research study. What type of data will the nurse likely collect in this study? A. Numerical data B. Quantitative data C. Subjective data D. Objective data 52. A nurse is participating in a quality improvement project. What is a key element of the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle? A. Ignoring feedback from team members B. Implementing changes without evaluating outcomes C. Continuously assess and adapt the improvement plan based on results D. Limiting communication with other healthcare professionals 53. A nurse is working in a healthcare facility that adheres to the principles of cultural competence. What does cultural competence in nursing primarily involve? A. The ability to speak multiple languages B. Awareness and respect for diverse cultural beliefs and practices C. Knowledge of the latest medical technologies D. Proficiency in performing transcultural nursing assessments 54. A nurse is involved in a quality improvement project to reduce medication errors in a hospital unit. What research methodology is most appropriate for this project? A. Experimental research B. Descriptive research C. Qualitative research D. Case-control research 55. Emotional intelligence consists of several competencies. Some of these are listed below. Which is NOT a characteristic of emotional intelligence? A. Self-esteem B. Self-awareness C. Empathy D. Self-regulation Situation: Kathleen is a nurse researcher at a tertiary hospital, tasked with gathering data on infection rates among admitted patients. 56. Kathleen needs to collect secretions from a patient's surgical site. If the patient refuses and she proceeds anyway, what could she be liable for? A. Slander B. Assault C. Battery D. Invasion of privacy 57. A patient confides to Kathleen that his companion is not his legal wife. What liability does Kathleen face if she shares this information? A. Slander B. Libel C. Breach of confidentiality D. Assault 58. Two janitors argue loudly about who should dispose of infectious waste, with one calling the other derogatory names. If the insulted janitor decides to take legal action, what kind of case would he likely file? A. Libel B. Incompetence C. Slander D. Negligence 59. If the derogatory statements were published in the hospital newsletter, what would this be considered? A. Malpractice B. Assault C. Libel D. Slander 60. Kathleen knows that as a researcher she needs to follow the provisions of R.A. 6713, otherwise known as: A. Generics Act of 1998 B. Sanitation Code C. Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards of Public Officials and Employees D. Salary Standardization of Government Employees Situation: Community Organizing Participatory Action Research (COPAR) is being implemented in a rural village to improve community health outcomes. After initial phases of preparation, entry, and organization, the community and the healthcare team have moved into the strengthening phase. The focus is on empowering the community to take ownership of their health initiatives and build sustainable structures for long-term health improvement. 61. Which of the following is not under the sustenance and strengthening phase of COPAR? A. Development of financial management systems, B. Application for SEC registration C. Conduct of leadership training seminars among core group members 4 | Page

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