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Nội dung text CHUYÊN ĐỀ 19 - CÁC CẤP SO SÁNH.docx

CHUYÊN ĐỀ 19: CÁC CẤP SO SÁNH A. DEGREES OF COMPARISON SO SÁNH BẰNG S1 + V + AS + ADJ/ADV + AS + S2 + (trợ từ) SO SÁNH KHÔNG BẰNG S1 + V + NOT + AS/SO + ADJ/ADV + AS + S2 + (trợ từ) Với tính từ/trạng từ ngắn: S1 + V + ADJ/ADV (ER) + THAN + S2 Với tính từ/trạng từ dài: S1 + V + MORE + ADJ/ADV + THAN + S2 Với tính từ/trạng từ ngắn: S + V + THE + ADJ/ADV (EST) + … Với tính từ/trạng từ dài: S + V + THE + MOST + ADJ/ADV + … So sánh lũy tiến: Với tính từ ngắn: ADJ (ER) + AND + ADJ (ER) Với tính từ dài: MORE AND MORE + ADJ So sánh đồng tiến: THE + ADJ (so sánh hơn) + S + V, THE + ADJ (so sánh hơn) + S + V, SO SÁNH GẤP BỘI S + V + multiple numbers (half/twice/ 3, 4, 5…times) + AS + much/many/adj/adv + (N) + AS + N/pronoun CÁC LOẠI SO SÁNH SO SÁNH HƠN SO SÁNH NHẤT SO SÁNH KÉP
B. PRACTICE EXERCISES Exercise 1.1: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. Question 1: I think spring is_______season of the year. A. beautiful B. very beautiful C. more beautiful D. the most beautiful Question 2: The larger the apartment is, the_______its price is. A. expensive B. more expensive C. expensively D. most expensive Question 3: The faster we walk,_______we will get there. A. the soonest B. the soon C. the more soon D. the sooner Question 4: “Why did you buy these oranges? ” “They were_______I could find.” A. cheapest B. cheapest ones C. the cheapest ones D. the most cheapest Question 5: She plays the piano_______as her sister does. A. as beautifully B. more beautifully C. as beautiful D. the most beautifully Question 6: The streets are getting more and_______these days. A. crowded B. less crowded C. more crowded D. most crowded Question 7: New York City's Central Park is nearly twice as large_______second smallest country. A. as B. is the C. as is D. as the Question 8: You must explain your problems_______. A. as clear as you can B. as clearly as you can C. as clear than you are D. as clearly as you are Question 9: Phil is_______person we have ever known. A. the happier B. the happiest C. happier D. happiest Question 10: Which woman are you going to vote for? -I’m not sure. Everyone says that Joan is_______. A. smarter B. the smarter C. more smarter D. more smart Question 11:I thought this test would be difficult, but it is_______test I've ever taken. A. the easiest B. easier C. the most easy D. easily Question 12: It’s too noisy here. Can we go somewhere_______? A. noisier B. more quiet C. more noisy D. quieter Question 13:_______the time passes,_______I feel! The deadline of my thesis is coming, but I have just finished half of it. A. The faster / the nervous B. The more fast / the nervous C. The fast / the more nervous D. The faster / the more nervous Question 14: China is the country with_______population. A. the larger B. the more large C. the largest D. the most large Question 15: She sat there quietly, but during all that time she was getting_______. Finally she exploded. A. more and more angrily B. the more angry C. angrier and angrier D. the most angry
Question 16: For_______, it is certain that in the future some things will be very different. A. the better or the worse B. the good or the bad C. good or bad D. better or worse Question 17: Her grandfather’s illness was_______we thought at first. A. more seriously as B. as seriously as C. more serious than D. as serious than Question 18: My brother was feeling tired last night, so he went to bed_______usual. A. more early than B. as early as C. more earlier as D. earlier than Question 19:_______you study for these exams,_______you will do. A. The harder / the better B. The more / the much C. The hardest / the best D. The more hard / the more good Question 20: That is his house which is_______mine. A. twice as big as B. as twice big as C. as two times big as D. as big as twice Question 21: My town is_______this city. A. more peaceful B. more peacefully than C. peaceful than D. more peaceful than Question 22: I was ill yesterday but I am_______today. A. better B. gooder C. weller D. best Question 23: Monkeys are_______learners than elephants. A. faster B. very fast C. more faster D. more fast Question 24: The use of detail is_______method of developing a controlling idea and almost all students employ this method. A. more common B. common C. most common D. the most common Question 25: My neighbor is driving me mad! It seems that_______it is at night, _______he plays his music! A. the less/ the more loud B. the less/less C. the more late/ the more loudly D. the later/the louder Question 26: It gets_______when the winter is coming. A. cold and cold B. the coldest and coldest C. colder and colder D. more and more cold Question 27: The cuisine of France is_______. A. more famous than that of England B. famous than the cuisine of England C. more famous than which of England D. as famous than that of England Question 28: My sister is two years_______than me. A. young B. so young C. younger D. the youngest Question 29: What is the_______movie you have ever seen? A. worst B. baddest C. most bad D. the worst Question 30: The Missouri River is the_______river in the United States. A. most long B. longer C. longest D. the longer Question 31: That whale is_______than this dingo.
A. big B. most big C. biggest D. bigger Question 32: Our crazy Uncle Pete is the_______fisherman in all of Oregon. A. talented B. most talented C. more talented D. talentedly Question 33: The people applauded_______than before when Bobo the Clown came out. A. most loudly B. louder C. loudest D. more loud Question 34: I'm positive that I am_______and beautiful than my opponent. A. more intelligent B. most intelligent C. as intelligent D. intelligent Question 35: Of all two sisters, Kizzy is the_______. A. hard-working B. more hard-working C. most hard-working D. as hard-working Question 36:_______in Stevenson's landscapes, the more vitality and character the painting seems to possess. A. The brushwork is loose B. The looser brushwork C. The loose brushwork is D. The looser the brushwork is Question 37: Horace found his Magical Bean Maker_______than he originally thought. A. useful B. less useful C. less least useful D. least useful Question 38: The relative size of an insect's wing is much greater than_______. A. that of a bird's wing B. of a bird's wing C. that wing of a bird D. a wing of a bird is Question 39: The richer you are,_______. A. you may become more worried B. you more worried may become C. the more worried you may become D. the more worry you may become Question 40: Ann works_______than most of her friends. A. much harder B. a lot more hardly C. more hardly D. more harder Question 41: Many endangered species are moving_______to extinction, and we are losing our precious places. A. close and close B. closely and closely C. closer and closer D. more closely and closely Question 42: The more carefully humans mind their daily activities,_______on the environment. A. the less harmful impact have they B. the less harmful impact they have C. the less impact harmful they have D. the less harmful they have impact Question 43: Growth is of very immediate environmental concern because_______ the more pollutants we throw out into the atmosphere. A. the more the world economy grows B. the more economy the world grows C. the more grows the world economy D. the more the world grows economy Question 44: Rare animal extinction is one of the_______things that could have happened. A. good B. best C. worse D. worst Question 45: We need to do this_______than we are at the moment. A. quickly B. the quickest C. more quickly D. most quickly

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