Nội dung text 003_A2_Reading_signs.docx
Mã đề 003 Trang 3/3 A. One hour B. Three hours C. Two hours D. 30 minutes Câu 4. What is the current promotion at the clothes store? A. 10% discount on all clothes B. Buy one get one free on summer dresses C. Free T-shirt with every purchase D. 20% discount on all clothes Câu 5. What did the person run out of? “Hi, I hope your day is going well. I ran out of notebook paper and I have a lot of notes to take in class today. Would it be possible for me to borrow some paper from you? I’ll make sure to return the favor if you ever need anything. Thank you!” A. Pencil B. Ruler C. Notebook paper D. Eraser Câu 6. What activity is being proposed in the message? A. Playing basketball B. Going for a run C. Going swimming D. Playing tennis Câu 7. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer for the question.