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User Restrictions: Not authorized to transfer to any third party, Not authorized to go for any resale of this document without permission. Document is protected from being unauthorized use, for any help please contact Mr. SEKHAR , +919206306398. We are not responsible for lose of data while deprotecting the document without any permission from author. Use only for question paper preparation, worksheet preparation… 1.THE SOLID STATE Single Correct Answer Type 1. Which of the following has highest value of energy gap? a) Aluminum b) Silver c) Germanium d) Diamond 2. Which is not the correct statement for ionic solids in which positive and negative ions are held by strong electrostatic attractive forces? a) The radius increases as coordination number increases b) As the difference in size of ions increases, coordination number increases c) When coordination number is eight, the ratio lies between 0.225 to 0.414 d) In ionic solid of the type the coordination number of and respectively are 4 and 4 3. The orthorhombic, the value of and are respectively and Given the molecular mass of the solute is 155 g and that of density is 3.3g/cc, the number of formula units per unit cell is a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6 4. A solid has structure in which ‘W’ atoms are located at the corners of a cubic lattice ‘O’ atoms at the centre of edge and Na atoms at the centre of cube. The formula for the compound is a) b) c) d) 5. The ionic radii of and are and The most probable type of structure exhibited by it is a) type b) type c) type d) type 6. Graphite is a a) Molecular solid b) Covalent solid c) Ionic solid d) Metallic solid 7. In type structure the coordination number ofand are a) 6, 6 b) 6, 8 c) 8, 8 d) 8, 6 8. In unit cell, all the ions lying along the axis as shown in the figure are removed. Then the number of and ions remaining in the unit cell are a) 4 and 4 b) 3 and 3 c) 1 and 1 d) 4 and 3 9. The first order reflection from a crystal of the X-ray from a copper anode tube occurs at an angle of What is the distance between the set of plane causing the diffraction? a) 0.1089 nm b) 0.1089 m c) 0.905 d) 10. Iodine is a a) Electrovalent solid b) Atomic solid
User Restrictions: Not authorized to transfer to any third party, Not authorized to go for any resale of this document without permission. Document is protected from being unauthorized use, for any help please contact Mr. SEKHAR , +919206306398. We are not responsible for lose of data while deprotecting the document without any permission from author. Use only for question paper preparation, worksheet preparation… c) Molecular solid d) Covalent solid 11. A metallic element has a cubic lattice. Each edge of the unit of cell is The density of the metal is 2.5 g The unit cells in 200 g of metal are a) b) c) d) 12. The number of hexagonal faces that are present in a truncated octahedron is a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8 13. In crystal each ion is surrounded by a) ions b) ions c) ion d) ions 14. The edge length of a face centred cubic cell of an ionic substance is 508 pm. If the radius of the cation is 110 pm, the radius of the anions is a) 288 pm b) 398 pm c) 618 pm d) 144 pm 15. For ionic crystal to exist in bcc structure, the ratio of radii should be a) Between 0.41 and 0.73 b) Greater then 0.73 c) Less than 0.41 d) Equal to 1.0 16. Which of the following statements about amorphous solids is incorrect? a) They melt over a range of temperature b) They are anisotropic c) There is no orderly arrangement of particles d) They are rigid and incompressible 17. A compound of ‘A’ and ‘B’ crystallises in a cubic lattice in which ‘A’ atoms occupy the lattice points at the corners of the cube. The ‘B’ atoms occupy the centre of each face of the cube. The probable empirical formula of the compound is a) b) c) d) 18. Which set of characteristics of crystal is correct? a) Coordination number (4 : 4): ccp; ion in the alternate tetrahedral voids b) Coordination number (6 : 6); hcp; ion in all tetrahedral voids c) Coordination number (6 : 4); hcp; ion in all octahedral voids d) Coordination number (4 : 4); ccp; ion in all tetrahedral voids 19. Which has no rotation of symmetry? a) Hexagonal b) Orthorhombic c) Cubic d) Triclinic 20. The coordination number of in is a) 6 b) 8 c) 4 d) 1 21. Electrons in a paramagnetic compound are a) Shared b) Unpaired c) Donated d) Paired 22. What is the structure of ? a) BCC b) FCC c) Interpenetrating d) None of these 23. In a solid lattice, the cation has left a lattice site and is located at an interstitial position, the lattice defect is a) Frenkel defect b) Schottky defect c) F-centre defect d) Valency defect
User Restrictions: Not authorized to transfer to any third party, Not authorized to go for any resale of this document without permission. Document is protected from being unauthorized use, for any help please contact Mr. SEKHAR , +919206306398. We are not responsible for lose of data while deprotecting the document without any permission from author. Use only for question paper preparation, worksheet preparation… 24. Schottky defects occurs mainly in electrovalent compounds where a) Positive ions and negative ions are of different size b) Positive ions and negative ions are of same size c) Positive ions are small and negative ions are big d) Positive ions are big and negative ions are small 25. Which of the following statements is not correct? a) The units of surface tension are dynes b) The units of viscosity coefficient of a liquid are ‘poise ‘ c) crystallizes in body centred cubic type of lattice d) The coordination number of in is 6 26. Which one of the following defects in the crystals lowers its density? a) Frenkel defect b) Schottky defect c) F-centres d) Interstitial defect 27. The axial angles in triclinic crystal system are a) b) c) d) 28. In the face centred cubic lattice, atom A occupies the corner positions and atom B occupies the face centre positions. If one atom of B is missing from one of the face centred points, the formula of the compound is a) b) c) d) 29. If we mix a pentavalent impurity in a crystal lattice of germanium, what type of semiconductor formation will occur? a) type b) type c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of the two 30. Doping of silicon (Si) with boron (B) leads to a) type semiconductor b) type semiconductor c) Metal d) Insulator 31. If the radius of and are 133 pm and 136 pm respectively, the distance between and in KF is a) 269 pm b) 134.5 pm c) 136 pm d) 3 pm 32. A compound is formed by elements and . This crystallises in the cubic structure where the A atoms are at the corners of the cube and B atoms are at the body centres. The simplest formula of the compound is a) b) c) d) 33. The radii of and ions are 95 pm and 181 pm respectively. The edge length of unit cell is a) 276 pm b) 138 pm c) 552 pm d) 415 pm 34. An ionic compound is expected to have tetrahedral structure if lies in the range of a) 0.414 to 0.732 b) 0.225 to 0.414 c) 0.155 to 0.225 d) 0.732 to 1 35. The number of atoms contained in a fcc unit cell of a monoatomic substance is a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 d) 6 36. The cubic unit cell of Alhas an edge length of 405 pm. Its density is 2.7 g The cubic unit cell is
User Restrictions: Not authorized to transfer to any third party, Not authorized to go for any resale of this document without permission. Document is protected from being unauthorized use, for any help please contact Mr. SEKHAR , +919206306398. We are not responsible for lose of data while deprotecting the document without any permission from author. Use only for question paper preparation, worksheet preparation… a) Face centred b) Body centred c) Primitive d) Edge centred 37. Density of a crystal remains unchanged as a result of a) Ionic defect b) Schottky defect c) Frenkel defect d) Crystal defect 38. The radius ratio of is 0.93. The expected lattice structure is a) Tetrahedral b) Square planar c) Octahedral d) Body centred cubic 39. crystallises in the same type of lattice as dose Given that and Calculate the ratio of the side of the unit cell for to that of a) 1.123 b) 0.0891 c) 1.414 d) 0.414 40. In which of the following crystals alternate tetrahedral voids are occupied? a) b) c) d) 41. The elements commonly used for making transistors are a) C and Si b) Ga and In c) P and As d) Si and Ge 42. Which element is used for making a transistor? a) Sn b) Sb c) Si d) Mg 43. Which of the following statement is true? a) Some complex metal oxides behave as superconductor b) Zinc oxide can act as superconductor c) An impurity of tetravalent germanium in trivalent gallium creates electron deficiency d) A Frenkel defect is formed when an ion is displaced from its lattice site to an interstitial site 44. The packing efficiency of the two dimensional square unit cell shown below is a) 39.27% b) 68.02% c) 74.05% d) 78.54% 45. What is the number of tetrahedral voids per atom in a crystal? a) 1 b) 2 c) 6 d) 8 46. What type of crystal defect is indicated in the diagram below? Cl-Cl-Na+Na+ Na+Cl-Cl-,Na+Cl- Cl-Na+Cl-Na+ Na+ Na+,Cl-,Na+ ,Cl-,Na+,Cl- a) Frenkel defect b) Schottky defect c) Interstitial defect d) Frenkel and Schottky defects 47. Which of the following statements is correct?

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