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ALVI LAW ASSOCIATS 0313-4384159 Regards: Wajeeh Ahsan Alvi (M.A, LLB, DTL) Contact No: 0313-4384159 NOTE: These notes are the intellectual property of ALVI LAW ASSOCIATES by WAJEEH AHSAN ALVI not for sale not for Re-forward if anyone found in any of above activity will responsible for the consequences. If you are going to study these Notes, I’ll recommend you to take lecture of these questions for better understanding and concept building then you will be better able to understand the question and answer accordingly. All lectures and important stuff is available on my YouTube channel. Channel name Alvi Law Associates. For free notes and lectures series WhatsApp only. The Happy Prince یرپسناکیرہشےک" ی پ ہ یرپسن"اوركسواڈلئیکوہشمراہکینےہسجںیماکیرہنسیےمسجمیکدااتسنایبنیکیئگےہ۔ ی پ ہ وچیبں چیب ڑھکا ےہ، اور وہ یھبک وخش و رخم زدنیگ زگارات اھت، رگم اب رمےن ےک دعب اس اک ہمسجم ولوگں یک اکتفیل دھکی رک نیگمغ وہ اجات ےہ۔ اس یک آوھکنں ںیم یتمیق ملین ےک وجارہات ںیہ اور اس یک ولتار رپ اکی ڑبا ایوقت اگل وہا ےہ۔ وہ اےنپ وسےن ےک مسج اور یتمیق وجارہات وک ولوگں یک دمد ےک ےیل رقابن رک داتی ےہ۔ اکی وھچیٹ یس ڑچای اس ےک اغیپم اچنہپےن اور یتمیق رھتپ دےنی یرپسناورڑچایدوونںرماجےتںیہ،نکیلانیکرقابینوکدخاےکرفےتشرساےتہںیہ۔ ی پ ہ ںیماسیکدمدرکیتےہ۔آرخںیم، اہکین ںیمہ تبحم، رقابین اور دورسوں یک دمد رکےن یک اتیمہ اھکسیت ےہ۔ ی رپسن"اوركسواڈلئ یک اکی د " ی پ ہ ل وک وھچ ےنیل وایل اہکین ےہ، سج ںیم رمزکی رکداروں یک رقابین اور تبحم وک ایبن ایک ایگ ےہ۔ اہیں رہ رکدار اک رصتخم اخہک شیپ ایک ایگ ےہ .1 ی رپسن )وخاحشل زہشادہ ( ی پ ہ
یرپسنیھبکاکیوخاحشلاوروخشابشزہشادہاھت،وج ی پ ہ اینپ زدنیگ یک امتم وخویشں ںیم نگم اھت۔ اس ےک رمےن ےک دعب اس اک اکی رہنسی ہمسجم رہش ےک وطس ںیم ڑھکا ایک ایگ، ےسج وسےن یک ابرکی رپت، یتمیق وجارہات، اور دکمچار ایوقت ےس اجسای ایگ اھت۔ زہشادے اک دل رنم اھت، اور بج وہ اےنپ ےمسجم ےس ولوگں یک رغتب اور اکتفیل وک داتھکی ےہ، وت وہ دشدی مغ ںیم التبم وہ اجات ےہ۔ اےنپ ادنر یک وخویشں وک الھب رک، وہ اےنپ یتمیق وجارہات اور وسےن یک رپت وک رغبی اور رضورت دنم ولوگں یک دمد ےک ےیل ڑچای ےک ذرےعی میسقت رکواات ےہ۔ .2 وھچیٹ ڑچای )وسولی( ی پ ہی ڑچای اکی وھچاٹ اور وصعمم رپدن یرپسنیکاہکینںیماکیامہرکدارادارکیتےہ۔رسدویںیکآدمرپ،امتمڑچایں ہےہ،وجہ یرپسنےکےمسجمےکاپسرہھٹاجیتےہ۔رپسنیکدیھک پ ی ہ رصم یک رطف رجہت رک اجیت ںیہ، رگم ہی ڑچای راےتس ںیم کھت رک احتل دھکی رک، ڑچای اس ےک اغیپربم ےک وطر رپ اکم رکیت ےہ، اور اس یک دہاتی رپ یتمیق رھتپ اور وسےن یک رپت رغبی ولوگں یرپسنےکاسھتوافداریاھبنیتےہ،اہیںکتہکرسدییکدشتےسوہ ی پ ہ ںیمابیتٹنےہ۔اینپاجنیکرپواہےیکریغب،ڑچای رم اجیت ےہ۔ .3 رغبی وعرت اور چب ی پ اہکین ںیم اکی رغبی وعرت اک ذرک ےہ وج اےنپ یرپسنڑچایوکاینپآھکناک ہ امیبرےچبےکاسھترغتباوررسدیاکاکشرےہ۔ ملین دے رک اس وعرت یک دمد رکےن ےک ےیل اتجیھب ےہ۔ ڑچای ملین ےل اج رکوعرت ےک اپس رھک دیتی ےہ، سج ےس وہ وعرت اور اس اک چب رگم اور وفحمظ وہ اجےت ںیہ۔ .4 وصمر ونوجان اکی اور رکدار اکی رغبی ونوجان وصمر اک ےہ، وج رسدی ںیم اکاتپن وہا اےنپ رھگ ںیم اھٹیب ےہ اور وھبک ےس ڈناھل وہ راہ یرپسناینپولتاراکایوقتڑچایوکداتیےہاتہکوہاسونوجانیکدمدرکےکس،اوراسےکوخاوبںوکتقیقحںیمدبل ی پ ہ ےہ۔ ےکس۔ .5 اٹؤن وکرلسن اور درگی رہشی یرپسنےکےمسجمیککمچمتخوہےنرپاےساناکرہھجمسرک ی پ اہکینےکآرخںیم،اٹؤنوکرلسناوردرگیرہشویںاکذرکایکایگےہوجہ یرپسناورڑچای ی پ رگادےتیںیہ۔وہےمسجماورڑچاییکرقابینوکںیہنھجمساپےتاوردوونںوکردرکدےتیںیہ،رگمدخاےکرفےتشہ یک رووحں وک تنج ںیم ےل اجےت ںیہ، اہجں ان یک رقابوینں یک دقر یک اجیت ےہ۔
.6 االخیق بس یرپسناورڑچایاینپوخویشںاوراجنیک ی پ ہ اساہکیناکاالخیقبسہیےہہکیچسوخیشدورسوںیکدمدرکےنںیمےہ۔ ہ رقابین دے رک دورسوں یک زدنویگں ںیم وخایشں الےت ںیہ۔ ہی اہکین ںیمہ ردی،اوررقابینیکاتیمہاھکسیتےہ،اورہی تبحم، ہک یقیقح وخوصبریت دل یک رنیم اور دورسوں ےک ےیل رقابین دےنی ںیم ےہ۔ Characters: In "The Happy Prince," the main characters include: The Happy Prince: He’s a statue covered in gold and jewels. When he was alive, he lived in luxury and didn’t care much about others. Now, as a statue, he sees the suffering of the poor and decides to give away all his riches to help them. He shows true kindness and selflessness. The Swallow: A migratory bird who initially stops to rest by the statue. The swallow becomes the prince’s messenger, carrying out his wishes to help the poor. Even though he wants to migrate to a warmer place, he stays and helps the prince. The swallow represents loyalty, friendship, and sacrifice. The Town’s People: They don’t care much about the poor and are more interested in the statue’s appearance. When the statue loses its beauty, they throw it away. The Poor People: They are suffering from poverty and hardship. The prince and the swallow help them by giving away the statue’s riches. The Mayor and the Town Councillors: They are primarily concerned with appearances and public opinion. They dismiss the statue of the Happy Prince when it loses its beauty and eventually order it to be melted down, showing their shallow values. Summary: Summary of "The Happy Prince" "The Happy Prince" by Oscar Wilde is a touching story about a magnificent statue of a prince who once lived a life of luxury and happiness. After his death, his statue, covered in gold and jewels, is placed high above the city. From this high position, the prince sees the
suffering and poverty of the people below, something he never noticed before. A swallow, who is on its way (migrating) to a warmer place, stops by the statue to rest. The prince asks the swallow to help the poor by giving away his gold and jewels. The swallow agrees and starts distributing the riches to those in need. As the Prince’s decorations are given away, his statue becomes less beautiful, but his spirit remains kind and caring. The swallow stays behind to help the prince, even though it means missing its migration. Eventually, the swallow dies from the cold, and the statue, now stripped of its wealth, is thrown away by the city officials. In the end, both the prince and the swallow are honoured in the afterlife for their selfless acts of kindness and compassion. Potential Exams Questions 1. What is the central theme of "The Happy Prince," and how does Wilde convey it? (Important) The central theme of "The Happy Prince" is the contrast between true happiness and superficial joy. Wilde conveys this theme through the prince’s transformation from a luxurious, carefree ruler to a compassionate, self-sacrificing figure after his death. The story shows that genuine happiness comes from helping others and making personal sacrifices. The prince’s willingness to give away his wealth to alleviate the suffering of the poor demonstrates that real fulfilment is found in acts of kindness, not in material wealth or social status. 2. In the story Happy prince, why was the prince called by “Happy Prince”, and how is this Ironic? (Board/Exam Question) In "The Happy Prince," the prince is called the "Happy Prince" because he lived a life of luxury and pleasure, oblivious to the suffering outside his palace. However, this is deeply ironic. After his death, his statue is placed in the city, and he learns about the extreme poverty and hardship faced by the people. Far from being happy, he is profoundly saddened by their plight. He sacrifices all his wealth and precious ornaments to help the needy, showing true compassion and empathy. The irony lies in the contrast between his title and his actual state; he was superficially happy in life but became genuinely sorrowful and selfless in death. This stark difference highlights Wilde’s critique of societal values and the true essence of happiness.

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