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Nội dung text 9.3. TEST YOURSELF 3.docx

TEST YOURSELF 3 I. Choose the word having a different stress pattern from the others in each line. (1.0 pt) 1. A. national B. tropical C. typical D. provincial 2. A. official B. seasonal C. violent D. technical 3. A. logical B. practical C. financial D. personal 4. A. continuous B. disastrous C. dangerous D. unconscious 5. A. religious B. numerous C. disastrous D. delicious II. Choose the correct answer A, B, c, or D to complete each of the sentences. (1.0 pt) 1. A ______________ is a violent storm with very strong winds that move in a circle. A. tornado B. flood C. volcano D. landslide 2. The earthquake caused a lot of ______________ to the infrastructure of this area. A. disaster B. loss C. damage D. property 3. Shopping online saves you the ______________ of travelling. A. joy B. pleasure C. convenience D. trouble 4. During ______________, shopping centres attract a lot of customers. A. open hours B. sales C. office hours D. floods 5. There are mainly two ______________ of water pollution: man-made and natural. A. ways B. causes C. reasons D. results III. Complete each sentence below by filling in each blank with the correct form of the word provided. (2.0 pts) 1. National parks are __________ in protecting the environment and natural resources. (IMPORTANCE) 2. Shopping centres offer a wide range of ______________. (PRODUCT) 3. Today, scientists are able to predict most natural ______________. (DISASTROUS) 4. I enjoy going to ______________ open-air markets in the countryside. (TRADITION) 5. Earth Day is an event to raise ______________ about environmental issues. (AWARE) IV. Match the words and phrase with their explanations. (1.0 pt) 1. rescue worker a. a bag containing necessary supplies needed for survival after an emergency 2. warning b. small pieces of rubbish that people leave in a public place
3. emergency kit c. a statement telling people that something bad may happen 4. litter d. a person who works to bring people out of danger 5. shopaholic e. a person who enjoys shopping and does it a lot V. Choose the correct answer A, B, c, or D to complete each of the sentences. (1.0 pt) 1. - What do shopping centres ______________ offer customers on special occasions? - Mostly sales and entertainment. A. never B. rarely C. usually D. occasionally 2. It is ______________ easier to prevent harm to the environment than to repair it. A. always B. never C. sometimes D. rarely 3. ______________ he heard the warning of the tornado, he went searching for his children. A. During B. As soon as C. While D. When 4. They were searching for information for their project ______________ their parents were gardening. A. as soon as B. while C. when D. till 5. I had no idea about the dangers of tsunamis ______________ I saw the film. A. as soon as B. while C. when D. till VI. Underline the correct word or phrase to complete each of the sentences. (1.0 pt) 1. We (did/were doing) an experiment in the lab when the earthquake happened. 2. After taking us to a safer place, the rescue workers (continued/were continuing) their work. 3. - What are you doing tonight? - I don't know. Maybe I (start/will start) designing the poster for my music project. 4. The timetable says that the beach clean-up (is/will be) from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. 5. I usually check an item carefully before I (decide/will decide) to buy it. VII. Read the text and do the tasks. (2.0 pts)
Nothing on earth is more majestic than a tall, spreading tree. Trees are our friends in our fight for a healthier planet. This is how they help us. First, trees are the Earth’s lungs. They remove pollutants from the air and significantly improve air quality. Research shows that with billions of trees, we could remove two-thirds of all the carbon dioxide created by human activities. Second, trees reduce the run off of rainwater, so they can reduce flooding. Moreover, if you enjoy sitting in the shade of a tree in the summer, you know that trees can also lower air temperatures too. Trees growing beside a home can cool the root and the air around the house. Therefore, it reduces air conditioning costs. And don’t forget that trees create habitats for many species of plants and animals. If you want to plant trees to help save the planet, there are simple ways to get started. Plant trees around your house. If enough people did that, it would make a big difference. a. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). (1.0 pt) T F 1. Trees help remove pollutants from water. 2. Trees help remove carbon dioxide from the air. 3. There is less flooding thanks to trees. 4. You pay less for air conditioning if you plant trees. 5. If everybody plants trees around their homes, it will improve the planet b. Choose a word from the passage to complete each sentence below. (1.0 pt) 1. Trees are seen as the ______________ of the Earth. 2. Human activities create ______________. 3. Thanks to trees, many different species have good ______________. 4. We can save the planet by ______________ trees. VIII. Use a word or phrase from the box to connect the sentences in each group. (1.0 pt)
till while as soon as before after 1. They heard the cracking sound. They ran out of the house. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2. We stayed in the shelter. We left only when the storm ended. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. You should make a shopping list first. Then you go shopping. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4. The flood waters drained. We returned home. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5. We were surfing the Internet. We saw calls for joining programmes to save endangered species. ___________________________________________________________________________________

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