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UNIT 4. FOR A BETTER COMMUNITY A. PRONUNCIATION I. Put the main stress for the underlined words. 1. Many children in remote villages cannot go to school. _________ 2. The object of the game is to improve children’s life skills. _________ 3. Should those who discard their litter in the streets be fined heavily? _________ 4. Most people in the city travel to work each day by motorbike. _________ 5. They gave a concert and donated the proceeds to charity. _________ 6. The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against AIDS. _________ 7. This form is used to record essential background information on volunteers. _________ 8. You can calculate your direction by the sun if you get lost in the desert. _________ 9. Will they conduct a campaign to help the homeless and hungry? _________ 10. We give aid to people in need, people who are sick, and people who are society’s rejects. _________ II. Choose the word whose main stress is different from that of the others. 1. A. transfer (v) B. decrease (n) C. resign (v) D. report (n) 2. A. parent (v) B. support (n) C. return (n) D. impact (v) 3. A. present (v) B. conflict (v) C. result (n) D. produce (n) 4. A. finish (n) B. exploit (v) C. water (v) D. cover (v) 5. A. refund (n) B. combine (v) C. picture (v) D. refuse (n) B. VOCABULARY I. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. benefit various remote participate items generous volunteers donate raise delivering 1. The purpose of the occasion was to _________ money for medical supplies. 2. Several charities are _________ food and clothing to the disaster area. 3. John was the most gracious, helpful, and _________ person to work with. 4. To work with children in _________ villages, you need to have patience, determination and a willingness to share your skills. 5. _________ international and domestic volunteer programs are available ranging from education to health. 6. Throughout an academic year, university students can _________ in a variety of volunteer experiences. 7. Students can _________ from the many types of volunteering opportunities in many ways. 8. Can I _________ to the Volunteer Club by using the online donation facility provided on the website?
9. They are unpaid _________ who give up their spare time to make it possible for others to struggle for life. 10. When you donate furniture to the Furniture Bank, they redirect your _________ directly to the families in need. II. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 1. There’s a saying that life is most (excited/ exciting) when it is lived for others. 2. I love children but looking after pre-school children is very (tired/ tiring). 3. The villagers are (thankful/ thankless) for the volunteers’ enthusiasm and commitment. 4. Mary is more (interesting/ interested) in doing things for other people than caring for her own. 5. By measuring brain activity, researchers discovered that being (helpful/ helpless) to others delivers immense pleasure. 6. They need to be (careful/ careless) about their values and position as a hosting organization for raising funds. 7. Most of the students are making good progress, but Joe is a (hopeful/ hopeless) case. 8. Many of us struggle to take a break with quality. (relaxed/ relaxing) time away from work. 9. Our classmates and I are very (delighted/ delighting) to hear the news of your recovery. 10. Happiness comes when you believe that you have done something truly (meaningful/ meaningless). III. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. 1. Their Emergency Home is a facility that provides a temporary shelter for individuals or families who are currently ______. A. elderly B. homeless C. helpless D. unhappy 2. Thomas organized the day to ______ funds for the charity and the final catch was almost 1,000 dollars. A. raise B. spend C. earn D. save 3. There are ______ opportunities that you should combine your travel with volunteering. A. boring B. excited C. disappointed D. amazing 4. Community service not only ______ the locals but also boosts the volunteers’ confidence and helps them learn useful skills. A. benefits B. provides C. builds D. increases 5. Street children phenomenon is growing and most governments are ______ about it. A. interested B. confused C. worried D. appreciated 6. The Heart to Heart Club ______ many volunteering activities that benefit both the community and the students. A. took B. got C. organized D. formed 7. The charity event is a chance to bring disabled people hope at a time when they feel ______ A. careless B. hopeless C. useful D. grateful
8. ______ care for not only parentless children but also children with living parents who don’t have good conditions to care for them. A. Orphanages B. Centres C. Clubs D. Communities 9. When you ______ into contact with other volunteers in the hospital, you may also build relationships with employees, patients, and visitors. A. participate B. come C. join D. go 10. Last month about 200 ______ volunteers who came to Viet Nam from different countries helped improve children education. A. local B. regional C. national D. international IV. Supply the correct form of the word in the brackets. 1. The charity issued a call for _________ to assist victims of the flood. (donate) 2. Inequality should be reduced to relieve the _________ and hardships of the poor. (suffer) 3. She became _________ after the Covid-19 pandemic and was raised in an orphanage. (orphan) 4. She is known to have helped the sick and to have given generously to the _________ . (need) 5. _________ and without any compulsion or compensation, we work to help children in need. (volunteer) 6. In order to _________ rural areas, education, entrepreneurship, and physical infrastructure are crucial. (development) 7. Our project has provided _________ skills training to thousands of children from marginalised communities in the country. (live) 8. If you _________ for participation in volunteer work, submitting an application letter will be necessary. (application) 9. An NGO is a _________ Organisation, which is a non-profit social service voluntary organisation. (Non-Government) 10. Providing _________ people with somewhere to stay when the weather is cold doesn’t solve the problem thoroughly. (home) C. GRAMMAR I. Supply the correct form of the verbs in the post simple or the past continuous. 1. She _________ (not do) many different things when she _________ (volunteer) for the first time. 2. There _________ (be) great discussions while this social service program _________ (go) on. 3. When he _________ (come) to One World 365 for one of his donations, he _________ (change) his purpose of life. 4. _________ (be, your aunt) 39 years old when she _________ (get) her bachelor’s degree in nursing? 5. While most people _________ (get) upset to be in a situation like hers, she _________ (do) much better.
6. When Mrs. Emma _________ (work) in Health Centre, she mostly _________ (cook) for teenagers. 7. He _________ (learn) more about life when he _________ (join) a volunteer programme at the age of 23. 8. _________ (recruit, Andrew) volunteers for the Voluntary Aid when you _________ (meet) him? 9. While the men _________ (be) out working in the field, the women _________ (help) with feeding the pigs. 10. While they _________ (work) remotely, some _________ (take) advantage of the online resources to start new businesses. 11. I _________ (not contribute) much to the local community while I _________ (improve) my health. 12. _________ (you, listen) to the organizer as she _________ (explain) the regulations? 13. When I _________ (volunteer) for a community, I _________ (come) to realise that every person had a story. 14. While Ernest _________ (explain), there was a silence which indicated that they _________ (agree) with him. 15. The students _________ (wave) their flags while the representatives of the Youth Union _________ (enter) the stage. 16. He _________ (move) to Ha Noi in 2015, and he _________ (live) there when he became a volunteer of Green Summer Campaign. 17. While I _________ (walk) home from the childcare, I _________ (bump) into an old friend on the street. 18. When students _________ (take) part in volunteer projects, they _________ (have) a chance to gain working skills and experience. 19. _________ (Mr. Stephen, contribute) much to the community while he _________ (teach) at university? 20. Three of the volunteer tutor’s students _________ (major) in English Language while others _________ (study) different subjects. II. Fill in the blanks with when or while. 1. _________ others were celebrating the holiday, they were working to feed the hungry. 2. Ms. Anna was finishing her speech about volunteering activities _________ I walked in. 3. _________ she became an international volunteer, she met lots of foreign people. 4. I had many problems _________ I was a teenager, but I managed to overcome them. 5. Hospitals were facing many problems _________ blood supplies were running low due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 6. _________ he was working as a volunteer teacher, he helped lots of pupils with learning disabilities. 7. _________ she was caring for the elderly at the nursing home, her 8-year-old daughter was home alone. 8. The plane was already flying high above their heads _________ they arrived at the airport.

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