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NEET : Biology [ 152 ] www.allendigital.in  Digital 1. The young chickens raised specially for meat are called – (1) Hen (2) Broilers (3) Cockereals (4) Pullets 2. Fish used in biological control of mosquito is– (1) Gambusia (2) Hilsa (3) Scalophagus (4) Gold Fish 3. Which among the following is real product of Honey Bee ? (1) Honey (2) Pollen (3) Bee wax (4) Propolis 4. Honey is collected by : (1) Wasp (2) Housefly (3) Butterfly (4) Bee 5. Ranikhet disease is associated with : (1) Honey Bee (2) Hens (3) Fishes (4) Pigs 6. Rearing of bees is : (1) Horticulture (2) Apiary (3) Apiculture (4) Poultry 7. Which of the following is not a plant product: (1) Hemp (2) Silk (3) Cotton (4) Flax 8. The insect thrives on Morus alba (Mulberry) is (1) Lac insect (2) Cochineal insect (3) Honey bee (4) Silk moth 9. Which among the following is secondary product of Honey Bee ? (1) Honey (2) Pollen (3) Bee wax (4) Propolis 10. Fish introduced in India by foreigners is : (1) Labeo rohita (2) Mystus singhala (3) Pomfret (4) Clarius batrachus 11. Nagpuri buffalo is : (1) Milker (2) Draught cattle (3) Dual purpose (4) Grazer 12. Hormone analogue used for inducing lactation in sterile cows is : (1) Estrogen (2) Progesterone (3) Relaxin (4) Stilbestrol 13. Tasar silk is obtained from : (1) Antheraea (2) Bombyx mori (3) Apis indica (4) Apis dorsata 14. Fishes reared in culture fishery in India are : (1) Salmon and Rohu (2) Salmon and Catla (3) Catla and Hilsa (4) Rohu and Catla 15. Exotic breeds of poultry are : (1) White Leghorn and Rhode Island Red (2) Rhode Island Red and Aseel (3) Plymoth and Aseel (4) White Leghorn and Aseel 16. MOET (Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer) is method of : (1) Fish cultivation (2) Hybridisation of cattle (3) Birth control (4) Cloning of sheep 17. Who is the father of white revolution in India? (1) Banda Vasudev Rao (2) Verghese Kurien (3) M. S. Swaminathan (4) Norman E. Borlaug 18. Wax is obtained from: (1) Apiculture (2) Sericulture (3) Lac culture (4) Aquaculture EXERCISE-I (Conceptual Questions) ANSWER KEY Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Answer 2 1 3 4 2 3 2 4 1 3 1 4 1 4 1 Question 16 17 18 Answer 2 2 1 Exercise - I
Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production (Animal Husbandry)  Digital www.allendigital.in [ 153 ] AIPMT 2003 1. Which endangered animal is the source of the world's finest, lightest, warmest and most expensive wool–the shahtoosh ? (1) Nilgai (2) Cheetal (3) Kashmiri goat (4) Chiru AIPMT 2005 2. The world's highly prized wool yielding 'Pashmina' breed is – (1) Kashmir sheep–Afghan sheep cross (2) Goat (3) Sheep (4) Goat–sheep cross AIPMT 2007 3. Which one of the following pair is mismatched? (1) Bombyx mori – Silk (2) Pila globosa – Pearl (3) Apis indica – Honey (4) Kenia lacca – Lac 4. Which one of the following is a viral disease of poultry ? (1) Pasteurellosis (2) Salmonellosis (3) Coryza (4) New Castle disease AIPMT Pre 2011 5. When two unrelated individuals or lines are crossed, the performance of F1 hybrid is often superior to both its parents. This phenomenon is called :- (1) Heterosis (2) Transformation (3) Splicing (4) Metamorphosis Re-AIPMT 2015 6. Which of the following diseases is caused by a protozoan ? (1) Blastomycosis (2) Syphilis (3) Influenza (4) Babesiosis 7. Outbreeding is an important strategy of animal husbandry because it : (1) exposes harmful recessive genes that are eliminated by selection (2) helps in accumulation of superior genes. (3) is useful in producing purelines of animals. (4) is useful in overcoming inbreeding depression NEET-I 2016 8. Which is the National Aquatic Animal of India? (1) Gangetic shark (2) River dolphin (3) Blue whale (4) Sea-horse NEET-II 2016 9. Among the following edible fishes, which one is a marine fish having rich source of omega- 3 fatty acids? (1) Mrigala (2) Mackerel (3) Mystus (4) Mangur 10. Interspecific hybridization is the mating of:- (1) Superior males and females of different breeds (2) More closely related individuals within same breed for 4-6 generations (3) Animals within same breed without having common ancestors (4) Two different related species NEET(UG) 2017 11. Homozygous purelines in cattle can be obtained by: (1) mating of unrelated individuals of same breed. (2) mating of individuals of different breed. (3) mating of individuals of different species. (4) mating of related individuals of same breed. Exercise - II (Previous Year Questions) AIPMT/NEET
NEET : Biology [ 154 ] www.allendigital.in  Digital NEET (UG) 2019 12. Select the incorrect statement :- (1) Inbreeding increases homozygosity (2) Inbreeding is essential to evolve purelines in any animal (3) Inbreeding selects harmful recessive genes that reduce fertility and productivity (4) Inbreeding helps in accumulation of superior genes and elimination of undesirable genes NEET (UG) 2019 (Odisha) 13. Select the incorrect statement regarding inbreeding (1) Inbreeding helps in elimination of deleterious alleles from the population (2) Inbreeding is necessary to evolve a pureline in any animal (3) Continued inbreeding reduces fertility and leads to inbreeding depression (4) Inbreeding depression can not be overcome by out-crossing NEET (UG) 2020 14. By which method was a new breed 'Hisardale' of sheep formed by using Bikaneri ewes and Marino rams ? (1) Inbreeding (2) Out crossing (3) Mutational breeding (4) Cross breeding NEET (UG) 2020 (COVID-19) 15. Inbreeding depression is - (1) Reduced motility and immunity due to close inbreeding (2) Decreased productivity due to mating of superior male and inferior female (3) Decrease in body mass of progeny due to continued close inbreeding (4) Reduced fertility and productivity due to continued close inbreeding NEET (UG) 2021 16. Which of the following is not a step in Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer Technology (MOET)? (1) Cow is administered hormone having LH like activity for super ovulation (2) Cow yields about 6-8 eggs at a time (3) Cow is fertilized by artificial insemination (4) Fertilized eggs are transferred to surrogate mothers at 8-32 cell stage 17. Inbreeding is an important strategy of animal breeding because it (1) is necessary to evolve a pure line in any animal (2) helps in accumulation of superior genes (3) helps in elimination of less desirable genes (4) All of the above NEET (UG) 2022 18. Bee-keeping helps to improve the yield of following crops EXCEPT _________. (1) Sunflower (2) Apple (3) Mustard (4) Jowar 19. The term ‘blue Revolution’ is related with : (1) Development of water reservoirs (2) Honey and its by products (3) Fishery industry (4) Various crop plants and their by products Re-NEET (UG) 2022 20. Two butterfly species are competing for the same nectar of a flower in a garden. To survive and coexist together, they may avoid competition in the same garden by: (1) feeding at the same time (2) choosing different foraging patterns (3) increasing time spent on attacking each other (4) predating on each other EXERCISE-II (Previous Year Questions) ANSWER KEY Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Answer 4 2 2 4 1 4 4 2 2 4 4 3 4 4 4 Question 16 17 18 19 20 Answer 1 4 4 3 2
Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production (Animal Husbandry)  Digital www.allendigital.in [ 155 ] EXERCISE-III (A) NCERT BASED QUESTIONS 1. Which amongst the following is used in raising super-milk cows ? (1) Artificial insemination with pedigree bull (2) Embryo transplantation (3) Superovulation of high yielding cow (4) All the above 2. A new breed of sheep developed in India by cross-breeding, called "Hisardale". It is a cross. (1) Bikaneri ewes and Marino rams (2) Marino ewes and Bikaneri rams (3) Malavari ewes and Bikaneri rams (4) Bikaneri ewes and Malavari rams 3. In MOET, the animal is either mated with an elite bull or artificially inseminated. The fertilized eggs are collected to transfer to surrogate mothers. Which among these statements is correct. (1) Fertilized egg is collected at 8-32 cells stage and no need of surgery. (2) Fertilized egg is collected at 8-32 cells stage and surgery is done for it. (3) Fertilized egg is collected at only 4 cells stage and it is done by surgery. (4) Fertilized egg is collected at 64 cells stage and surgery is done for it. 4. To remove the inbreeding depression, the selected animals of the breeding population should be mated with: (1) Related superior animals of the same breed (2) Unrelated superior animals of the same breed (3) Superior animals of the different breeds (4) Superior animals of the different species 5. The best breeding method for animals that are below average in productivity in milk production and growth rate in beef cattle: (1) Inbreeding (2) Interspecific hybridization (3) Out crossing (4) Cross breeding 6. The efforts for the development and flourishing of the fishery industry are collectively termed as: (1) Pink revolution (2) White revolution (3) Blue revolution (4) Green revolution 7. A group of animals related by descent and similar in most characters like general appearance, features, size, configuration, etc., are said to belong to a : (1) Breed (2) Species (3) Genus (4) Family 8. Which is not true for MOET in animals? (1) The female animal is administered with hormones having FSH like activity (2) More than one ova are matured during a single cycle (3) The embryo is transplanted in 8-32 cells stage (4) Eggs are recovered surgically from genetic mother 9. 'Hisardale' is a/an: (1) Hybrid breed of sheep (2) Indigenous breed of sheep (3) Australian breed of sheep (4) Indian breed of cattle 10. An exotic breed of chicken: (1) Jersey (2) Marino (3) Leghorn (4) Bikaneri 11. Mule is a result of: (1) Inbreeding (2) Interspecific hybridization (3) Cross breeding (4) Intergeneric hybridization 12. Which type of breeding is suitable for combining the characters of two different breeds? (1) Inbreeding (2) Cross breeding (3) Out crossing (4) Interspecific hybridization Exercise - III Master Your Understanding

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