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Unit 7. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION LANGUAGE FOCUS PRONUNCIATION I. Circle the word in each line which has the underlined part pronounced differently. Then listen and repeat. Track 33 1. A. activity B. individual C. simple D. favourite 2. A. rubbish B. product C. rubric D. cutting 3. A. pool B. footprint C. school D. tool 4. A. warming B. protecting C. littering D. carbon 5. A. produce B. pollute C. nature D. reduce II. Circle the word which has a different stress pattern in each line. Track 34 1. A. rubbish B. carbon C. resource D. species 2. A. problem B. device C. footprint D. product 3. A. protection B. surrounding C. habitat D. pollution 4. A. neighbourhood B. volunteer C. substance D. dioxide 5. A. ecosystem B. activity C. environment D. diversity VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR III. Write a phrase below under its correct picture. dumping site plastic rubbish industrial waste tree planting 3Rs 1. ___________________________ 2. ________________ 3. _________________________ 4. __________________________ 5. __________________________
IV. Use the words provided in brackets in their correct forms to complete the sentences. 1. The river is heavily (pollute) ________ . 2. Everybody can do something to make our (neighbour) ________ green. 3. Could your group do a presentation on what we students can do to protect our (environmental) ________ ? 4. Last night I watched a documentary about some (endanger) ________ species in Asia. 5. The factory dumps its (industry) ________ waste right into the river without treating. V. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences. 1. To save our earth, I use cloth bags for shopping, not ________ ones. A. green B. paper C. cheap D. plastic 2. In my family, we put food waste and objects for ________ in different bins. A. using B. recycling C. toys D. reducing 3. An example of ________ is the forest in which all the plants and animals work to form a suitable habitat for all. A. habitat B. area C. ecosystem D. condition 4. ________ should be far from residential areas. A. Plastic rubbish B. Dumping sites C. Industrial waste D. Forests 5. Our project aims to promote the ________ to make our planet Earth healthy. A. 3Rs B. pollution C. industry D. reduction VI. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences. 1. To help save the environment, look for ________ products when you go shopping. A. eco-friendly B. cheap C. single-use D. plastic 2. ________ unwanted paper will reduce the raw material demand for paper production. A. Throwing away B. Recycling C. Burning D. Collecting 3. Please put rubbish into dust bins instead of ________ the streets. A. cleaning B. dirty C. dropping D. littering 4. You can learn to appreciate the ________ around you by participating in outdoor activities. A. natural resources B. habitat C. trees D. endangered species 5. We organise a Clean and Grow Day each month to make our neighbourhood a ________ place to live. A. spacious B. friendly C. convenient D. urban 6. Water ________ can kill a lot of water life like fish and plants. A. pollution B. use C. source D. supply 7. The factory dumps a lot of ________ into the river and pollutes it. A. materials B. products C. rubbish D. water 8. The air becomes polluted ________ we release too much carbon dioxide into it.
A. before B. while C. until D. when 9. How long did the villagers have to wait ________ the rescue team arrived? A. while B. before C. after D. as soon as 10. ________ my family applied the Save Our Energy rules, our monthly use of electricity went down. A. Until B. After C. While D. Till 11. You can’t camp here ________ you get a permit from the local authorities. A. until B. when C. after D. as soon as 12. ________ we put dustbins in public places, we saw the difference. There was much less littering. A. While B. As soon as C. Till D. Before 13. - What do you mean by ‘single-use’? - ________ A. Be used once only and then thrown away. B. I will recycle single-use things. C. I rarely use this word. D. It’s an adjective. 14. - ________ - It’s a place where a type of plant or animal lives. A. Could you show me the zoo? B. What makes up a habitat? C. What does ‘habitat’ mean? D. Have you ever visited a habitat? 15. - What can you do to help protect the environment? - ________ A. I support environmental protection. B. Reduce, reuse, and recycle. C. I’ve tried to learn about environmental protection. D. It’s important we do. SKILLS READING VII. Read the passage and answer the questions. You can help protect the environment through wise shopping. Firstly, buy sustainable products. Plastic is one of the most significant contributors to soil and water pollution, endangering both the land and water life. Fish and animals often eat plastic because they mistake it as food. So, when you’re buying school supplies like folders and pens, or buying toys and home accessories, try to look for more eco-friendly alternatives. For example, buy a reusable bottle for water instead of bottled water. It’s not only cheaper but also much better for the environment. Secondly, only buy what you need. Think about your purchasing habits. Do you buy too many products? Can you do without some of the things that you often buy? Are you a responsible consumer? Simply buying more because of tempting offers or discounts will actually cost us and the environment more. By buying only what you need, you reduce the
amount of waste, and thus pollution. As natural resources are limited, our big consumption can contribute to exhausting them. 1. Why is plastic not environment-friendly? __________________________________________________________________________ ______ 2. What products should we look for when we buy school or home supplies? __________________________________________________________________________ ______ 3. What may make people buy more than they need? __________________________________________________________________________ ______ 4. What does big consumption lead to? __________________________________________________________________________ ______ 5. What does ‘eco-friendly’ mean? __________________________________________________________________________ ______ VIII. Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D. Pollution comes in different forms. Some of them are water pollution, air pollution, land pollution, and noise pollution. It’s a universal problem. This problem can only be solved when everybody makes an effort to do it. There are various things we can do to make our environment better. The simplest thing is to put rubbish into dustbins instead of littering the streets. We can reduce our daily waste too, and reduce the amount of water and electricity we use. We should think of ways to reuse objects like bottles, cans, and paper. A plastic bottle will take more than 500 years to decompose. So instead of throwing it away after you finish your drink, you can keep it in the kitchen for containing water, or in the garden for growing flowers. With some colourful paper and oil paint, you can also make beautiful toys from them. We can also collect recyclable objects and donate them for recycling. Each one of us should act environmentally friendly so that others will follow us. Public places like parks, schools, train stations, ... will get cleaner if we start acting now. 1. Pollution comes in ________ forms. A. just one B. various C. only four D. similar 2. To help make our planet Earth a better place, we need ________ effort. A. individual’s B. enormous C. the government’s D. collective 3. Plastic bottles and cans take ________ to go. A. tens of years B. a few years C. hundreds of years D. a century 4. When people act environmentally friendly, others will ________ them. A. protect B. follow C. praise D. look at 5. This passage is concerned with ________.

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