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ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY @z_rpmcutieee @bona_rpm2023 @Frissonace @sikeolohija @bloomypurple @akosigengarrr CHAPTER 1 | Abnormal Behavior in Historical Context 1. According to the authors of your textbook, the definition of a psychological disorder is associated with a. stress. b. impaired functioning. c. culturally expected responses. d. psychotic symptoms. 2. A psychological dysfunction refers to a. a breakdown in cognitive functioning. b. a breakdown in emotional functioning. c. a breakdown in behavioral functioning. d. any of these. 3. Regarding the definition of abnormality, it is correct to state that a. it is difficult to define “normal” and “abnormal.” b. abnormality depends solely on subjective distress. c. the definition is universal across cultures. d. the criteria differ depending on whether the individual has a psychological disorder or a psychological dysfunction. 4. The criterion that a particular behavior be atypical or not culturally expected is insufficient to define abnormality because a. behavior that occurs infrequently is considered abnormal in every culture. b. the atypical behavior must also cause harm or impairment to be considered abnormal. c. behaviors vary very little from one individual to another within each culture. d. many people behave in ways that deviate from the average, but this doesn’t mean that they have a disorder. 5. A male college student begins feeling sad and lonely. Although still able to go to classes and work at his job, he finds himself feeling down much of the time and worries about what is happening to him. Which part of the definition of abnormality applies to his situation? a. Personal distress b. Cultural factors c. Impaired functioning d. Violation of societal norms 6. Mark has dyed his hair purple. Although his friends like the color, his older aunts have been giving him strange looks. Mark is applying for jobs and has not yet had any job offers. He suspects that potential employers are not taking him seriously because of his hair color. Which part of abnormality applies to Mark’s employment situation? a. Personal Distress b. Cultural Factors c. Impaired Functioning d. Violation of Social Norms 7. Talking loudly and smoking is more appropriate in an Egyptian movie theater than an American one. This illustrates which norm? a. Personal Distress b. Cultural Factor c. Impaired Functioning d. Violation of Social Norms 8. Which of the following is true: a. There is clear consensus on the definition of mental health disease. b. There is no clear consensus on the definition of disease but there is a clear definition of mental health disorder. c. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) never changes its definitions. d. The DSM is based on prototypes or symptoms and examples of the phenomenon in question. 9. Which of the following degrees is earned by a psychiatrist? a. Ph.D. b. Ed.D. c. M.D. d. Psy.D. 10. With which of the following terminal degrees can you practice therapy? a. Master’s degree in business administration b. Bachelor’s degree in psychology c. Ph.D. in psychology with additional licensing requirements d. Ph.D. in non-profit management 11. Rocky Starr is a male rocker who wears outlandish makeup and women’s clothing when performing on stage. This behavior is considered a. more abnormal than that of an accountant who starts to do so because rockstars are supposed to be very masculine. b. less abnormal than that of an accountant who starts to do so because it is consistent with his professional success. c. less abnormal than that of an accountant who starts to do so because its more common to see a rockstar in makeup. d. just as abnormal as that of an accountant who starts to do so because abnormality is defined by the individual himself. 12. The prototype of a disorder reflects as described in DSM-5. a. its history and prognosis b. its biological underpinnings c. the causes of pathology d. the “typical” profile and diagnostic criteria
ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY @z_rpmcutieee @bona_rpm2023 @Frissonace @sikeolohija @bloomypurple @akosigengarrr 13. The scientific study of psychological disorders is called a. psychopathology. b. psychoanalysis. c. pseudoscience. d. parapsychology. 14. Dr. Simons is studying learning behavior in rats. What is likely her main field of study? a. Behaviorism b. Oedipal theory c. Psychiatry d. Humanistic Psychology 15. Why is the biological theoretical model considered a newer field of study than the psychological theoretical model? a. Brain scans can tell us about brain structure. b. The field of genetics is relatively young. c. We have more powerful microscopes than we have had in the past. d. All of the above are true. 16. Dr. Smith is interested in how separation anxiety changes over time from childhood to adolescence in the general population. What is his main field of study? a. Oedipal theory b. Behaviorism c. Child psychopathology d. Developmental psychology 17. All of the following are ways in which mental health professionals might function as scientist-practitioners EXCEPT a. analyzing their own motivations and reasons for helping people with psychological problems. b. evaluating their own assessments and treatments for effectiveness. c. conducting research leading to new information about mental disorders and their treatments. d. using the most current diagnostic and treatment procedures. 18. Tameka, having earned her master’s degree, has begun treating disorders and concentrating on family problems. Tameka is probably a(n) a. psychiatric social worker. b. family therapist. c. psychiatric nurse. d. mental health counselor. 19. Statistical data are often relevant when discussing psychological disorders. For example, a researcher might want to know how many new cases of depression are diagnosed each year, a figure called the disorder. a. prevalence b. incidence c. recurrence d. ratio 20. Psychological disorders can be described as following a typical course or individual pattern. For example, schizophrenia follows a chronic course. On the other hand, mood disorders, including depression, follow a(n) course. a. episodic b. acute c. cyclic d. Insidious 21. If a psychological disorder is said to have an acute onset, it means that the symptoms developed a. suddenly. b. atypically. c. gradually. d. following a period of recovery. 22. When 20-year-old Larry was first diagnosed with schizophrenia, his family wanted to know if and how the disorder would progress and how it would affect him in the future. In medical terms, the family wanted to know Larry’s a. Diagnosis. b. Prognosis. c. Pathophysiology. d. disease etiology. 23. At various times in history, in an attempt to explain problematic, irrational behavior, humans have focused on supernatural causes that include a. witchcraft. b. demons and evil spirits. c. the moon and stars. d. all of the above. 24. Throughout history, one of these theoretical models have been used to primarily explain our behavior, thinking and emotions EXCEPT a. psychological. b. biological. c. supernatural. d. physical. 25. Toward the end of the 14th century and continuing into the 15th, the causes of “madness” were generally attributed to a. toxins in the blood. b. religious delusions. c. brain disease. d. demons and witches. 26. Which of the following accurately describes the attitudes of the Catholic Church toward mentally ill people during the turbulent political and religious events of the 14th and 15th centuries?
ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY @z_rpmcutieee @bona_rpm2023 @Frissonace @sikeolohija @bloomypurple @akosigengarrr a. They were considered to be suffering from religious delusions and were cared for by members of the church communities. b. They were seen as possessed by evil spirits and blamed for all misfortunes. c. They were regarded as basically good individuals who were not responsible for their abnormal behavior. d. They were provided with medical treatments and sometimes hospitalized because mental illness was regarded as equivalent to physical illness. 27. During the Middle Ages, as well as at other times, mentally ill people were sometimes forced to undergo the religious ritual called exorcism. This was in order to a. cure the mental illness by making the individual more religious. b. build up muscle strength and make the person healthier. c. rid the individual’s body of evil spirits. d. prove that the person was not a witch. 28. Sigmund Freud proposed that many physical complaints suffered by young women a. were a form of divine punishment. b. reflected stress placed upon them by society. c. resulted from the “conversion” of sexual fantasies into socially acceptable outlets. d. resulted from the rise in feminism. 29. In the late 19th century, John P. Grey and his colleagues a. discovered the first cure for schizophrenia. b. ironically reduced interest in treating mental patients. c. changed the field of psychological research largely into a biological science. d. created the first humane treatment facilities for mentally ill patients. 30. DSM-5, an updated version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, was published in a. 1994. b. 2000. c. 2002. d. 2013. 31. Research about psychological disorders falls into three basic categories. Which is NOT one of these categories? a. Analysis b. Description c. Causation (etiology) d. Treatment and outcomes 32. The authors describe an example of conditioning in which cancer patients develop a negative reaction to a variety of people and things associated with their chemotherapy treatments. The phenomenon is called a. generalized conditioning. b. stimulus generalization. c. variety stimulus. d. stimulus discrimination. 33. One hot and humid night, one of your friends suggests doing some really crazy things. You look up at the sky and say, “It must be the full moon.” Your statement reflects the concept from which the word is derived. a. lunatic b. idiot c. maniac d. psychopath 34. Induced vomiting was a 17th century treatment for depression. As described in Anatomy of Melancholy (1621), this could be accomplished in part by eating a. raw meat. b. ice. c. coal. d. tobacco. 35. You are listening to old musical tunes, including “My Melancholy Baby.” Your friends are impressed when you tell them that “melancholic,” referring to a depressive personality, derives from a Greek word meaning a. blood. b. phlegm. c. yellow bile. d. black bile. 36. According to Hippocrates’ humoral theory, the “choleric” personality is a. hot-tempered. b. easygoing. c. kind. d. cheap. 37. Based on Hippocrates’ humoral theory, “sanguine” describes a person who is a. pessimistic. b. pale. c. cheerful. d. humorous. 38. Bloodletting, a treatment devised centuries ago to restore the balance of humors, was accomplished with the use of a. needles. b. leeches. c. tourniquets. d. bacteria. 39. In ancient Greece, a woman suffering from “hysteria” might be told that her condition could be cured by a. marriage. b. pregnancy.
ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY @z_rpmcutieee @bona_rpm2023 @Frissonace @sikeolohija @bloomypurple @akosigengarrr c. therapy. d. divorce. 40. In ancient Greece, some “humoral excesses” thought to be causing psychological disorders were treated by a. increasing or decreasing the person’s exposure to heat, dryness, moisture, or cold. b. herbal remedies. c. decreasing both caloric and liquid intake. d. lowering the person’s body temperature for extended periods of time. 41. In keeping with an accepted treatment for mental illness in the 14th century, a physician treating King Charles VI of France had him moved to the countryside in order to a. have him closer to a hospital that treated mental illness b. keep him away from his family. c. restore the balance in his humors. d. cure him of hysteria. 42. In an attempt to rid the body of the excessive humors thought to be causing psychological disorders, physicians throughout history have used treatments such as a. bloodletting. b. induced seizures. c. exorcism. d. drilling through the skull. 43. The concept of hysteria, which traditionally meant physical symptoms for which no organic pathology could be found, is now associated with which DSM-5 classification? a. Anxiety disorders b. Borderline personality disorder c. Premenstrual symptom disorder d. Somatic symptom disorder 44. The traditional tendency to stigmatize women as “hysterical” derived from Hippocrates’ concept of a. the “wandering womb.” b. an “incompetent cervix.” c. “penis envy.” d. “pelvic dysfunction.” 45. The term “hysteria” derives from the Greek hysteron, which means a. vagina. b. uterus. c. penis. d. libido. 46. The first significant supporting evidence for a biological cause of a mental disorder was the 19th century discovery that the psychotic disorder called general paresis was caused by the same bacterial microorganism that causes a. malaria. b. Alzheimer’s disease. c. syphilis. d. The common cold. 47. In the 19th century, John Grey, a well-known American psychiatrist, believed that mental illness was due to a. psychological factors. b. physical causes. c. social/environmental influences. d. unknown influences. 48. Moral Therapy focuses on: a. Social contact b. Interpersonal contact c. Teaching within holy books d. a and c are correct 49. In the 1950s, the first effective drugs for severe psychotic disorders were developed in a systematic way. Before that time, all of the following were used to treat psychosis EXCEPT a. opium. b. neuroleptics. c. herbal medicine. d. moral therapy. 50. In the 1800s, an important research and clinical publication read by psychiatrists in the United States was titled a. Case Studies in Mental Illness. b. American Journal of Madness. c. American Journal of Insanity. d. Lunatics in America. 51. With the discovery of the major tranquilizers called_, it became possible to control psychotic symptoms, including hallucinations, delusions, and aggressiveness. a. neuroleptics b. benzodiazepines c. bromides d. opiates 52. Benzodiazepines, or “minor” tranquilizers such as Valium and Librium, are effective in reducing the symptoms of a. depression. b. anxiety. c. schizophrenia. d. hysteria. 53. In the late 1800s, the emphasis on a biological cause of mental disorder ironically resulted in reduced interest in treatments for mental patients because it was thought that a. physicians should devote more time to the physically ill. b. patients would improve more rapidly if they were not hospitalized. c. the hospital staff was not adequately trained to administer new treatments.

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