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212 Biology Chapter 25 Cph\iM`kmj_p^odji FACT/DEFINITION TYPE QUESTIONS 1. The __________ lead to vas deferens that ascends to the ______ and loops over the __________. (a) prostate, stomach, urinary bladder. (b) epididymis, abdomen, urinary bladder. (c) vas efferentia, abdomen, ureter. (d) urinary bladder, ejaculatory duct, abdomen. 2. The enlarged end of penis is covered by a loose fold of skin is called. (a) glans penis (b) foreskin (c) hymen (d) urethral meatus 3. Which of the following is a transporting tube leading from the bladder to which brings urine outside the body via penis? (a) Ureter (b) Epididymis (c) Ejaculatory duct (d) Urethra meatus 4. Vasa efferentia are the ductules leading from (a) epididymis to urethra. (b) vas deferens to epididymis. (c) rete testis to vas deferens. (d) testicular lobules to rete testis. 5. A sac shaped like an upside down pear with a thick lining and muscles in the pelvic area where a fertilized egg or zygote comes to grow into a baby is called _______. (a) oviduct (b) uterus (c) vagina (d) vulva 6. Which of the following is a finger like structure and lies at the upper junction of the two labia minora above the urethral opening? (a) Clitoris (b) Oviduct (c) Ampulla (d) Chorionic villi 7. Which of the following produces sperms in spermatogenesis? (a) Sertoli cells. (b) Interstitial cells. (c) Primary spermatocytes. (d) Immature male germ cells. 8. In the process of spermatogenesis, first maturation division is called _______. (a) mitotic division (b) reduction division (c) amitotic division (d) None of the these 9. Spermatids are transformed into sperm by a process called_______. (a) spermiation (b) implantation (c) insemination (d) spermiogenesis 10. In humans, male germs cells differentiate into _____ at the end of first meiotic division. (a) spermatid (b) spermatogonium (c) secondary spermatocyte (d) primary spermatocyte 11. Increased secretion of which hormone start the process of sperm formation at the time of puberty? (a) GH (b) TSH (c) PRL (d) GnRH 12. After birth, colostrum is released from mammary glands which is rich in (a) fat and low in proteins (b) proteins and low in fat (c) proteins, antibodies and low in fat (d) proteins, fat and low in antibodies 13. Which of the following hormone maintains the function of male sex accessory gland and ducts? (a) Estrogen (b) Androgen (c) Progesterone (d) Luteinizing hormone 14. Semen is a constituent of seminal plasma with _______. (a) ovum (b) sperm (c) zygote (d) follicle 15. Ejaculation of human male contains about 200 – 300 million sperms, of which for normal fertility ____ % sperms must have normal shape and size and at least ____% must show energetic motility. (a) 40, 60 (b) 50, 50 (c) 60, 40 (d) 30, 70
Human Reproduction 213 16. Which of the following stage of oogenesis forms a membrane called zona pellucida surrounding it? (a) Oogonia (b) Polar body (c) Corpus luteum (d) Secondary oocytes 17. By which process sperms released from the seminiferous tubules? (a) Spermiation (b) Insemination (c) Spermatogenesis (d) Spermiogenesis 18. Which of the following contains a fluid filled cavity called antrum? (a) Primary spermatocyte. (b) Primary follicle of ovary. (c) Tertiary follicle of ovary. (d) Secondary spermatocyte. 19. Menstruation is triggered by a sudden decline in the amount of hormone secreted by corpus luteum. Identify the hormone. (a) Luteinizing hormone (b) Follicle stimulating hormone (c) Progesterone (d) Estrogen 20. Level of which hormones are at their highest during the luteal phase (second half of the cycle) of the menstrual cycle? (a) Estrogen (b) Progesterone (c) Luteinizing hormone (d) Follicular stimulating hormone 21. Which phase of menstrual cycle is also called proliferative phase? (a) Luteal (b) Ovulatory (c) Follicular (d) Menstruation 22. Which phase of menstrual cycle is also called secretory phase? (a) Luteal (b) Ovulatory (c) Follicular (d) Menstruation 23. Which of the following indicates pregnancy? (a) Lack of menstruation. (b) Occurrence of menstrual flow. (c) When released ovum is not fertilized. (d) When Graafian follicle matures and endometrium regenerates through proliferation. 24. When semen is released by the penis into the vagina during copulation, then it is called _____. (a) ovulation (b) insemination (c) menstruation (d) gametogenesis 25. At the time of implantation, the human embryo is called _______. (a) zygote (b) blastocysts (c) embryo (d) foetus 26. Fusion of haploid nucleus of sperm and that of ovum lead to the formation of _______. (a) zygote (b) blastocysts (c) embryo (d) foetus 27. Which of the following differentiate into embryo? (a) Morula (b) Zygote (c) Trophoblast (d) Inner cell mass 28. Trophoblast and inner cell mass are the arrangements of blastomeres as outer and inner layers respectively in _______. (a) zygote (b) morula (c) placenta (d) blastocysts 29. The embryo with 8 to 16 blastomeres is called ________. (a) zygote (b) morula (c) placenta (d) blastocysts 30. Presence of XX or XY chromosomes in zygote depends on (a) the sperm carrying X chromosome fertilized the ovum. (b) the sperm carrying Y chromosome fertilized the ovum. (c) the sperm without any chromosome fertilized the ovum. (d) the sperm carrying X or Y chromosomes fertilized the ovum. 31. Which layer of blastocysts gets attached to the endometrium? (a) Trophoblast (b) Inner cell mass (c) Umbilical cord (d) Both (a) and (c) 32. Finger like projection, called chorionic villi, appear on the _________ after the implantation. (a) ampulla (b) trophoblast (c) infundibulum (d) inner cell mass 33. Which of the following hormones is produced in women only during pregnancy? (a) Relaxin (b) Estrogen (c) Oxytocin (d) Progesterone 34. The placenta is formed from the _______ of the embryo and the _______ of the mother. (a) uterus, trophoblast (b) chorion, endometrium (c) endometrium, chorion (d) inner cell mass, endometrium 35. Placenta acts as an (a) Embryo (b) Corpus luteum (c) Exocrine gland (d) Endocrine tissue 36. Primary germ layers are (a) ectoderm and inner cell mass only. (b) trophoblast, ectoderm and mesoderm. (c) endoderm and mesoderm only. (d) ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm. EduHulk 315
214 Biology 37. Which of the following hormone acts on uterine muscle and causes its stronger contraction? (a) Relaxin (b) Estrogen (c) Oxytocin (d) Progesterone 38. Colostrum (a) is a hormone essential for milk secretion. (b) can be synthesized by the newborn infant but not by a foetus. (c) stimulates further secretion of oxytocin for uterine contraction. (d) is a source of antibodies essential to develop resistance against diseases in new born babies. 39. Secretion of milk from the mammary gland towards the end of the pregnancy is called_____. (a) lactation (b) parturition (c) fertilization (d) implantation 40. Two types of cells present in the lining of seminiferous tubules are _______ and _______. (a) leydig cells, sertoli cells. (b) male germ cells, sertoli cells. (c) spermatogonium, spermatids. (d) primary oocyte, leydig cells. 41. The womb opens into vagina through _______. (a) cervix (b) hymen (c) clitoris (d) ampulla 42. First polar body is formed during the formation of _______ and completion of ___ meiotic division. (a) Primary oocytes, II (b) Secondary oocytes, I (c) Secondary spermatocytes, II (d) Primary spermatocytes, I 43. Second meiotic division in secondary oocyte results in the formation of (a) first polar body and a diploid ovum. (b) first polar body and a haploid ovum. (c) second polar body and a diploid ovum. (d) second polar body and a haploid ovum 44. In human female, menopause is a stage in which (a) oogenesis starts at puberty. (b) menstruation starts at puberty. (c) corpus luteum starts secreting progesterone for maintaining pregnancy. (d) menstruation stops at the age of 50 years and reproductive capacity is arrested. 45. Which of the following process induces the completion of the meiotic division of secondary oocyte? (a) Parturition (b) Implantation (c) Fertilization (d) Gametogenesis 46. _______ is a sticky white or yellow fluid secreted by the breasts during the second half of pregnancy and for a few days after birth, before breast milk comes in. (a) Placenta (b) Colostrum (c) Egg yolk (d) Blood cells 47. Which gland releases a small amount of fluid just prior to ejaculation to decrease acidity in the urethra caused by urine? (a) Prostate (b) Glans penis (c) Seminal vesicle (d) Bulbourethral gland 48. By the end of how many weeks, major organ system are formed during the embryonic development? (a) 4 weeks (b) 8 weeks (c) 12 weeks (d) 24 weeks 49. Which of the following induces foetal ejection reflex? (a) Initiation of lactation (b) Fully developed foetus and placenta (c) Expulsion of the baby out of the uterus. (d) Transport of embryo in the fallopian tube. 50. Identify the structure on the basis of the given statement which surrounds the primary sex organ of male reproductive system. "It is responsible for maintaining the low temperature by about 2 - 2.5o C from normal body temperature to mature sperm." (a) Penis (b) Scrotum (c) Ureter (d) Urethra 51. Which of the following is not a paired structure in male? (a) Urethra (b) Vas deferens (c) Epididymis (d) Ejaculatory duct 52. Blastomeres are daughter cells formed in the process of (a) cleavage, when zygote undergoes mitotic division. (b) fertilization, when sperm enters in the cytoplasm of ovum. (c) implantation, when blastocysts attached to the uterine endometrium. (d) gametogenesis, when male and female gametes are produced by testis and ovary respectively STATEMENT TYPE QUESTIONS 53. Which of the following statements regarding sertoli cell is correct? (a) It is found in seminiferous tubule and secrete testosterone hormone. (b) It is a place where spermatozoa is concentrated and stored until ejaculation. (c) It secretes spermatozoa activating substances like fructose, citrate, inositol, prostaglandin and protein. (d) It is found in seminiferous tubule and function as nurse cells for differentiating spermatozoa. EduHulk

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