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Nội dung text Pembahasan SD Bahasa Inggris - Toba SC 2024.pdf

Page 1 of 13 BIDANG : BAHASA INGGRIS SD TOBA SCIENCE COMPETITION 2024 FOKUS – HEBAT – JUARA SOAL DAN PEMBAHASAN OSN BAHASA INGGRIS SD TOBA SCIENCE COMPETITION 2024 This text is for no 1-7! CHEETAHS The cheetah is a large cat native to Africa and central Iran. It is the fastest animal, estimated to be capable of running at 80 to 128 km/h. Cheetah can run fast because of its long thin legs and a long tail. Cheetah body length typically reaches 67-94 cm. Adults weigh between 21 and 72 kg (46 and 159 lb). Its head is small and rounded, and has a short snout and black tear-like facial streaks. The coat is typically tawny to creamy white or pale buff and is mostly covered with evenly spaced, solid black spots. Four subspecies are recognised. The cheetah lives in three main social groups: females and their cubs, male groups and solitary males. While females lead a nomadic life searching for prey in large home ranges, males are more sedentary and instead establish much smaller territories in areas with plentiful prey and access to females. The cheetah is active during the day, with peaks during dawn and dusk. 1. What is the estimated maximum speed of a cheetah? a. 50-70 km/h b. 80-100 km/h c. 110-120 km/h d. 140-160 km/h Jawaban: c Pembahasan: Jawaban tertera secara implisit pada baris kedua dalam teks dimana kecepatan maksimum hingga 128 km/h 2. How long can a cheetah’s body typically reach? a. 45-60 cm b. 75-90 cm c. 60-75 cm d. 67-94 cm Jawaban: d Pembahasan: Jawaban tertera secara eksplisit pada awal paragraf kedua dalam teks 3. What is the typical weight range of adult cheetahs? a. 10-30 kg b. 9-20 kg c. 71-90 kg d. 51-70 kg Jawaban: d Pembahasan: Jawaban tertera secara implisit dalam range yang disebutkan di awal paragraf kedua. 4. How is the head of a cheetah described? a. large and pointed b. long and narrow
Page 2 of 13 BIDANG : BAHASA INGGRIS SD TOBA SCIENCE COMPETITION 2024 FOKUS – HEBAT – JUARA c. small and rounded d. oval-shaped Jawaban: c Pembahasan: Jawaban disebutkan secara eksplisit pada baris keempat dalam teks. 5. What color is the coat of a cheetah typically? a. pale buff b. bright grey c. dark brown d. shiny yellow Jawaban: a Pembahasan: Jawaban disebutkan secara eksplisit pada paragraf ketiga. 6. Which social group among cheetahs is led by females and their cubs? a. female groups b. solitary males c. mixed groups d. male groups Jawaban: a Pembahasan: Jawaban disebutkan secara eksplisit pada paragraf keempat. 7. What type of areas do male cheetahs prefer to establish territories in.... a. areas with dense vegetation b. areas with plentiful prey and access to females c. areas with no water source d. areas with scarce prey Jawaban: b Pembahasan: Jawaban disebutkan pada bagian akhir dari teks. 8. Mrs. Smith often ....... by herself every Sunday. a. swim b. swims c. swimming d. swam Jawaban: b Pembahasan: Keterangan often dan every Sunday mengindikasikan penggunaan simple present tense dimana subjek membutuhkan penambahan s/es di kata kerja nya. 9. My cat usually ....... its ears before eating. a. scratching b. scratched c. scratch d. scratches Jawaban: d
Page 3 of 13 BIDANG : BAHASA INGGRIS SD TOBA SCIENCE COMPETITION 2024 FOKUS – HEBAT – JUARA Pembahasan: Kata ganti kepemilikan its dan usually menandakan penggunaan simple present tense dimana subjek membutuhkan penambahan s/es/ di kata kerjanya. 10. Green Plants regularly ........ food during photosynthesis. a. produced b. produces c. produce d. producing Jawaban: c Pembahasan: Kalimat yang berisikan fakta umum selalu menggunakan simple present tense dan subjek jamak hanya membutuhkan kata kerja dasar tanpa penambahan apapun (produce). 11. Can we catch fish ...... a river? a. in b. on c. at d. over Jawaban: a Pembahasan: untuk lokasi a river, preposisi yang sesuai adalah in. 12. Your bus is waiting ....... the end of the street. a. on b. at c. over d. in Jawaban: b Pembahasan: untuk lokasi the end of the street (lokasi yang detail), preposisi yang sesuai adalah at. This text is for no 13-19! JAVA WAR The Java War or Diponegoro War was fought in Java (13) ...... 1825 and 1830. It started as a rebellion led by Prince Diponegoro. The proximate cause was the Dutch decision to (14) ....... a road across a piece of his property that contained his parents’ tomb. Among other causes was a sense of (15) ....... by the Dutch felt by members of the Javanese aristocratic families, as they were no longer able to rent land at high prices. Also, the succession of the throne in Yogyakarta was disputed. Diponegoro was the (16) ....... son, but as his mother wasn’t the queen, he didn’t have any right to succeed his father. The troops of Prince Diponegoro were very successful in the beginning, (17) ......... the middle of Java and besieging Yogyakarta. Furthermore, the Javanese population was supportive of Prince Diponegoro’s causes, whereas the Dutch colonial authorities were initially very (18) ....... . However, as the Java War prolonged, Prince Diponegoro had difficulties in (19) .......... the numbers of his troops.
Page 4 of 13 BIDANG : BAHASA INGGRIS SD TOBA SCIENCE COMPETITION 2024 FOKUS – HEBAT – JUARA 13. a. from b. between c. not only d. for Jawaban: b Pembahasan: pasangan konektor yang tepat adalah between ..... and ....... 14. a. built b. building c. builds d. build Jawaban: d Pembahasan: setelah infinitive to, diikuti oleh kata kerja bentuk pertama yaitu build. 15. a. betrayal b. betray c. betraying d. betrayed Jawaban: a Pembahasan: setelah of, kata benda harus digunakan (betrayal) 16. a. most old b. most oldest c. oldest d. oldest most Jawaban: c Pembahasan: bentuk superlative dari kata sifat old adalah oldest 17. a. controls b. controlled c. controlling d. control Jawaban: c Pembahasan: agar paralel dengan besieging, maka bentuk kata sebelum konektor ‘and’ harus gerund atau Ving. 18. a. indecisive b. undecisive c. disdecisive

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