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Nội dung text CHUYÊN ĐỀ 22 - TỪ CHỈ SỐ LƯỢNG.docx

CHUYÊN ĐỀ 22: TỪ CHỈ SỐ LƯỢNG A. QUATIFIERS CÁCH DÙNG SO SÁNH Diễn đạt ý nghĩa là “nhiều” MANY MUCH  Many = a large number of/ a great many/ a majority of/ a wide variety of/ a wide range of  Dùng với danh từ đếm được  Much = a great deal of/ a large amount of...  Dùng với danh từ không đếm được many + much = A lot of/ lots of/ plenty of/ a (large) quantity of (Dùng với cả danh từ đếm được và không đếm được) Diễn đạt ý nghĩa là “một ít” A FEW A LITTLE  Dùng với danh từ đếm được  Dùng với danh từ không đếm được Diễn đạt ý nghĩa là “hầu như không/rất ít” FEW LITTLE  Dùng với danh từ đếm được  Dùng với danh từ không đếm được Diễn đạt ý nghĩa là “một vài” SOME ANY  Dùng trong câu khẳng định và trong câu nghi vấn khi mang ý mời/đề nghị  Dùng trong câu phủ định, nghi vấn và dùng trong câu khẳng định khi nó mang ý nghĩa là “bất cứ”. Diễn đạt ý nghĩa là “tất cả” ALL BOTH  Dùng để chỉ từ ba người/vật (tất cả) trở lên  Dùng để chỉ cả hai người/vật (cả hai) Diễn đạt ý nghĩa là “không” NONE NEITHER/EITHER  Dùng để chỉ từ ba người/vật trở lên đều không  Dùng để chỉ cả hai người/vật đều không. Trong đó:  Neither: dùng trong câu khẳng định  Either: dùng trong câu phủ định Diễn đạt ý nghĩa là “hầu hết” MOST MOST OF Most + N = most of + the/tính từ sở hữu + N  Lưu ý:  Mostly (chủ yếu là): dùng như một trạng từ  Almost (gần như): dùng như một trạng từ bổ trợ cho động từ, tính từ, danh từ Diễn đạt ý nghĩa là “mỗi/mọi” EACH EVERY  Each/every: dùng với danh từ đếm được số ít  Dùng với danh từ số nhiều khi có số lượng cụ thể. Diễn đạt ý nghĩa OTHER ANOTHER

Question 13: "Is there______butter I could use?" "No, there's some margarine but there isn't______butter." Question 14: If I drink too______coffee, I can't sleep. Question 15: How______liquid do you think this bottle contains? Question 16: I eat______chocolate and______biscuits than I used to. Question 17: Lots of people at the club are under 20, but there are quite______who aren't. Question 18: It was embarrassing how______people attended the party. Question 20: The weather is expected to remain clear for the next______days. Exercise 2: Identify one word or phrase that must be changed in each sentence to be correct. Question 1: How many sugar do you take in your coffee? Question 2: I don't have some cash on me, so could I pay with by cheque? Question 3: I know quite a little people who have had the same problem. Question 4: Can you give me any information about the buses in the city centre, please? Question 5: He has been to America a little times. Twice in 1996 and again last year. Question 6: Do you want to exchange this toaster for other one or do you want your money back? Question 7: There's a number of cupboard space in the kitchen for all your pots and pans. Question 8: You travel a lot. Have you been to much countries? Question 9: Do you have some books in your bag? Question 10: I do a lot of jobs at the same time. I can earn many money. Question 11: More children start school at the age of five. Question 12: We saw some lions at the zoo, but we didn't see some tigers. Question 13: 1 don’t think some of the supermarkets were open. Question 14: Each of the kids know the answer. Question 15: Much people do not care about their hygiene. Question 16: Many determination is needed to fulfill the target. Question 17: Only a little employees knew how important the project was. Question 18: There was few traffic so we arrived very early. Question 19: Both of the kids knows the answer. Question 20: It costs few money to give your children a good education. Exercise 3: Choose the correct word in each bank to complete the following sentences. Question 1: Jane is going to school late. There is too______(much / many) traffic. Question 2: Can you bring coca cola to the birthday party? I don't have______(some/any). Question 3: There aren't______(much/ many) car parks in the mountainous and remote countryside of Vietnam. Question 4: New York has______(a lot of / plenty of) great fashion shops. Question 5: Hurry up! We only have______(a little / a few) time before the plane takes off. Question 6: When I went to England, I saw______(some / any) beautiful scenery.
Question 7: (Many a/Many)______singer will be chosen to perform in the special event. Question 8: She doesn't have______(few /any) patience when learning English. Question 9: The problem with (both/all)______of these two proposals is that they are hopelessly impractical. Question 10:______(A large number/the number) of issues still need to be addressed. Question 11: "Can I buy stamps here?" "Well, we do sell them, but we haven't got ______(some / any) at the moment." Question 12: Today is very______(many/ much) colder than yesterday. Question 13: I had______(a few/ a little) problems with my car, but it's been fixed now. Question 14: If you have a fever, you should drink______(a number of /plenty of) fluids. Question 15:______(A larger number of / A large amount of) water was evaporated due to excessive heat. Question 16: This club needs to win______(a lot of / much) trophies in order to be regarded as the best club in Europe. Question 17: Could you give me______(any / some) paper? Question 18:______(None / Not) of them was able to come up with any solutions. Question 19: There was______(plenty of / several) food at the reunion dinner last night. Question 20:______(Some/All) the children, except Susan, will be going for the excursion. Question 21: Poor me! (Neither/None) of my parents likes my boyfriend. Question 22: The exam is extremely difficult and______(little / few) students passed it. Question 23: Sorry, I have______(little / few) money. I really can't afford to go out. Question 24:______(Much/Several) people came down with food poisoning at the camp. Question 25: I'm so pleased that I have______(few / little) arguments with my family. Question 26: He paid regular (amounts of / a number of) money to a charity. Question 27: It took (several / any) hours to clear the road after the accident. Question 28:______(Some / All) animals have to eat in order to live. Question 29: Please donate______(a lot of /some) money to the orphanage in Indonesia. Question 30: We need to go to the greengrocer. There are __________ (little/few) potatoes left. Exercise 4: Choose a word from the table below to fill each blank. Some words may be used more than once. other others the other the others most of either most another almost all both none neither mostly Question 1: When his alarm went off, he shut it off and slept for ____________ 15 minutes. Question 2: They went from one shop to ________________ . Question 3: The disease __________ affects people over 50, causing paralysis and uncontrollable tremors. Question 4: Some people like to rest in their free time.______like to travel. Question 5: This chemical is found in______weed killers.

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