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VOCABULARY SET 27: HELPING DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Vocabulary: 1. acquisition (n): thu nhận được 2. advocate (n): người ủng hộ, tán thành 3. aid (n/v): hỗ trợ, trợ giúp 4. build-operate-transfer model - bot model (n): mô hình xây dựng-vận hành-chuyển giao. Chính phủ kêu gọi các công ty tư nhân bỏ vốn xây dựng (build) thông qua đấu thầu, sau đó khai thác vận hành một thời gian (operate) và sau cùng là chuyển giao (transfer) lại cho nhà nước sở tại. 5. call for (ph.v): kêu gọi 6. core (n): cốt lõi, trung tâm 7. counterpart (n): tổ chức tương ứng 8. crucial (adj): quan trọng, cốt yếu 9. deploy (v): triển khai 10. enormous (adj): khổng lồ, to lớn 11. forego (v): từ bỏ 12. fund (n/v): vốn, tài trợ 13. geneticist (n): nhà di truyền học 14. grant (v): ban tặng, trao thưởng, cấp cho, chấp thuận 15. in exchange for (collocation): để đổi lấy 16. infrastructure (n): cơ sở hạ tầng 17. innovation (n): sáng kiến, đổi mới 18. mass-production (n): sản xuất hàng loạt 19. necessitate (v): cần phải có 20. pivotal (adj): then chốt, chủ chốt 21. quota (n): chỉ tiêu, hạn ngạch 22. sacrifice (v): hi sinh 23. solely (adv): duy nhất 24. substantial (adj): đáng kể 25. sustainable (adj): bền vững 26. thrive (v): khởi sắc, phát triển Exercises Task 1: Write sentences from given cues. Make changes to the cues when needed. 1. company / reconsider / way / in which / it / deploy / its staff. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. sick dog / begin / thrive / when / he / placed / loving family. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. president / met / Canadian / counterpart / talk / trade treaty. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. reduction / government spending / necessitate / further / cut / public / service. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. since /I / diet /I / decide / forego / friend / dessert offer.
___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Task 2: Translate from Vietnamese to English 1. Dịch vụ khách hàng tốt đóng vai trò then chốt đối với một doanh nghiệp thành công. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Tình trạng ngày càng cũ kĩ của đường phố, đường hầm và cầu đều cần sự sửa chữa cấp thiết. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Chính quyền thời hậu chiến mang nhiệm vụ to lớn là tái thiết đất nước. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Phần lớn các câu lạc bộ và các hoạt động đều được tổ chức ở trung tâm thành phố để mọi người có thể tiếp cận dễ dàng. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Những người làm việc ở tổ chức Chữ thập đỏ thường trợ giúp hồi sức cho những nạn nhân của thiên tai bằng cách cung cấp sự chăm sóc y tế cho những ai bị thương. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Task 3: Fill in the blanks with suitable words/phrases acquisition (n) geneticist (n) sacrifice (v) advocate (n) grant (v) solely (adv) aid (n/v) in exchange for (collocation) substantial (adj) Build-operate-transfer model - bot model (n) infrastructure (n) sustainable (adj) call for (ph.v) innovation (n) thrive (v) core (n) mass-production (n) crucial (adj) counterpart (n) necessitate (v) deploy (v) fund (n/v) pivotal (adj) enormous (adj) quota (n) forego (v) Some people think that developing countries need financial help from international organizations. Others think that it is practical aid and advice that is needed. Discuss these views and give your own opinion. The support of the international community is of paramount importance to the development of less- developed parts of the world. Some people believe that 1__________support is indispensable. However, I contend that international funds are not necessary for development while technical assistance is arguably a more effective way of helping developing countries. 2__________of 3__________developing countries financial help may argue that this form of support is essential for the construction of 4__________, a task that often requires a 5__________amount of investment. From my perspective, this argument is flawed. Developing countries, as a norm, have to 6__________many of their national interests to be eligible for international funding. A clear illustration of this is that the Vietnamese government had to remove a 7__________on Japanese cars 8__________the Japanese government's approval of funding for two major agricultural projects in the Red River Delta. As there are many other methods of 9__________investment that do not often require
countries to 10__________their interests, such as using the 11__________of project financing, I argue that international financial support is unnecessary. I am firmly convinced that non-financial assistance from the international community has a 12__________ole to play in the developing world. This is because 13__________development 14__________the building of a strong workforce and the 15__________of technology, neither of which can be provided 16__________by financial help. In reality, many forms of technical assistance have been offered to developing countries, including knowledge sharing and the transfer of technological 17__________. There are many success stories of less-developed nations receiving this type of support, as can be seen in the classic case of basmati rice production in Indonesia. In the late 1990s, a group of Indian plant 18__________and agricultural specialists was 19__________in Indonesia to share their expertise with and to transfer the 20__________technology of this variety of rice to their Indonesian 21__________. The 22__________and long-lasting success of the basmati rice industry in Indonesia in the following two decades has proven that international technical support is essential for lower-income countries to develop sustainably. From the arguments outlined above, one may conclude it is practical assistance, not financial support, that is 23__________for developing nations to 24__________in the long term. I predict that practical 25__________and advice will be at the 26__________of international support in the future. 392 words, written by Tu Pham
Key: Task 1: 1. The company is reconsidering the way in which it deploys its staff. 2. The sick dog began to thrive when he was placed with a loving family. 3. The president met with his Canadian counterpart to talk about a trade treaty. 4. Reduction in government spending will necessitate further cuts in public services. 5. Since I'm on a diet, I decided to forego my friend's dessert offer. Task 2: Answers may vary 1. Good customer service is pivotal to a successful business. 2. The aging infrastructure of the city roads, tunnels and bridges are in urgent need of repair. 3. The post-war government had the enormous task of reconstructing the nation. 4. Most of the clubs and activities are located in the core of the city, so everyone has easy access to it. 5. Red Cross workers usually aid in the recovery of victims of natural disasters by providing medical care to those who are injured. Task 3 The support of the international community is of paramount importance to the development of less- developed parts of the world. Some people believe that (1) funded support is indispensable. However, I contend that international funds are not necessary for development while technical assistance is arguably a more effective way of helping developing countries. (2) Advocates of (3) granting developing countries financial help may argue that this form of support is essential for the construction of (4) infrastructure, a task that often requires a (5) substantial amount of investment. From my perspective, this argument is flawed. Developing countries, as a norm, have to (6) sacrifice many of their national interests to be eligible for international funding. A clear illustration of this is that the Vietnamese government had to remove a (7) quota on Japanese cars (8) in exchange for the Japanese government's approval of funding for two major agricultural projects in the Red River Delta. As there are many other methods of (9) calling for investment that do not often require countries to (10) forego their interests, such as using the (11) build-operate-transfer model of project financing, I argue that international financial support is unnecessary. I am firmly convinced that non-financial assistance from the international community has a (12) pivotal role to play in the developing world. This is because (13) sustainable development necessitates development (14) necessitates the building of a strong workforce and the (15) acquisition of technology, neither of which can be provided (16) solely by financial help. In reality, many forms of technical assistance have been offered to developing countries, including knowledge sharing and the transfer of technological (17) innovations. There are many success stories of less-developed nations receiving this type of support, as can be seen in the classic case of basmati rice production in Indonesia. In the late 1990s, a group of Indian plant (18) geneticists and agricultural specialists was (19) deployed in Indonesia to share their expertise with and to transfer the (20) mass-production technology of this variety of rice to their Indonesian (21) counterparts. The (22) enormous and long-lasting success of the basmati rice industry in Indonesia in the following two decades has proven that international technical support is essential for lower-income countries to develop sustainably. From the arguments outlined above, one may conclude it is practical assistance, not financial support, that is (23) crucial for developing nations to (24) thrive in the long term. I predict that practical (25) aid and advice will be at the (26) core of international support in the future. 392 words, written by Tu Pham

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