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TEST 3 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from that of the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 1. A. admire B. popularity C. urban D. personal Question 2. A. expanded B. recruited C. developed D. overcrowded Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of stress in each of the following questions. Question 3. A. region B. equal C. respond D. almost Question 4. A. challenging B. volunteer C. vacancy D. relevant Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 5. In the past, women in many rural areas in this country were used to being told what _______, but things have changed significantly. A. do B. done C. doing D. to do Question 6. If only I ___________ to my mother's advice not to take a gap year last year. A. listened B. would listen C. had listened D. was listening Question 7. Of the two teams, the Dragon is by far __________. A. good B. the best C. the better D. as good Question 8. I was late for school because my alarm didn't _________. A. get away B. pick up C. set up D. go off Question 9. My brother was very sad when he was told that his bike was _________ repair. He couldn't use it any longer. A. in B. out C. beyond D. over Read the following advertisements/announcements and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 10 to 15. Rubbish
The Opera House has been turned into a big tent for Rubbish. Set on the streets (10) _______ the 1940s, young artists do gymnastics, dance and theatre using rubbish like wheels, furniture and boxes. First (11) _________ this week! Under-15s must be accompanied by (12) ________ adult but ask about family discounts at our restaurant. A two-minute walk from the underground. Opera House Question 10. A. in B. on C. by D. with Question 11. A. perform B. performative C. performances D. performatively Question 12. A. a B. an C. the D. Traditional Future For less than , watch Anuang'a Fernando from Kenya as he uses traditional words from his own country, modern music and movement to perform this (13) ________ of art. Anuang'a Fernando has already performed this show in Paris (14) _________ Italy. Book soon- the theatre only (15) __________ 200 people. Snacks will be available. Close to public transport. Drake Hall Question 13. A. job B. work C. book D. play Question 14. A. but B. so C. nor D. and Question 15. A. keeps B. carries C. holds D. stays Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph/letter in each of the following questions. Question 16. a. Finally, it's important for both generations to have open and honest communication, so they should talk to each other about their feelings and opinions. b. There are many ways to reduce the generation gap. c. They can ask young people to teach them how to use their smartphones and computers. d. Another way is for younger people to spend time with older people by listening to their stories and learning from their experiences.
e. One way is for older people to learn about new technology. A. c – e – d – a – b B. c – a – e – b – d C. b – d – c – a – e D. b – e – c – d – a Question 17. a. Eating fruit and vegetables is important too as they have lots of vitamins. b. Try not to use your phone or computer before bed. c. Finally, you need to sleep well. d. Walking or cycling to work is the easiest way to stay fit, but you can also do exercise at home. e. There are many ways to stay healthy. A. c – e – d – a – b B. e – d – a – c – b C. b – d – c – a – e D. b – c – a – d – e Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 18 to 23. Around the world, waste generation rates are rising. In 2020, the world was estimated to generate 2.24 billion tonnes of solid waste, amounting to a footprint of 0.79 kilograms per person per day. With rapid population growth and urbanisation, (18) ________ is expected to increase by 73% from 2020 levels to 3.88 billion tonnes in 2050. Compared to those in developed nations, residents in developing countries, especially the urban poor, (19) __________. In low-income countries, over 90% of waste is often disposed in unregulated dumps or openly burned. These practices (20) _________, safety, and environmental consequences. Poorly managed waste serves as a breeding ground for disease vectors, contributes to global climate change through methane generation, and (21) __________. Managing waste properly is essential for building sustainable and livable cities, but it remains a challenge for many developing countries and cities. (22) _______ is expensive, often comprising 20% - 50% of municipal budgets. Operating this essential municipal service requires integrated systems (23) __________. Question 18. A. annual waste generation B. it is annual waste generation C. and annual waste generation D. although annual waste generation Question 19.
A. they are more severely impacted by unsustainably managed waste B. more severely impacted by unsustainably managed waste C. after more severely impacted by unsustainably managed waste D. are more severely impacted by unsustainably managed waste Question 20. A. create serious health B. health is serious C. serious health D. with serious health Question 21. A. with urban violence B. can even promote urban violence C. they even promote D. before promoting urban violence Question 22. A. Waste effective management B. Management waste effective C. Effective waste management D. Management effective waste Question 23. A. that are efficient, sustainable, and socially supported B. are efficient, sustainable, and socially supported C. they are are efficient, sustainable, and socially supported D. with efficient, sustainable, and socially supported Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 24 to 28. Life on Mars, once the stuff of science fiction, is becoming an increasingly realistic goal for many scientists and space enthusiasts. But will we ever make the Red Planet our home? Let's take a look at (24) _________ of the challenges and possibilities. Mars has an atmosphere, although a thin one, primarily composed of carbon dioxide with traces of nitrogen and argon. This is a significant factor because it means that, in (25) ________, we could potentially convert some of this carbon dioxide into oxygen. But it's easier said than done. The technology needed to accomplish (26) _________ task is complex and still under development. Then there's the matter of the Martian climate, (27) ________ is much colder than Earth's and often reaches -80 degrees Celsius at night. Moreover, Mars doesn't have a magnetic field to protect it from solar radiation, making the surface uninhabitable for extended periods. The distance from Earth to Mars is also a huge challenge. Depending on the alignment of the two planets, the journey could (28) __________ anywhere from six to nine months. It's a long,

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