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END-OF-TERM 1 - TEST 2 Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 1. A. chore B. character C. children D. check Question 2. A. bond B. hobby C. other D. top Mark the letter A, B, Cor D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 3. A. service B. apply C. useful D. local Question 4. A. information B. application C. volunteer D. successful Mark the letter A, B,C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 5. In almost all families, fathers are the ______ who earn money for their living needs and children's study. A. breadwinners B. homemakers C. shopkeepers D. housekeepers Question 6. I don’t think he can answer you now. He ______ the rubbish. A. puts out B. put out C. are putting out D. is putting out Question 7. Her favourite leisure activity is ______ cartoons with her sisters and brothers. They often _____ on the details together. A. watch - comment B. watching - comment C. to watch - are commenting D. to watch - is commenting Question 8. John made me ____ a lot with his hilarious jokes. A. laughing B. to laugh C. laugh D. laughed Question 9: My family _________ a list of chores every week and each of us _________ to complete certain tasks according to personal choice. A. make/ chooses B. make/ is choosing C. are making/ chooses D. are making/ is choosing Read the following letter and mark the letter A, B, C, D in your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that fits each of the numbered blanks from 10 to 12 To: Customer Service Department From: Kenneth Venkman Subject: Incorrect billing statement  Date: July 20  I am contacting you once ____ (10)  receiving no reply to my prior e-mail regarding the problem with my gas bill for the month of June.  After receiving my bill for last month, I queried the charge that was included for unpaid gas in May.  When I called your department about the issue, I ____ (11 ) that the incorrect charges would be removed and that a new bill would be sent to me by e-mail.  However, the new bill still includes these erroneous charges, which I have no intention of paying. Therefore, I have attached an image of a ____  (12) converting that I paid my bill for the month of May in full on June 12. I will send the requested payment at my earliest convenience. Sincerely,  Kenneth Venkman Question 10. A. after B. much C. before D. again Question 11. A. will be informed B. was informed C. had been informed D. would have informed Question 12. A. receipt B. bill C. charge D. statement Read the following Montego Metro letter and mark the letter A, B, C, D in your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that fits each of the numbered blanks from 13 to 15 Please be advised of a change to train service. Starting this April, ____  (13)  North-South express train will no longer be stopping at Green Street Station. This will affect the express service only; local train service will continue ____  (14)  to all stations on the North-South line,  including Green Street Station. Please speak with a conductor or visit our Web site ____  (15)  you have any questions. Thank you for your cooperation and for riding Montego Metro. Question 13. A. an B. a C. no article D. the Question 14. A. uninterrupting B. interrupted C. interrupting D. uninterrupted Question 15. A. should B. unless C. provided D. in case Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph/ letter in each of the following questions. Question 16 :
a. I went with my friend, Mr Trung, as he loves Xuan Nam, a famous comedian. b. Thanks for your email you sent 5 days ago and sorry I didn’t reply sooner. c. Last Sunday, I enjoyed a live improvised comedy program called “Thank God you are here.” d. Binh Minsk, a famous singer, won the show when she had an impressive performance with Giang Thanh, the host of Room 2. e. The contestants were Binh Minsk, Manh Quy and Phuc Quang. A. b-c-a-d-e B. b-c-a-e-d C. c-b-a-d-e D. c-b-a-e-d Question 17 : a. More than 300 students attended the fair and enjoyed Vietnamese dishes, songs and games. b. In my view, the day was a great success. All the attendees felt happy. c. There were 30 stalls where various activities were offered. d. Yesterday, our school organised the Spring Fair in the playground e. However, it would be better if we could make Banh Chung during the night. A. d-a-c-b-e B. d-b-a-c-e C. b-d-a-e-c D. b-c-d-e-a Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Although playing video games is one of the most popular leisure activities in the world, research into its effects on players, (18)_____, is often trivialised. One innovative application of video games in health care is (19)_____. The degree of attention needed to play such a game can distract the player from the sensation of pain, a strategy that has been reported and evaluated among paediatric patients. (20)_____ a form of physiotherapy or occupational therapy in many different groups of people. Such games focus attention away from potential discomfort and, unlike more traditional therapeutic activities, they do not rely on passive movements and sometimes painful manipulation of the limbs. However, there has been no long term follow-up and no robust randomised controlled trials of such interventions. (21)_____. Furthermore, it is not known whether any distracting effect depends simply on concentrating on an interactive task or whether the content of games is also an important factor as there have been no controlled trials (22)_____. Further research should examine factors within games such as novelty, users' preferences, and relative levels of challenge and should compare video games with other potentially distracting activities. On balance, given that video game playing is highly prevalent among children and adolescents in industrialised countries, (23)_____ moderate frequency of play has serious acute adverse effects from moderate play. Adverse effects, when they occur, tend to be relatively minor and temporary, resolving spontaneously with decreased frequency of play. More evidence is needed on excessive play and on defining what constitutes excess in the first place. There should also be long term studies of the course of video game addiction. Question 18. A. both positive and negative B. neither positive nor negative C. not only positive but negative D. positive but not negetive Question 19. A. its use in pain management B. their use in pain management C. it is using in pain management D. they are using in pain management Question 20. A. Video games have been in use B. Video games have been for use C. Video games have been used as D. Video games have been used to Question 21. A. Whether patients eventually tire of such games is also unclear. B. Not knowing patients eventually tire of such games is also unclear. C. If patients eventually tire of such games or not is also unclear. D. Not to know patients eventually tire of such games is also unclear. Question 22. A. that compares video games with other distractors. B. to be compared video games with other distractors. C. comparing video games with other distractors. D. compared to video games and other distractors. Question 23.A. it is little evidence that B. it is a little evidence that C. there is little evidence that D. there is a little evidence that Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30. Today, many governments are promoting organic or natural farming methods (24) ______ avoid the use of pesticides and other artificial products. The aim is to show that they (25) ______ about the environment and about people's health. But is this the right approach?
Europe is now the biggest (26) ______ for organic food in the world, expanding by 25 percent a year over the past 10 years. Eating organic is (27) ______ way of defining oneself as natural, good, caring, different from the junk-food-scoffing masses. As a journalist puts it: "It feels closer to the source, the beginning, the start of things." The organic approach means farming natural, rather than man-made. Techniques such as crop rotation improve soil quality and help organic farmers compensate for the absence of manmade chemicals. (28) ______ , for its ineffective use of land and labour, there are severe limits to how much food can be produced. (Adapted from IELTS by Cambridge) Question 24. A. that B. how C. who D. why Question 25. A. bring B. account C. take D. care Question 26. A. agency B. market C. enterprise D. supermarket Question 27. A. most B. other C. one D. each Question 28. A. Moreover B. However C. Although D. Because Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s was the only-surviving son of Leopold and Maria Pertl Mozart. Leopold was a successful composer, violinist, and assistant concert master at the Salzburg court. Wolfgang's mother, a constantly ill housewife, was born to a middle class family of local community leaders. His only sister was Maria Anna. With their father’s encouragement and guidance, they both were introduced to music at an early age. Leopold started Anna on keyboard when she was seven, as three-year old Wolfgang looked on. Mimicking her playing, Wolfgang quickly began to show a strong understanding of chords, tonality, and tempo. Soon, he too was being tutored by his father. Leopold was a devoted and task-oriented teacher to both his children. He made the lessons fun, but also insisted on a strong work ethic and perfection. Fortunately, both children excelled well in these areas. Recognising their special talents, Leopold devoted much of his time to their education in music as well as other subjects. Wolfgang soon showed signs of excelling beyond his father's teachings with an early composition at age five and demonstrating outstanding ability on harpsichord and the violin. He would soon go on to play the piano, organ and viola. Question 29. Which of the following is true about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart? A. He was the only child in his family. B. His father played many roles in music community in Salzburg. C. He started to expose himself to music at the age of seven. D. His mother was a local community leader. Question 30. W hen looking Anna playing piano, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ____. A. composed music B. imitated her C. introduced music to her D. played violin Question 31. The word “devoted" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. inconstant B. strict C. committed D. only Question 32. Mozart’s father ____. A. created lessons which were not fun B. required only perfection C. did not ask for work morality D. was his early tutor Question 33. The word “outstanding" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. ordinary B. normal C. average D. impressive Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42. An education pioneer born into rural poverty in Nepal has opened 30 schools in a bid to boost prospects for his country’s children. The World Bank ranks Nepal as the globe's 31 st poorest country, with almost 10 million people living on daily incomes between £1.48 and £2.50. Many rural villages remain unreached by government schooling and adult literacy stood at just 60 percent in 2011. Surya Karki and his charity United World Schools Nepal (UWS) are tackling high illiteracy and poverty rates by funding and improving education. The first school opened in 2015. Since then 92 percent of children have completed primary education, which finishes at age eight, and continued into secondary education with UWS schools, in comparison to 39 percent of students continuing education who attended government schools. Mr Karki was born into poverty in rural Nepal. Speaking to the Telegraph he said: "School is the only solution to the poverty cycle that we live in. I was raised by a single mother in a male- dominated society. The school that I went to was approximately two hours walk away. My house was on top of a hill and my mother had to drag me across rivers. We used to walk 10 miles a day. The schooling was really bad."
Karki’s mother was a firm believer in education, and at age eight Karki secured a scholarship to study in the capital, Kathmandu. From there he won scholarships and completed Master’s degrees in China and the United States. He returned to Nepal in 2015 and decided to stay and develop the education system. Karki said: "Inequalities in a country can only be decreased if there is access to knowledge.” The devastating earthquake in 2015 damaged 9,300 schools, displacing hundreds of thousands of families and pushing 700,000 people into poverty. As of January 2018, only 2,891 schools had been rebuilt. Karki said: "We came at a crucial time, where we could redo or undo what had been done badly. Education was really bad in terms of infrastructure, quality of teachers and training. It was an opportunity for us to really make things better.” UWS Nepal has so far built 30 schools and has seven more in construction. The schools run between 10 am and 3:30 am and have an 86 percent average attendance rate, which Karki says is almost double the attendance rate for government schools in the vicinity. Sexual health classes are taught to the children in the later years. (Adapted from https://www.telegraph.co.uk/) Question 34. What is the main idea of the passage? A. The disastrous earthquake in 2015 deteriorated the schooling system in Nepal. B. A man born into poverty in Nepal inspired thousands of children to finish school. C. It was not easy to be educated by a single mother in a male-dominated society. D. Nepal successfully got rid of illiteracy thanks to financial aid from the World Bank. Question 35. The word "tackling" in the passage is closest in meaning to ______. A. discussing B. planning C. addressing D. suffering Question 36. The word "there" in the passage refers to ______. A. Karki’s house in Nepal. B. the school in China where Karki studied for his Master’s degree. C. the school in Kathmandu where Karki studied. D. the school in the United States Karki studied for his Master’s degree. Question 37. The word "displacing" in the passage is opposite to ______. A. causing people to panic B. bringing people safety C. making people lose directions D. providing accommodation. Question 38. What can learn about Nepal from the passage? A. Governmental schooling could reach even the most remote rural villages. B. In 2011, just more than 50% of its population were able to read and write. C. It currently has a population of just under 10 million people. D. It used to have higher literacy rates than 31 other countries in the world. Question 39. All of the following is TRUE about Surya Karki EXCEPT ______. A. he used to travel a long way in order to get to school. B. he obtained his first academic achievement at a very young age. C. he was not raised by his father, which was a disadvantage in a male-dominated society. D. he and his charity UWS started building their first school in 2011. Question 40. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. Karki and his organization have generally outperformed Nepal governmental schools in inspiring children to continue their schooling. B. The obstacles faced by schools in Nepal were made more serious due to the harsh weather and the disastrous earthquake in 2015. C. The schooling offered to Karki had been of higher quality than that offered to current students in Nepal. D. School children in Nepal are bored with attending governmental schools and opting for attending UWS schools at higher levels. The End

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