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Nội dung text [Springboard] Writing Sample 1

Adapted and Collected by Springboard English https://www.facebook.com/springboard.vn https://www.facebook.com/groups/springboard.vn ESSAY WRITING SAMPLE | #1 This essay is contributed by Springboard mentor (8.0 IELTS Writing | 6.6/7.0 Writing NEC) Competitiveness is a positive quality for people in most societies. How does competition affect individuals? Is it a positive or negative trend? —-------------------------------------------------------— INTRODUCTION The 21st century has begun with the prevalence of inexorably evolving challenges, pushing human beings to flexibly rise to the occasion. One of the paradigm shifts has been an exponential rise in population, and, by extension, the growing trend of competitiveness. The nature of fierce competition is deemed a positive value to the general populace. This essay shall examine some indications of rivalry before drawing a reasoned conclusion on how this quality is of benefit. [This thesis statement clearly states the author's position (Advocate for the pros of competitiveness)] BODY Paragraph 1 It is understandable why great rivalry, at first glance, appears deleterious to many people. [This topic sentence introduces the author's refutation on why competitiveness is supported by other people, not the author]. In terms of both a tough mercenary [liên quan đến kiếm tiền chân chính] job market and highly competitive academic environment, competitiveness is rendered [render + adj : biến thành, dần trở nên thế nào đó] excruciating [mệt mỏi về mặt tinh thần] as it may induce a sense of insecurity and diffidence [sự tự ti] among those involved. In this sense, having reconciled to [bị phó mặc cho = be subjected to = be resigned yourself to] a cut-throat [=competitive] environment, people are left insecure and their thirst for absolute competence is unquenchable [unquenchable thirst = insatiable demand : nhu cầu không được thoả mãn], which in turn may serve as a catalyst for malevolent behavior and thinking manners. [This part begins to counter other people's argument and support the author's position] However, this thinking is not without flaw since rivalry in nature is a key component of motivation in this relentlessly developing world, which does more good than harm. But for competitiveness, human beings might have not reached the zenith of civilization as there has been bereft of [lacking : thiếu] driving force to push us forward. Paragraph 2 While competitiveness is a double-edged sword, I subscribe to the view that this quality by nature offers more merits than drawbacks. [This topic sentence introduces the author's supporting arguments of his/her position] Competitive spirits have exerted positive influence [exert influence/bearing on = affect = impact : gây ảnh hưởng] on

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