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Tribhuvan University Faculty of Humanities and Social Science Semester: III Subject: Web Technology Set 1 Group B Attempt any SIX questions. [6 X 5 = 30] 2. Explain how basic and nested tables are created using HTML 3. Explain the various types of XML schema data types used. 4. Show how SAX is an alternative method for parsing XML documents. Write its advantages. 5. Explain the four possible keywords in a DTD declaration with suitable examples. 6. Discuss how the XMLHttpRequest can be cancelled in AJAX. 7. Explain with an example program how to connect to a SQL Server database from a PHP script. 8. Describe the use of id and class selectors with suitable example. Group C Attempt any TWO questions. [ 2 X 10 = 20] 9. Develop a simple website that asks the users to register using username, password, and email address. Store these information's in a database. Use client side script to validate the user input during registration. 10. What is XML? Discuss the structure of XML file with example. Write an XML schema to describe "address" as an element and "city, state, street and house-no" as its attributes. 11. What is HTTP? Discuss its function in detail. Don’t Forget to Follow Uni Bytes
Tribhuvan University Faculty of Humanities and Social Science Semester: III Subject: Web Technology Set 2 Group B Attempt any SIX questions. [6 X 5 = 30] 2. What is the structure of HTML file? Explain with example. 3. Define CSS? How can you use an external CSS? Explain. 4. Discuss the use of Cookies with suitable example. 5. What is web server software? Discuss its role on the internet. 6. Write server-side code to select data stored in the database. 7. Discuss integrated window authentication. 8. How can you define event handler? Write a java script to demonstrate event handling. Group C Attempt any TWO questions. [ 2 X 10 = 20] 9. Explain the use of XML in web development. Write internal and external DTD to describe "mail" as a root element and "to", "From", and "Subject" and "Message" as child elements. 10. Explain the architectural issues of web layer with example. 11. Develop a simple web site that takes first name, last name, and address from the user and store this information in the database. Use java script to validate form data. Don’t Forget to Follow Uni Bytes
Tribhuvan University Faculty of Humanities and Social Science Semester: III Subject: Web Technology Set 3 Group B Attempt any SIX questions. [6 X 5 = 30] 2. Create a DTD to display daily schedule of user. 3. Write XML Schema for library information system. 4. Discuss the various terms related to Document Type Definition. 5. How the result set of MySQL is handled in PHP? 6. Describe different popup boxes supported by java script briefly. Write a sample program to show use these popup boxes. 7. Explain different types of Selector with suitable example. 8. Define frame. Create a HTML page that displays multiple frames in a window. Group C Attempt any TWO questions. [ 2 X 10 = 20] 9. 'JavaScript is referred to as Object based programming language'. Justify with an example. 10. Which java script operator calculates the remainder by dividing two Integers? Explain with example. 11. What is client/server technology? Differentiate between web client and web server. Don’t Forget to Follow Uni Bytes
Tribhuvan University Faculty of Humanities and Social Science Semester: III Subject: Web Technology Set 4 Group B Attempt any SIX questions. [6 X 5 = 30] 2. Describe the scoping rules for the Java script. 3. Create a HTML which uses CSS that gives all H1 and H2 elements a padding of 0.5 ems; a grooved border style and a margin of 0.5 ems. 4. Write a short note on creating tables in HTML. 5. Write a short note on JavaScript DOM. 6. Differentiate between SMTP and POP. 7. Why CSS are important in web designing? Describe the use of id and class selectors with suitable example. 8. Write the JAVA script to print "Good-Day" using IF-ELSE condition. Group C Attempt any TWO questions. [ 2 X 10 = 20] 9. Why XSD is used? How it is different from DTD? Write XSD and DTD for Book, where book contains author, publication, Title, price and pages .Further Author contains First Name, Last Name, and Education in order and can occur 4 times maximum and 1 times minimum. Define root element of your own interest. 10. What are two methods of validating the forms? Highlight their good and bad points. prepare a form containing the controls Name, Phone, and Email Validate the form such that Name field contains only text, Phone field contains only digits, and Email field contains valid email id. 11. Explain 2-tier, 3-tier and n-tier client server architecture. Don’t Forget to Follow Uni Bytes

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