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www.iaritoppers.in Whatsapp : +91-9694095242 Page | 1 Seed Technology 5 th Edition 2024
www.iaritoppers.in Whatsapp : +91-9694095242 Page | 2 Seed :  Botanically seed is fertilized ovule consisting of intact embryo, stored food and seed coat which is viable and has got the capacity to germinate.  National Seed Corporation established in 1963.  National seed Act passed in 1966.  Maharashtra was the first State to establish an official seed certification Agency during 1970 as a part of the Department of Agriculture, whereas Karnataka was the first State to establish the seed certification Agency as autonomous body during 1974.  At present 22 states in the country have their own Seed Certification Agencies established under the Seed Act 1966. Difference Between Seed and Grain: S.no. Seed Grain 1. Viability is important Viability never considers 2. It should have maximum genetic & physical purity Not so 3. Should satisfy minimum seed certification standards No such requirements 4. Can be treated with fungicide, pesticide It should never be treated with any chemicals, since used for consumption
www.iaritoppers.in Whatsapp : +91-9694095242 Page | 3 5. Respiration rate and other physiological and biological processes should be kept at low level during storage No such specifications 6. Should be compulsorily certified / truthful labelled No such condition in grain production 7. Should never be converted into grain unless warranted Can be converted as seed provided the situation warrants 8. It should satisfy all the quality norms Not considered 9. Harvested at Physiological maturity Harvestable maturity 10. Comes under preview of seed acts Comes under preview of food acts Table Source: TNAU Difference between seed and grain production: Sl.No Seed production Grain production 1. Planned programme –start with demand forecasting ends with marketing well planning not required 2 Authenticated source is required to raise a seed crop Need not be 3 Specific land and field requirements Not so 4 Should be monitored for certification standards and certified by the Agency Not so 5 To be harvested at physiological maturity Harvestable maturity 6 Proper post harvest technology should be followed Not so Table Source : TNAU
www.iaritoppers.in Whatsapp : +91-9694095242 Page | 4 Types of seeds based on number of cotyledons: There are two types of seeds : A) Monocotyledonous seeds: These seeds contain embryo, endosperm and only one cotyledon. Endosperm provides food to embryo. Examples: Wheat, Bajra, Maize and Rice & Grasses. B) Dicotyledonous seeds: These seeds contain embryo, and two cotyledons. Here Cotyledons provide food to embryo. Examples: Mango, Gram, Pea, Pulses. Types of seeds based on light requirement: 1. Positive Photoblastic Seeds:  Require light at the time of germination. Example : Tobacco , lettuce 2. Negative Photoblastic seeds:  Germinate in absence of light (darkness). Example : Onion, Amaranthus 3. Non photoblastic seeds:  Those seeds which can germinate in light and dark or both.  Most of crops seeds are non photoblastic seed.  Red light is most effective in germination. Characteristics of good quality seed : 1. Higher genetically purity: Breeder/ Nucleus Seed - 100% Foundation Seed - 99.5 % Certified Seed - 99.0 %

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