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05. MORPHOLOGY OF FLOWERING PLANTS 1. Roots are feebly developed in (a) Hydrophytes (b) Mesophytes (c) Xerophytes (d) Halophytes 2. Nodulated roots occur in (a) Pea (b) Wheat (c) Mustard (d) Rice 3. Root cap takes part in (a) Formation of new cells (b) Absorption of water and minerals (c) Protection of root meristem (d) Storage of food 4. Conical fleshy roots occur in (a) Sweet potato (b) Dahlia (c) Asparagus (d) Carrot 5. Napiform roots are recorded from (a) Radish (b) Carrot (c) Beet (d) Sweet potato 6. Fusiform roots are found in (a) Solanum tuberosum (b) Calocasia (c) Daucus carota (d) Raphanus sativus 7. Primary root and its branches constitute (a) Adventitious root system (b) Tap root system (c) Fibrous roots (d) Seminal roots 8. Stilt roots are reported from (a) Pandanus (b) Radish (c) Mango-ginger (d) Bryophyllum 9. Assimilatory (Photosynthetic) roots a characteristic of (a) Trapa and Tinospora (b) Taeniophyllum and Podostemon (c) Both correct (d) None of these 10. Root bears (a) Nodes only (b) Internodes only (c) Both nodes and internodes (d) None of these 11. Root pockets act as balancers and found in (a) Hydrophytes (b) Free floating hydrophytes (c) Fixed floating hydrophytes (d) Submerged hydrophytes 12. The root that never does primary function is (a) Nodulated root of gram (b) Conical roots of carrot (c) Buttress roots of Ficus (d) Stilt root of maize 13. Monocot plants are characterised by the presence of (a) Tap roots (b) Fibrous roots

(b) An internode (c) An apical bud (d) An accessary bud 27. Free lateral stipules occur in (a) Mango / Mangifera (b) Maize / Zea (c) Rice / Oryza (d) China Rose / Hibiscus 28. A leaf is identified from (a) Flat green lamina (b) Presence of leaf blade and petiole (c) Presence of axillary bud (d) Occurrence of chlorophyll 29. Leaves fall off from branches in winter due to (a) Formation of abscission layer (b) Shortening of day length (c) Fall in temperature (d) All the above 30. Finely dissected leaves occur in (a) Free floating plants (b) Rooted floating leaved plants (c) Submerged plants (d) Emerged plants 31. In Tamarind (Imli) the pinnate leaf is (a) Tripinnate (b) Bipinnate (c) Paripinnate (d) Imparipinnate 32. Presence of sheathing leaf base and ligule are characteristic of (a) Cycas leaf (b) Fern leaf (c) Banana leaf (d) Grass leaf 33. Approximate diameter of Victoria leaf is (a) 1m (b) 1.3m (c) 2m (d) 3m 34. A dicotyledenous plant showing parallel venation is (a) Dioscorea (b) Smilax (c) Calophyllum (d) Hibiscus 35. Bipinnate leaves are characteristic of (a) Cruciferae (b) Solanaceae (c) Papilionoideae (d) Mimosoideae 36. In Lathyrus aphaca, the leaves are modified into (a) Spine (b) Tendril (c) Scale (d) Stem-like structure 37. Swollen lower end of leaf stalk is (a) Petiole (b) Pulvinus (c) Thalamus (d) Disc 38. In sweet pea, the tendrils are modified (a) Stem branches (b) Leaflets (c) Leaves (d) Stipules 39. Bud scales of Ficus are modified (a) Leaves (b) Stipules
(c) Stem (d) Prickles 40. The branch system of the shoot bearing a group of flowers is called as (a) Placentation (b) Venation (c) Inflorescence (d) Phyllotaxy 41. Inflorescence is collection of (a) Flowers (b) Carpels (c) Fruits (d) Seeds 42. Inflorescence is (a) Arrangement of flowers on peduncle (b) A system of branches bearing flowers (c) A branch bearing flowers in definite manner (d) All the above 43. The most important function of inflorescence is to help in (a) Forming large number of fruits (b) Attracting insects for cross pollination (c) Dispersal of seeds (d) Release of pollen grains 44. The most advanced type of inflorescence is (a) Corymb (b) Catkin (c) Spadix (d) Capitulum 45. Which is the same type of inflorescence (a) Raceme and Cyathuim (b) Corymb and Umbel (c) Hypanthodium and Catkin (d) Verticillaster and Spike 46. The flowers in the raceme/racemose are arranged (a) Acropetally (b) Basipetally (c) Centripetally (d) Centrifugally 47. A racemose inflorescence with sessile acropetal flowers is called (a) Spike (b) Corymb (c) Umbel (d) Raceme 48. Amentum (Catkin) inflorescence is found (a) Mulberry (Morus) (b) Poplulus (Poplar) (c) Acalypha (Cats tail) (d) All of these 49. Characteristic inflorescence of family compositae sunflower is (a) Capitulum (b) Cymose head (c) Catkin (d) Spadix 50. Capitulum is a modification of (a) Raceme (b) Spike (c) Spadix (d) Hypanthodium 51. The whorl of bracts present below the inflorescence of Helianthus (sunflower) is (a) Involucre (b) Involucel (c) Stipule (d) Bract 52. Large green coloured bract in spadix is known as

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