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Nội dung text Unit No. 3 Circular Motion Test By Sir Shahid S.C. (Google Drive).pdf

www.youtube.com/physicswithshahid CIRCULAR MOTION (UNIT-3) MDCAT Q.1 The angular speed of a flywheel making 480 revolutions/minute is (A) 2πrad s-1 (B) 4π 2 rad s-1 C) 4 π rad s-1 (D) 16π rad s-1 Q.2 If the linear velocity and angular velocity of a body in 10 m/s and 40 rad/sec. the body constitutes a mass of 2 kg. than centripetal force will be equal to (A) 20 N (B) 800N (C) 0.5 N (D) none Q.3 Wheel starts from rest and has an angular acceleration of 4.0 rad/s2 . When it has made 10 rev its angular velocity is: (A) 16 rad/s (B) 22 rad/s (C) 32 rad/s (D) 250 rad/s Q.4 A particle moves in a circular what is the ratio between its displacement and distances. (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 0 (D) 2πR Q.5 A car of mass 1000 kg is moving with a speed of 72 km/h in a circular track of radius 100 m. The centripetal force acting on it is (A) 4 N (B) 40N (C) 400N (D) 4000 N Q.6 The SI unit of angular displacement is (A) radian (B) revolution (C) degree (D) All of these Q.7 For a particle moving in uniform circular motion: (A) velocity is tangential and acceleration is radial (B) velocity is radial and acceleration is tangential (C) both velocity and acceleration are radial (D) both velocity and acceleration are tangential
www.youtube.com/physicswithshahid CIRCULAR MOTION (UNIT-3) MDCAT Q.8 A stone of mass 16 kg is attached to a string 144 m long and is whirled in a horizontal circle. The maximum tension the string can stand is 16 N. the maximum velocity of revolution that can be given to the stone without breaking the string is: (A) 20ms-1 (B) 16ms-1 (C) 14ms-1 (D) 12ms-1 Q.9 A cyclist turns around a curve at 15 miles/hour. If he turns at double the speed, the radial force will become (A) doubled. (B) quadrupled. (C) halved. (D) unchanged Q.10 Work done by centripetal force is (A) minimum (B) maximum (C) zero (D) negative Q.11 Angle between radius vector and centripetal force is (A) 0o (B) 90o (C) 180o (D) 270o Q.12 The point on the rim of a wheel moves 0.3 m when wheel turns through an angle of 30°. The radius of wheel is (A) 1.8 m π (B) π m 1.8 (C) 0.01 m (D) 0.1 m Q.13 A disc is rotated from rest about a vertical axis with an angular acceleration of 3.0 rad s–2 . The angular displacement of the line OP after 2.0 seconds is (A) 12.0 rad (B) 6.0 rad (C) 4.0 rad (D) 3.0 rad O P
www.youtube.com/physicswithshahid CIRCULAR MOTION (UNIT-3) MDCAT Q.14 A car rounds a 20 m radius curve at 10 m/s. the magnitude of its acceleration is (A) 0 m/s2 (B) 0.20 m/s2 (C) 5 m/s2 (D) 40 m/s2 Q.15 1 radian is equal to (A) 57.3 degree (B) (1/2pi) rev (C) 53.7 degree (D) both A and B Q.16 A particle is acted upon a force of constant magnitude which is always perpendicular to the velocity of the particle. The motion of the particle takes place in a plane. It follows that: (A) its kinetic energy is constant (B) its acceleration is constant (C) its velocity is constant (D) it moves in a straight line Q.17 A particle moves in a circle of radius 0.25 m at two revolutions per second. The acceleration of the particle in metre per second2 is (A) π 2 (B) 8π 2 (C) 4π 2 (D) 2π 2 Q.18 The length of the second hand of a watch is 1 cm. The velocity vector of the tip of the second hand in cm per second is: (A) 2π (B) 2π 60 (C) 2π 12×60 (D) 2π 24×60 Q.19 A mass of 2 kg is whirled in a horizontal circle by means of a string at an initial speed of 5 rpm. Keeping the radius constant, the tension in the string is doubled. The new speed is nearly (A) 14 rpm (B) 10 rpm (C) 20 rpm (D) 7 rpm Q.20 A stone of mass m tied to a string of length l is rotated in a circle with the other end of the string as the centre. The speed of the stone is v. If the string breaks, the stone will move: (A) towards the centre (B) away from the centre (C) along a tangent (D) will stop Q.21 A stone is whirled in vertical plane. The stone has: (A) radial acceleration only (B) tangential acceleration only (C) both radial and tangential accelerations (D) neither radial nor tangential acceleration
www.youtube.com/physicswithshahid CIRCULAR MOTION (UNIT-3) MDCAT Q.22 A point on the rim of a wheel 4 m in diameter has a velocity of 1600 cms-1 . The angular velocity of the wheel is: (A) 2 rads-1 (B) 4 rads-1 (C) 6 rads-1 (D) 8 rads-1 Q.23 What is the acceleration of a point on the rim of a fly wheel 1 m in diameter if it makes 1200 revolutions per minute? (A) 8 π 2ms −2 (B) 80 π 2ms −2 (C) 800 π 2ms −2 (D) None Q.24 A stone tied to the end of 20 cm long string is whirled in a horizontal circle. If the centripetal acceleration is 9.8 ms-2 , its angular speed in radian/s is: (A) 22/7 (B) 7 (C) 14 (D) 20 Q.25 The radius of the path of a body in uniform circular motion is doubled. The centripetal force needed, if its speed remains the same, is: (A) half as great as before (B) same as before (C) twice as great as before (D) four times as great as before Q.26 A fighter aircraft is moving in a vertical plane. The minimum velocity at the highest point is (r = radius of circle) (A) √ 1 2 gr (B) √2gr (C) √gr (D) √3gr Q.27 A mass of 2 kg is tied to a string 5 m long and is rotated at a constant speed of 30 ms-1 in a vertical circle. The ratio of the tensions at the top and the bottom is (g=10 ms-2 ) (A) 1:2 (B) 13:15 (C) 16:17 (D) 17:19 Q.28 A body of mass 2 kg revolves around a circular path of radius 5 m. if it makes 10 revolutions per second, its centripetal acceleration is: (A) 3000 π 2ms −2 (B) 2000 π 2ms −2 (C) 4000 π 2ms −2 (D) 5000 π 2ms −2 Q.29 A wheel is at rest. Its angular velocity increases uniformly and becomes 60 rads-1 after 5 s. the total angular displacement is: (A) 600 rad (B) 75 rad (C) 300 rad (D) 150 rad Q.30 The ratio of angular speeds of seconds hand and hour hand of a watch is (A) 1 : 720 (B) 1 : 60 (C) 60 : 1 D) 720 : 1

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