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Nội dung text DAY-19-SOCIAL-MEDIA-ielts-nguyenhuyen.pdf

SOCIAL MEDIA Social media use can lead to low quality sleep and harm mental health. It has associations with depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Social media may trigger feelings of inadequacy. People may feel as though their life or appearance does not compare favorably with that of others on social media, leading to feelings of envy and dissatisfaction. Additionally, social media can facilitate cyberbullying and create unhealthy self- centeredness and distance from friends and family. Despite its drawbacks, social media remains an efficient means of connecting communities and individuals across the world. Social media-based networking among small groups of people is beneficial for many. Through social media, youngsters who struggle with social skills and anxiety can express themselves and socialize. It can be particularly advantageous for marginalized groups, such as LGBTQIA+ communities, as it enables people to meet and interact with other like-minded individuals. o to have associations with ... = to be linked to ...: có liên quan tới ... o to trigger ... /ˈtrɪɡər/ (v) = to cause a strong emotional reaction of fear, shock, anger, or worry in someone: gây ra ... o as though = in a way that suggests something: cứ như là o feelings of envy and dissatisfaction: cảm giác ghen tị và không hài lòng o to facilitate ... /fəˈsɪlɪteɪt/ (v) = to make an action or a process possible or easier: tạo điều kiện cho ... o a means of ... = a way of ...: 1 cách thức để làm gì o social skills = the skills that are necessary in order to communicate and interact with others: các kỹ năng xã hội o marginalized groups = groups and communities that experience discrimination and exclusion (social, political and economic) because of unequal power relationships across economic, political, social and cultural dimensions: các nhóm yếu thế o to interact with somebody = to communicate with somebody: tương tác với ai đó o like-minded individuals = people who share similar opinions or preferences: những cá nhân có cùng chí hướng Source: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/social-media-and-mental-health SYNONYMS o to be beneficial for ... » to be advantageous for ...

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