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Nội dung text Class 7 Olympiad Neet Biology-1 Our Food _ Its Components.docx

OUR FOOD AND ITS COMPONENTS CDF-1 1. The process of taking food to carry out different functions of the body needed for the survival of the organism is called nutrition. 2. The substances that provide energy to living organisms are called nutrients. Eg: Proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Vitamins, and Minerals. 3. Nutrients are useful for growth, repair, maintenance, and excreting of the waste material from the body. 4. Poor health is due to the imbalance of nutrients, either a deficiency or excess in the body. 5. Mode of nutrition can be classified into autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition based on the method of obtaining food. 6. Nutrients are classified into two types: a) Macronutrients b) Micronutrients 7. Macronutrients are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are the main nutrients. 8. Micronutrients are minerals and vitamins are required in small amounts. 9. Classification of food: Based on the role played in the body, food is classified into three major groups namely, energy-giving, body-building or growth-promoting, and protective. 10. Energy-giving food a) It provides energy and includes carbohydrate-rich food and fat-rich food. Carbohydrate rich food include potatoes, sugar, honey, jaggery and cereals. b) Fat-rich food includes oil, cheese, butter and nuts. 11. Body-building food a) It provides material needed for growth of the body and the repair of damaged or worn-out tissues. b) Food rich in proteins is also body-building or growth-promoting food. Body building food includes milk, cheese, eggs, meat and pulses. 12. Protective food a) Protective food protects us from infections and diseases. Food rich in vitamins and minerals includes fruits, vegetables, milk and eggs are protective foods. 13. Eating of food that lack one or more nutrients in required amount is called malnutrition. 14. Malnutrition is classified into three types a) Protein malnutrition b) Calorie malnutrition c) Protein calorie malnutrition
15. Diseases caused due to malnutrition are Kwashiorkor, Marasmus and Obesity. SYNOPSIS-1 OUR FOOD AND ITS COMPONENTS 1. The process of taking food to carry out different functions of the body needed for the survival of the organism is called nutrition. 2. The substances that provide energy to living organisms are called nutrients. Eg: Proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Vitamins, and Minerals. 3. The nutrients are useful for growth, repair, maintenance, and excretion of the waste material from the body. 4. Nutrition is important on a daily basis to build and maintain healthy body function. 5. Poor health is due to the imbalance of nutrients, either a deficiency or excess in the body. 6. Enzymes are the biocatalysts which help in the breaking down of complex substances into simpler ones. 7. Mode of nutrition can be classified into autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition based on the method of obtaining food. 8. Autotrophic organisms prepare their own food through the process of photosynthesis. Eg: Plants. 9. Heterotrophic organisms depend on autotrophic organisms for food. Eg: human beings. 10. Nutrients are classified into two types: a. Macronutrients b. Micronutrients
11. Macronutrients are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are are required in large amounts. 12. Micronutrients are minerals and vitamins are required in small amounts. 13. Classification of food: Based on the role played in the body, food is classified into three major groups namely, energy-giving, body-building or growth-promoting, and protective. 14. Energy-giving food a. It provides energy and includes carbohydrate-rich food and fat-rich food. Carbohydrate rich food include potatoes, sugar, honey, jaggery and cereals. b. Fat-rich food includes oil, cheese, butter and nuts. 15. Body-building food a. It provides material needed for growth of the body and the repair of damaged or worn-out tissues. b. Food rich in proteins is also body-building or growth-promoting food. Body building food includes milk, cheese, eggs, meat and pulses. 16. Protective food a. Protective food protects us from infections and diseases. Food rich in vitamins and minerals includes fruits, vegetables, milk and eggs are protective foods. 17. Diseases due to malnutrition 18. Our diet should contain proper amount of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, mineral salts and fats. 19. Two third of world population is affected by food related diseases. This is due to lack of proper essential diet every day. 20. Eating of food that lack one or more nutrients in required amount is called malnutrition.
21. Reasons for malnutrition are poor health, will full starvation, lack of awareness of nutritional habits, socio-economic factors. 22. Malnutrition is classified into three types a. Protein malnutrition b. Calorie malnutrition c. Protein calorie malnutrition Kwashiorkor disease: Due to protein deficiency in diet. Very poor muscle development, swollen legs, fluffy face difficult to eat, diarrhoea, dry skin are the symptoms of this disease. 24. Marasmus: Due to deficiency of both proteins and calories. Lean and weak, less developed muscles, dry skin, diarrhoea, are the symptoms of this disease. 25. Obesity: Due to over eating and excess of calories intake. Obese children will be target of many diseases like diabetes, cardio vascular, renal, gall bladder problems. WORKSHEET-1 1. The substances that gives energy to living organisms are called ____________. 1) Compounds 2) Nutrients 3) Ions 4) Elements 2. Nutrients helps in 1) Maintenance 2) Repair 3) Growth 4) All the above 3. Nutrients are classified into two types: 1) Macronutrients 2) Micronutrients 3) Both Macronutrients & Micronutrients 4) Nutrition 4. Examples of macronutrients: 1) Carbohydrates 2) Proteins 3) Fats 4) All the above 5. ____________ are biocatalyst helps in the breakdown of complex substance into simple molecules. 1) Enzymes 2) Carbohydrates 3) Fats 4) Hormones 6 Example of micronutrients: 1) Vitamins 2) Minerals 3) Both Vitamins & Minerals 4) Proteins

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